McLaren and other ungifted paintchips

  • Thread starter Ramanujan
Thanksd my friend....if I may, can you please resend them as I lost them in the process of save/sending due to data corruption. Fortunately I had my USB back up so will check tonight to make sure it loaded ok.

Of course, Will send later.
Hey everybody

I have 5 slots available to send.
so if anyone want some ink that is available in the OP. just ask.

*Atention I have half an hour before the reset.

- GRANKUSTOM ((Mt) Default color) -> playnthru
- GRANKUSTOM ((Mt) Default color) -> driftinziggy (driftinziggy2)
- GRANKUSTOM ((Mt) Default color) -> Monatsende (AAA-Ticket)
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Hey Raman, if you don't mind I'll go ahead and have you put me on the list for the Takata paint please.
Paint has been sent 👍

Hey Raman, if you don't mind I'll go ahead and have you put me on the list for the Takata paint please.

I'll put you on for one. But i'll will also send some new ones out soon.
Op will be updated soon.





Long time since I've been in the marketplace . Im interested in the superblack paintchip which is also known as Default? Is that right?
Anyoway, if anyone possess a couple of these, let me know what you require. Much appreciated.
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Paint has been sent 👍

I'll put you on for one. But i'll will also send some new ones out soon.
Op will be updated soon.






I see you found some of the same few that I have found. Problem is, I only have the codes and no chip. I don't know how to make paint chips either so when you decide to let these loose, I'll take them also. I have found some pretty cool other colors aswell, even think I stumbled upon the RUF colors. I have all codes for all the NN chips, I just have to paint cars with them to see what they are. Kinda like unwrapping presents on Christmas morning. :lol:
Thank you so much for the paint chips!! Any chance I can get on a train for those new Lambo chips??
Long time since I've been in the marketplace . Im interested in the superblack paintchip which is also known as Default? And Red-Black also.
Anyway, if anyone possess a couple of these, let me know what you require. Much appreciated.


Sorry my friend.

If we're still connected on my send-dump, I'll pass some on when I fire my machine up :)

Edit: reading your original post, I can only send you 1 each, as I only have one each :D
Thank you Mr Orange, I don't think I added you back after I got my new PS3.

Let me see if I still remember.. Outjwe1067?
Thank you Mr Orange, I don't think I added you back after I got my new PS3.

Let me see if I still remember.. Outjwe1067?

Ha! You have a good memory my friend.
Yes, without the w is tha place to go for goodies ;-)

Cheers :cheers:

Edit: I've send a bunch of chips, but it is HARD to figure out which is which....
How does everybody else keep track of them??
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Long time since I've been in the marketplace . Im interested in the superblack paintchip which is also known as Default? Is that right?
Anyoway, if anyone possess a couple of these, let me know what you require. Much appreciated.


Sorry my friend..I don't have you added currently myself. I'll send a FR when I log in later today.

Do you need anything besides the Default color?
Edit: I've send a bunch of chips, but it is HARD to figure out which is which....
How does everybody else keep track of them??

In the OP i listed chips with different manufacturers, and you can look at the color of the paintchip. Also the category of the chips helps.

The manufacturers used are:

Gran Turismo

Or the brand the chips are from:


The category's are:

Ha! You have a good memory my friend.
Yes, without the w is tha place to go for goodies ;-)

Cheers :cheers:

Edit: I've send a bunch of chips, but it is HARD to figure out which is which....
How does everybody else keep track of them??

Thank you Mr Orange! :)

Sorry my friend..I don't have you added currently myself. I'll send a FR when I log in later today.

Do you need anything besides the Default color?

I'm a fan of the default colour myself, that's all I really want.

In the OP i listed chips with different manufacturers, and you can look at the color of the paintchip. Also the category of the chips helps.


Hey mate,

Thanks for the heads up! I've seen "Hidden" as a brand, but there was no chip under it. Maybe I already sent it to O.G. before I looked in it....
I'll do a check when I fire up the machine tomorrow!

Thank you, :cheers:


Thank you Mr Orange! :)

I'm a fan of the default colour myself, that's all I really want.


Your welcome mate. I'm not sure if I've sent the Default Color I couldn't really figure the chips out (mashes head against the wall)

I can send you more tomorrow, I'm convinced I will find the right chip haha

Cheers :cheers:
Default color actually has the paint name "default color" and is listed under the brand GranTurismo. The paintchip is white.
Paint has been sent. 👍

I will get some new colors to send to the usual suspects. Thinking about the other kart colors.
Hey, my friends

Sorry, i have stopped shipments in the last days,
I could not connect (PS3, LAPTOP) had a health problem. :ill:

but, I will update my shipping commitments.

when I finish this such update :odd:

-GRANKUSTOM ((Mt) VW NN sand paintchip)->playnthru *Sent*
-GRANKUSTOM ((Mt) VW NN grey paintchip)->playnthru *Sent*
-GRANKUSTOM ((Mt) VW NN black paintchip)->playnthru *Sent*
-GRANKUSTOM ((P) BlueBlack NN brightblue paintchip)->playnthru *Sent*
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Looking to collect these new ones now.

(Mt) VW NN sand color chip
(Mt) VW NN grey color chip
(Mt) VW NN black color chip

I have also found some cool colors on my own but only have the codes for them. If you want me to send you the codes Ram, maybe you can make chips out of them. I'll post pics later of what I found.