MCRC *Kei Car Track Day @ Toscana* -Complete- *results posted!*

Indeed. I suggest in the future that races be run from the lounges of people who are online, so issues like this can be taken care of. The frustrating part of this was having no way to contact the one person who could give me access to the race.
Really sorry to all who couldn't race..we have belatedly sorted this out. You should all have had your friend requests accepted. The MCRC account will now be checked regularly for FR's.

I was stand in host tonight & with hindsight should have moved the event to my lounge.

Hope to see you at future MCRC events.
It worked out alright for me. I ended up finding a really good shuffle room and had a lot of fun. Hope to race with you guys soon enough! 👍
Sorry about the confusion, :guilty: :guilty: the lounge is new & being in the process of sorting out :ouch:, mike & jackargent both now have the login to accept FRs, so we should be covered full-week.
I was late to the party myself because of family.

Will be sorted in future in advance. :scared:

jackargent are you going to post the results?
(I don't actually have them at least not the ones I missed :( )
jackargent are you going to post the results?
(I don't actually have them at least not the ones I missed :( )

Oh yeah...I'd better do the'll need to wait until tomorrow though.

I can reveal that first place was a tie between CC570 & gazelle68 with 2 wins each.
Congrats to cc570 & gazelle68
They were out of my league in that copen!!! I can't even dream of how they were going so fast in this car.

That said, I really like kei cars on this track. It's very fun. Thanks cc570 for making a track so well suited to low power cars. :) :)

It worked out alright for me. I ended up finding a really good shuffle room and had a lot of fun. Hope to race with you guys soon enough! 👍

That's a good find!! If you want PM me, and I'll let you know some people who are often in good shuffle lobbies. 👍

Otherwise, you might be interested in these shuffle-esque events...
MCRC Luxury Mixer!
VCRC Vintage Mixer!
They're based on a shuffle principle, but done manually.
Sunday Results

Race #1
  1. gazelle68 / gazelle68
  2. cc570 / cc570
  3. dmihaylov / mitaches
  4. jackargent / jackargent
Race #2
  1. cc570 / cc570
  2. gazelle68 / gazelle68
  3. jackargent / jackargent
  4. dmihaylov / mitaches
Race #3
  1. gazelle68 / gazelle68
  2. cc570 / cc570
  3. jackargent / jackargent
  4. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n
Race #4
  1. cc570 / cc570
  2. gazelle68 / gazelle68
  3. jackargent / jackargent
  4. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n
I have no clue sorry!! I just know I was OFF pace. And cc570 & gazelle68 made these cars go faster than I might've thought possible!!! :lol:
Sunday Photomodes












I'm not yet in a very good shape and still rather tired, but it will go.

Does anyone have an idea of the laptimes needed to be in the pace?

I cant remember off hand but i did save a replay from both events so will do my best to give you a time tonight.

@watermelon and jackargent thanks for an enjoyable evening and some nice photos

@cc570 nice track mate...i will need to send a fr so i can download it for use again. and thanks for the good fair and close racing 👍
@cc570 nice track mate...i will need to send a fr so i can download it for use again. and thanks for the good fair and close racing 👍

Oh I definitely plan to find more cars to stick on this track. 👍 :D :D
I really like it.
I went to the supermarket this afternoon and parked my car next to a ... Wagon RR. I looked at it and thought: Am I really gonna race this car this evening? :nervous:
I thought I was missing an un-modded Wagon RR, and I have a stock one.

It's raining so I'll pitch up for this.
i have many people as friends o the PS3, but unfortuantly cant join, cant use watermelon's lounge and MCRC has not accepted my friend request, and the orange dot on the coffee mug has not appeared!
What shall I do?
I dont want to miss more races!!! :(
Sorry about that geeky30. Glad you finally made it.
I see now that some of the confusion here has come in because the PSN is : MCRC_Lounge
(presumably mcrc was taken when mike created the lounge acct).

So now jackargent and mike 5924 will both be logging in to accept friend requests.
And soon jackargent & cc570 will also have the VCRC lounge acct login, and we should be squared away to make sure everyone gets friended quickly.

Also, there seems to be the mistaken idea that one can enter someone else's lounge through the yellow people icon on their friend's community tab icon.
This is only the case if your friend is in a public lobby, or a lounge belonging to a friend of yours.

In other words, if geeky30 & I are friends. But jackargent & geeky30 are not friends... Then jackargent can't join me in geeky30's lounge. Indeed, he won't even know that I'm in geeky30's lounge.
Sorry about that geeky30. Glad you finally made it.
I see now that some of the confusion here has come in because the PSN is : MCRC_Lounge
(presumably mcrc was taken when mike created the lounge acct).

So now jackargent and mike 5924 will both be logging in to accept friend requests.
And soon jackargent & cc570 will also have the VCRC lounge acct login, and we should be squared away to make sure everyone gets friended quickly.

Also, there seems to be the mistaken idea that one can enter someone else's lounge through the yellow people icon on their friend's community tab icon.
This is only the case if your friend is in a public lobby, or a lounge belonging to a friend of yours.

In other words, if geeky30 & I are friends. But jackargent & geeky30 are not friends... Then jackargent can't join me in geeky30's lounge. Indeed, he won't even know that I'm in geeky30's lounge.

That makes sense :), and I relised I sent a friend reqeust to MCRC not MCRC lounge, :ouch:
Tuesday Results

Race #1
  1. Zorrin / Ditquois
  2. dmihaylov / mitaches
  3. dylansan / GTP_dylansan
  4. turbogeit / turbogeit
  5. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n
  6. Geeky30 / Geeky30
  7. jackargent / jackargent
Race #2
  1. Zorrin / Ditquois
  2. dmihaylov / mitaches
  3. turbogeit / turbogeit
  4. jackargent / jackargent
  5. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n
  6. dylansan / GTP_dylansan
  7. Geeky30 / Geeky30
Race #3
  1. Zorrin / Ditquois
  2. dylansan / GTP_dylansan
  3. turbogeit / turbogeit
  4. Geeky30 / Geeky30
  5. jackargent / jackargent
  6. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n
Race #4
  1. Zorrin / Ditquois
  2. jackargent / jackargent
  3. turbogeit / turbogeit
  4. dylansan / GTP_dylansan
  5. Geeky30 / Geeky30
  6. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n