McLaren and other ungifted paintchips

  • Thread starter Ramanujan
Don't send it to him, I just did :lol: .....stand by for update, just sent some things out.


Sent to Montescende
Red/Black colorshift
Takata Green

Sent to slayer241991
Fire Black
Chameleon Purple

My updated "wanted" list.

All chips to be sent to my main, cargorat323

(P) Hidden unnamed blue/pink pearl

(P) Hidden unnamed orange gold

(P) Hidden unnamed orange white paintchip is light orange

EDIT: Whats going on? I could have sworn there was a post from slayer241991 between my two posts. Am I going nuts or what? Don't answer that. :lol:
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He didn't accept my FR yet, so I will just forward the two you sent me when he does. Thanks again!
In Need of ........
Grabber Green Metallic
Grabber Lime
Grabber Yellow
Chameleon Purple
Dark Green Metallic

Let me know who to send an FR to
Paint has been sent. 👍

MisterEads and Jvale, don't forget to FR me and send me the list of 5 colors you like.
Received @HiddenPaintShop 👍
and forwarded to these below.

-GRANKUSTOM ((P) Hidden NN orange gold)->playnthru
-GRANKUSTOM ((P) Hidden NN orange white)->playnthru
-GRANKUSTOM (Aurora)->ch1potle
-GRANKUSTOM (Aurora)->outeke
-GRANKUSTOM (Aurora)->driftinziggy

The color in question,......
I tested it and it is very fun, it changes every action done with the car.
I liked the result when they painted the wheels.
amazing "ColorShiftSurprise".:lol:

Received @HiddenPaintShop 👍
and forwarded to these below.

-GRANKUSTOM ((P) Hidden NN orange gold)->playnthru
-GRANKUSTOM ((P) Hidden NN orange white)->playnthru

-GRANKUSTOM (Aurora)->ch1potle
-GRANKUSTOM (Aurora)->outeke
-GRANKUSTOM (Aurora)->driftinziggy

The color in question,......
I tested it and it is very fun, it changes every action done with the car.
I liked the result when they painted the wheels.
amazing "ColorShiftSurprise".:lol:


Nice my friend, very nice!! 👍 👍 :bowdown: :bowdown:
Received @HiddenPaintShop 👍
and forwarded to these below.

-GRANKUSTOM ((P) Hidden NN orange gold)->playnthru
-GRANKUSTOM ((P) Hidden NN orange white)->playnthru

Already received the two paints from playnthru. 👍

Both paints are forwarded to yr41graham + Pearl White that I still owed you. :)
AAA-Ticket owns now:

(P)RedBlack Paintchip without a name, this is a black red pearl. More fluent than the one above. Paintchip is red flowing into black. (cargorat)
(M) Honda Takata Dome NSX '06 green paintchip is green flowing to white (cargorat)
5727CC (old stock from JK83, playnthru, Outeke, NT1138, GRANKUSTOM or....)
if playthru can not cover they for you.
my next reset they will be in your inbox.
and they are very beautiful. :drool:


Hey mate,

If we pull it off like last would be totally fine by me :D

Cheers :cheers:
-GRANKUSTOM ((P) Hidden NN orange gold)->playnthru
-GRANKUSTOM ((P) Hidden NN orange white)->playnthru

Sent to ANNIHILIATOR90 👍 and Outje1067

Aurora 5727cc sent to Cargorat323👍
-GRANKUSTOM ((P) Hidden NN orange gold)->playnthru
-GRANKUSTOM ((P) Hidden NN orange white)->playnthru

Sent to ANNIHILIATOR90 👍 and Outje1067

Aurora 5727cc sent to Cargorat323👍

Thanks Play, appreciate the paint.

My condensed, updated wanted list.

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AAA-Ticket owns now:

(P)RedBlack Paintchip without a name, this is a black red pearl. More fluent than the one above. Paintchip is red flowing into black. (cargorat)
(M) Honda Takata Dome NSX '06 green paintchip is green flowing to white (cargorat)
5727CC (old stock from JK83, playnthru, Outeke, NT1138, GRANKUSTOM or....)

Could you let me know which 5 to send after reset of 12-6?
I couldn't send a pm.