Menu and Online Multiplayer Walkthrough Revised

I don't think my question was answered. Will updates be adding more events or removing events and adding new ones to replace those?
Well, my GT5Prologue is ordered. Hate to see we can't actually open a room yet and let selected people join, but hopefully they will fix this in a GT5P patch. Would hate not being able to do some team practice be it race or drift. But at least we have online now, you can't complain about that anymore.
The way he explained it to me made it seem like they took the old ones off and put new ones in their place.
Either way, can't wait for my demo to arrive!
yes the events will change. the current ones finish on the 10th of jan

That's pretty flippin' stupid! The game has not even launched worldwide yet and they're going to nuke events? And, it's supposed to hold us over for a year or so?

I hope they've got a plan in place which is not catering to just the owners of the Japanese version.
thats your personal opinion. people will probably be getting bored of the same events for 3 months till they decide to release the game world wide. You're forgetting that technically we are test mules for the final gt5 release. So PD are going to be testing things particuarly online to see what events people like and what online format works best.

the game is currently meant for just the japanese version so thats who they are catering for. Everybody else isn't even meant to have a copy of the game thats why its not sold anywhere but japan.
I'd think that events would probably go into some kind of rotation. Things like class races won't ever go away. And who knows how many race types will be available as time goes on? We'll just have to see what kind of plans Polyphony has in store for us. So far, it's really good, and it can only get better I'd think.
They obviously need to eventually have it set up like standard online racing. The host picks the track and class of cars, let's go racing.

Yeah, I can see Prologue being a "fee based public beta test". That's how it seems up to this point.

I'm not saying that's a bad thing. It just means the end users don't have too much control over what is played.

J-Pap, the way you are saying what you are saying is as if there won't be a US release (I know there will be), so if the "rest of the world" doesn't get to play the events you guys are playing now, then "tough toe nails".

They shouldn't take away events, but adding more events seems just natural. Maybe they're hurting for server space and can only run 5 events at a time (or how ever many events there are).
Is it just me or there isnt that many racers online. Im getting only 3/4 filled positions in my races.

If there are private races, i wonder if that would jus increase the vacancy of public games even more.
what i meant with my comments was that currently the game is only available in japan so at the moment they are testing everyting on a smaller scale and my guess would be that they are doing testing now as preparation for when gt5 prologue will be out globally. when gt5p is out everywhere more than likely we will be racing with people from japan etc. and clearly only 4 "race" events will not cut it for so many gamers. These events will probably be reintroduced as well as whetever events come out jan 10 and more all together at once when the game is out everywhere.

i really don't think those who are waiting for an english release are going to miss out on anything. if anything those with the game now are the guinuea pigs to fix up any problems in gt5p and gt5 full aswell.
Thanks for the clarification and what seems like a bit more sympathy for those of us that are not so privileged to be playing right now ;)

We're living vicariously through you guys for a bit.
It would require some luck and timing for us to join a game together if there is a large queue of people waiting for the same race.

The races I joined last night were not completely filled so until it get more busy, there is a good chance to get in queue at the same time and hopefully be on the grid together to race.

About if the events get replace or just added...I don't know...
I can't translate it 100 percent, but I see the window of date range where I'm guessing is when the event is up and available. Then after those dates I'm guess there will be an update and refresh of new track events. Not all courses are available for multiplayer race right now, so that's where I think in the next release they will close the current ones and open up with new ones. Also remember that these online events are just the same as the type of events you play in the single player more. There are restrictions and such and you will receive credits for playing Online. Which makes this concept pretty cool.

Until the demand grows more, 8 online events seems to be ok for right now. Too many and it spreads out the online players. The events aren't even all filled up.

I think past events will rotate throughout the year, I hope. New course requirements. It keeps us gamers curious as to what is next and looking forward to special track events like you do in real life with waiting for track events near your hometown or something to that nature to turn up. Then you excited about it because you've been waiting for it. Maybe there will be a posted schedule.

Example of the feeling you get is like waiting until they do a race at Fuji with rules matching what you enjoy most... being simulation physics and Japanese make only to give an idea of how it works. Remind you though, there are other events too...and they seem to balance out what they offer for events to try and meet the needs of all games. There are 4 race types, and 4 time trails that are high lighted on the Online Event home screen.
On the screen where you see your oponents

Could it be the color of the car that you see as yellow / gold?
I just played an online race and didn't see what you were talking about.

Anyways, I just finished a good race. Had a nose to nose battle up front with another car, battling it out without any harsh bumping for position. I'm uploading the video right now and it will be up shortly.
I think the penalty system is useless, you get bumped off the track and then suffer a time penalty putting right at the back as if driving offroad is bad enough plus there will be times where you make slight contact with someone and get a penalty... I really disliked this system in GT4 and its just as bad here... one thing would solve it all... damage, they ram you they can trash their car but the way things are looking with online now just being able to play is lie pulling teeth! Hopefully more updates will come with maybe private rooms...

I think the penalty system is useless, you get bumped off the track and then suffer a time penalty putting right at the back as if driving offroad is bad enough plus there will be times where you make slight contact with someone and get a penalty... I really disliked this system in GT4 and its just as bad here... one thing would solve it all... damage, they ram you they can trash their car but the way things are looking with online now just being able to play is lie pulling teeth! Hopefully more updates will come with maybe private rooms...


I know how you feel. I get bumped from behind going through the chicane on Suzuka sometimes on the final lap and it irks me, but many times, it's it really intentionally, they will turn into ghost cars. Even in real life races there are bumps here and there, but after playing more and more I've been consistently leading races after the first lap by backing away and watching out for those drivers that ram and bump. They will fall off the course and fall behind. I think of it like time trial of course I can take the racing line, it's mine for the taking. But in multiplayer with non AI cars and human opponents, I try to be aware of this thought that the car in front or behind me may unintentionally bum me if I continue to stick to the racing line so I will have to adjust and not take it to avoid him. It's helped out a lot. You can't stick to your driving lines when a human driver is breathing down your throat unless that other driver you believe will respect your lead and know to break early. Though call to make, but that's the best advice I got to making the experience better.

"Sometimes you have to lose some to gain some."

Playing online using the Nissan R34 I had a competitive race in this video. I did my best early on in the race to avoid the early collisions that happen in the beginning of most Online races. This was actually a decent race. Not much bumping, but you see some early on where I was able to avoid it. Then on lap two, those that fell off were far enough behind to turn it into a nice one on one battle up top. I battled it out for first place with a Red WRX Sti that had taken the lead early on...but I worked my way up there on the last lap.

enjoy. (less)
Added: December 27, 2007
Question: Can you save an online replay into a regular replay file?

If not, they should add that option in the future, for me is a must.

BTW, move FTW.

Yeah I know what you mean, I often now hold back for what is likely to be a huge pile up at the first corner! Even now the race starts and everyone is going down the strait I will get side rammed so the race is over for me before its even began and you get really mad, road rage builds up and you either want to swear at the guy or hit him back which is degrading the whole fun of the online experience... there will be times people pass and i make mistakes but if they do it properly then fair play but oh boy most of the people online at the moment dont care less, its another car agem to them, it might aswell be burnout online!

I was in second place at one point only to be trashed byt the 3rd place guy by not breaking at all at the turn... why do the guys who make the accident somehow always fair better than you! :lol:

arg, sorry if im ranting, its just really frustrating seeing GT online like this after waiting so many years, no doubt it will be heavily improved in the comming months....


Yeah I know what you mean, I often now hold back for what is likely to be a huge pile up at the first corner! Even now the race starts and everyone is going down the strait I will get side rammed so the race is over for me before its even began and you get really mad, road rage builds up and you either want to swear at the guy or hit him back which is degrading the whole fun of the online experience... there will be times people pass and i make mistakes but if they do it properly then fair play but oh boy most of the people online at the moment dont care less, its another car agem to them, it might aswell be burnout online!

I was in second place at one point only to be trashed byt the 3rd place guy by not breaking at all at the turn... why do the guys who make the accident somehow always fair better than you! :lol:

arg, sorry if im ranting, its just really frustrating seeing GT online like this after waiting so many years, no doubt it will be heavily improved in the comming months....


The swearing comes out that's for sure. I end up catching back up to the one that bumped me out and I try to refrain from getting even...haha...but I think it through. Two ways to get even.
1. Out race him and make him look like a fool.
2. Pay back

Sometimes pay back option feels good, but even at that, I get what you say about it would be just adding to the battling without honor. So many times I am composed enough after having caught back up that I end up zooming by that driver. Although if given the opportunity the pay back will be delivered.

After someone hits me, I get that rage too. I want kick them and beat them down sorta speak. Doesn't stop me from racing, it makes me race more focussed and once I'm close enough to that driver, I have to make the decision to pass him and just leave it at that or pay back. Most times I see the win rather than the pay back though.
Of course our own names appear gold to ourself, but why would other names appear gold....

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