Matterhorn 90 - LancerEvo7 beats rain and GT500s to become the winner! (nascarfan1400 takes 2nd)Finished 

Just signed up again :lol: NASCAR was a bust and GT300 was full, so I'm now in GT500, the GTR is base model, right?
@rallymorten I am so sorry, the time for me to get my pot off is 3.30, so it may be very tight for me getting there, I will be racing:) just tell you I could be a little late 👍
I don't think giving 10 minutes or so would be a problem, but anything above 20 minutes is unlikely :)

Join the room, folks. Last chance for some official practice!
Yeah, it should only be 5-10 minutes:)
I'll send you an FR tonight:)
Edit: will the room start at about 4 pm? 30 minutes before qualifying?
Room will be up at 4 PM GMT at latest :)

Practice session was red flagged, due to time as well as weather. It had been at a 100% wet for what, 15 minutes?
It's like this:

The race starts at 19:00 GMT +2, right? I have an award ceremony I have to attend, which starts at 17:00 but I don't know precisely when it ends... :( I think it ends at around 18:00 but I can't confirm that, may be longer.
What is the next opening time slot for the GT500 class?
because, i could not make it on the 8:00 slot.
Edit to previous post

Sorry, I am unable to race the Matterhorn 90, due to the time, which is at 1:00 AM and, my PS3 unable to connect. :(
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Opening the room for the race. If you're not already on my friends list, send me a FR (if I don't beat you to it :D ). It will be necessary, as it's a "Friends Only" room, to avoid randomers 👍
:lol well, if it works out for you that way.. :)

I should notify you all that if we run out of time (the 90 race minutes pass before the last lap is completed. Lap count will be determined by the fastest lap pre-qualifying + 3 laps as backup), the last laps will be driven behind the Safety Car. This is to at least give some kind of prize, though I will write down the winners and contact them again if it's made possible to award prizes
So how many confirmed and not cancelled entries do we have now in each class? I hope I don't have to run in gt500 alone :D

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