Mazda Monday: RX7 - 550pp N3 - Stock tuning - Suzuka - xx.03 / :23 / :43

  • Thread starter mr_VOLCANO

What car/track combo do you want to be the new "mazda" monday?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I don't know what I was thinking :dunce: comming into that hairpin. Oh well I gave it away Prudent Bear.
Did a pb of 18.005 anyway, so not a total disapointment. :)
I seem too have problems with connecting too GT online:( Thanks for now have fun:tup:
Autoaki, it was a question, not changed it yet, ... not met gt5net either.
Hey Russ, nice driving - I was giving it everything I had and just couldn't make any progress into that 3 second lead you had. These one make races make it so hard to close a gap against a good driver!
I seem too have problems with connecting too GT online:( Thanks for now have fun:tup:
Autoaki, it was a question, not changed it yet, ... not met gt5net either.

ok... I got it wrong way. I have nothing against those GT5net-guys... better them than average outsiders.

Edit: Yep... there is question mark after it... missed that... and second race in a row. Fifth beer. Next I propably miss my PS3. :dunce:
Nice race Aki, thanks for waiting. :)

You really got this combo in your hand. 👍

Had no chance to try pass before that small mistake.

Edit: FAK... sorry that I turned to be 'human-missile' in the last lap at Casio... two tyres were on the grass, I think, when I started braking. I'm so glad that I didn't hit you. It's amazing how fast you can loose all control when that happens. :lol:

Edit2: ...and exactly same story again. I must go to sleep. That bloody curve is getting harder and harder to me I see. :ouch: Thanks to everybody! 👍
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Hehe, I really missed this one today. :crazy: Got back home way later than I thought I would. Oh well, good it wasn't any other car, that I haven't raced in before. Good to see you got some nice action here again. :) 👍:
You got my first race with the pad! Looks even worst seen from the outside :ouch: almost took you out when I stepped on the grass into Degner... 👎

(hides and cries in shame)

Edit: Apart from that, great stuff!
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hey sorry for not being there last night guys,i've been bizzy working on AWD cars at the moment :indiff: but i'll be at the next one. and i'll take a look at the videos what aki done last night 👍
You got my first race with the pad! Looks even worst seen from the outside :ouch: almost took you out when I stepped on the grass into Degner... 👎

(hides and cries in shame)

Hah... no any reason to cry or shame! :lol: I really respect all you who can drive with pads. I cant even imagine to being competitive with controller.

...and talking about grass. I stopped my racing-night yesterday when I two races in a row started braking with two tyres on grass before Casio. That never end up to good things. I've been wondering several years, why I need to take line so near from grass, that it always sometimes leads to disaster results. :confused: It propably dont even make my laptimes any better.

Great videos aki! As always:) Like your driving style, good lines and good control:tup:

Thanks... from you, that gives me hope a lot!

Talking about driving-style, I think these cockpit-view videos, littlebit makes it look more relaxed than it actually is. I dont remember much about races when they are finished cause I'm so consentrated, but I very often, when I edit these videos, am wondering "where is all correcting-moves, and hectic moments?" I have flashbacks about terrific situations, and cabin full of hands, but they are not in those cockpit-videos...?

Maybe all the biggest feels only happens in our heads, or PD's cockpit-drivers moves, are so slow that we cant see some small and quick wheel movements at all. I dont know. I think I do have littlebit peaceful driving-style than most of others, cause I'm driving in a small apartment with sleeping family ...but when I watch those videos by myself, I see lot of possibilities to improve my laptimes cause I'm driving too 'carefully', and when I'm driving I really dont feel that way anymore. :lol: Strange...

Bare with me if you have the time... my left hand is sore from last night 6 hour marathon with the wheel, so instead of driving I'm going to type :P

There are 2 general ideas you (and anyone who decides to read this till the end) need to keep in mind:
a) "Consistently fast"
b) "Mind blowing fast"

If you want to drive good, clean and fun races, even winning a few, you need to be a) "Consistently fast"

Example: I once saw a pilot (Stirling Moss I think...) talking about a time he came across Fangio on a road in their way to a race. In those days competition went beyond the race track as today, have no doubt. So when he saw a car driving fast on the horizon, he had to catch up and pass him. And so he did. When he went past he saw it was JM Fangio, driving with a smile and one arm on the window. This motivated him even further and he drove some hundred kms to the track very fast, to arrive early and show (to himself at least) he got there much faster than Fangio. When he arrived he was pretty sweaty and his passengers impressed and "green" with the speed and adrenaline of the ride.

Less than a minute later they saw a car arriving at high speed and it was Fangio. Still smiling, looking cool and relaxed as his passenger, still one arm on the window...

So this is how you (you and anyone smooth and fast in general) look like to me when I see you doing 1.19 laps and don't make a single mistake. It looks so smooth and easy from the outside. That is consistently fast and wins races/championships, while others crash, or loose in one corner what they gained in 2 laps.

Why? Because they are trying to be b) "Mind blowing fast" all the time. You can generally be a second a lap faster than your usual average racing lap. It's like the "canon" laps Senna used to do in qualifying. Being able to do this allows you to get poles, and if used in short bursts, to overtake other fast drivers during a race. But nobody can be mind blowing fast for 5/10/50 laps. The level of concentration needed will make you crack. Either mentally with fear of making a mistake (and making it by slowing...) or over confidence (and over-driving into a ditch), or physically (you sweat, get tired, sore or cramp).

So the perfect driver will know when to be cool and consistent, and when to use his skills to the limit. This was what I liked about Senna. He was the closest to this perfection I ever saw.

Now I can't do either, not at the moment. I haven't got enough time to practice. To get those laps clean and consistently fast, to earn experience and control the excitement, the rush... So I sometimes make a fool of myself trying to be "Mind blowing fast" in every corner.

Anyone with driving skills can be Mind Blowing Fast for half a lap. It takes work to be Consistently Fast, and a whole lot more to be both, at the right time.

So what I mean is keep it like that. The driving, the custom events and the videos! You (and many more in this forum) are on the right track, and that room for improvement will always exist. There is no perfect time or lap, and records were made to be broken.

Our OLR and our commitment to respect each other on track are also a very big part of removing the "quick rush" from racers, and make them grow up and evolve to very fast gentleman-drivers. Even if it's only virtual racing 👍

Sorry for the long speech, and thanks for reading.
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That was very nice to read, hornet_burnout.

Can't disagree with any of that. :) 👍👍👍

There was wise thoughts Burnout.

I have been thinking that same 'consinstently fast' and 'mind blowing fast' -issue a lot in a past year.
Good writing there burnout 👍

I was thinking of setting up a car poll for next race, but maybe bit late? (again) Maybe Im not right person to organize this...

Could all who want to race monday, write down 3 car/tire combos that you want to be new weekly event??
Good writing there burnout 👍

I was thinking of setting up a car poll for next race, but maybe bit late? (again) Maybe Im not right person to organize this...

Could all who want to race monday, write down 3 car/tire combos that you want to be new weekly event??

I do like it like now, very much, but maybe it would be good to try some other combinations too, that people wont loose their interest.

I had some days ago idea about WRS-Wednesday... same 22.03 GMT etc, like mr_Volcanos great event, but car would be everytime same than WRS-timetrial is using in that week.

That would give us easy way to 'decide' different car every week, and it would be useful to get used to that car, if youre participating to Weekly series too. No more problems to figuring out what car makes everybody happy, and more interest to testing for WRS-TT. :lol:

My suggestions to Mondays trackmeet: (Suzuka RWD-only)

F40 / S-tyres
F512 / S-tyres
BMW M3 / S-tyres
Nice idea Aki about the WRS-wednesday. :)

Anything rwd for the car is absolutely fine by me. Those that Aki listed are nice, and to add one, BMW Z4 or 1 series would be nice too.

:) 👍

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