DQuaNNo, never.
It just reminds me of that old footage of guys builing massive scrapers in the 50's, walking around with no harnasses on, sitting with their legs dangling whilest eating their sandwiches.
I would have thought they would have some, but couldn't see any.
How high up in the pecking order are you at the construction site? If he were to fall, would you get in big trouble?
Der AltaBecause these beams did not need to be treated for fire resistance, they were painted to seal them from rusting.
I heard (or read) somewhere they used to hire Indians (Native Americans) to do that because they had great balance and no fear of heights etc.cardude2004Yeah, you see old movie clips of workers building the Empire State building and they sit there feet above the ground and swing their feet while eating there lunch on a steel beam. ...