I really like all the different ways in which you've captured the AMG VGT. Toning and lighting are amazing. 👍
Some real stunners in the 2 latest sets. The 1st and last Merc VGT, 2nd and 4th Veneno and that S1 shot are faves. Top quality as usual.
Pictures #6 and #9 look stunning. 👍
Great potential I see! Much power, such awesomeness, very like:tup:
Interesting color palettes you got here. Absolutely love shots #2 and 6. Love the mood in those.
Add me in game bro so I can get your link and like and re post my favourites
Check out my liveries and photos #aezeus for a link to the gallery, Like and repost to share it with others, leave a comment and I'll return the time and appreciation for GT Art because as some or maybe most of us know, it takes a long time sometimes
I hate this Lambo. For me it’s not a Lambo any more - looks more like old Japanese tunes cars where they put massive wings and front spoilers.
But your shots are great.
Your shots are always great.
Like the feeling of speed in Audi shot and Lexus.
Great work
Well done
This is outstanding work!
Did you touch up the paint, or is this all pure graphics powered by GT Sport?
This image takes me back to the old GT4 days where I spent countless hours reworking pixelated cars.
Absolutely gorgeous work!![]()
All I can say !!
Quality shots As always
Pure art. Your style has never looked better!
They're all pretty nice, but the Rex shot has a little something more to me.
Not sure what it is, but it feels quite dynamic and a bit raw. Could be the combination of angle, speed and slight overexposure giving that feel. Either way, liking it. 👍
I really love the sense of speed on this set. Great work. And that McLaren again![]()
The negative space in that 6th shot really compliments the car quite well. Very well done.
The last three sets of photos look amazing. 👍
Wonderful lightning in shots #4, #5 and #6It's always nice to see such a diverse array of shots together.