Michael Jackson jokes

  • Thread starter Mike Rotch

Mike Rotch

Aluminium Overcast
Staff Emeritus
Down under
> Q. How does Michael Jackson pick his nose?
> A. From a catalogue
> -------
> Q. Why did Michael Jackson place a phone call to
> Boyz-2-Men?
> A. He thought it was a delivery service.
> -------
> Q: What's the difference between Michael Jackson
> and a Grocery bag?
> A: One's white, Made of Plastic and is harmful to
> children under 3 . The
> other holds your groceries.
> -------
> Did you hear about how Michael Jackson is
> designing men's clothing now?
> Yeah, if that's successful, he'll go into boys'
> pants.
> -------
> Q: You hear about the new sandwich at McDonalds
> ispired by MJ?
> A: It's 45 year old meat between 12 year old
> buns.
> -------
> Q: How are M&S and Michael Jackson similar?
> A: They both have boys' pants half-off.
> -------
> Q: When is it bedtime at the Neverland Ranch?
> A:When the big hand is on the little hand.
> -------
> The Pope has issued a proclamation on Michael
> Jackson. If he hears any more
> allegations about little boys, the Pope says
> he'll have no choice but to
> make him a priest.
> -------
> A little boy goes up to his mother and asks,
> "Is God a male or a female?"
> After thinking for a moment, his mother responds,
> "Well, God is both a male
> and a female." This confuses the little boy,
> so he asks, "Is God black or
> white?" "Well, God is both black and
> white." At this, the boy's face lights
> up with understanding and he triumphantly asks,
> "Is Michael Jackson God?"
> --------
> Michael Jackson was on a ship with 100 cub scouts
> when it hit an iceberg and
> started to sink. The captain announced,
> "We're sinking! Everyone abandon
> ship!" Michael Jackson asked, "What
> about the children?" The captain
> replied, "Screw the children!" Michael
> Jackson looked around eagerly and
> said, "Do we have time?"
> --------
> What's Black and White and comes in little cans?
> --------
> Q: What do Michael Jackson and broccoli have in
> common?
> A: Both are force fed to little boys
> -------
> Q: What's the difference between Neil Armstrong
> and Michael Jackson?
> A: One was the was the first to do the Moonwalk.
> The other one molests
> little boys.
Q. what has santa clause and yer man got in common?
A. they both enter young boys rooms at night and empty thier sack

Q. whats yer man's favourite song?
A. I'm forever blowing bubbles....
How can you tell if Michael has a hot date? There's a tricycle in his driveway.

What's brown and stays in a baby's diaper? Michael's hand.
When the police recently raided his house, they carried out a drugs raid as well.
They found class A drugs in the kitchen,
class B drugs in the bathroom,
and class 4C in the bedroom.

Think about it......;)
I'm going to laugh so hard when Michael Jackson and Kobe Bryant end up in the same cell. They can make a reality show out of it. Who Will Rape Who First?
haha but the only problem with that is that i think kobe is more into the ladies and michael is more into the little kids so neither one would want the other. they could be made someones b*tch though.
The FA have just announced Michael Jackson as the next England coach. Talks, however, collapsed after Jackson tried to put Seaman in the under 15's.