After doing my own studies and actually living in the country for an extended period of time, I would agree with the statement that Japan has no greater obsession with "saving face" compared to that of any other country. Japan is often described as whacky and out-there by Western standards, but my own experiences have taught me that this is simply another country and doesn't, in my opinion, deserve the exaggerated descriptions that are repeated endlessly on the internet, including that of the Japanese-specific form of "saving face." And yes, just for those curious, Japanese media does also indeed play out exaggerated Western stereotypes to show the audience how whacky and out-there we are compared to their norms. Everybody does it, but they're not really true.
Former Tokyo governor Shintaro Ishihara may have said this and that about "samurai spirit," but if you look at what Japanese people think of the former governor, you'll realize that most people just look at him as some right-wing nutjob (insert "Old man yells at sky" meme), and not somebody who represents the general population's viewpoints. Everybody's experiences will differ, but I personally didn't come across any significant culture shock moving here from the States. That being said, Japan
is a great place to visit, and I definitely do recommend those who can to come see for themselves what life here is like.