- 13,827
- Down under
> Q. How does Michael Jackson pick his nose?
> A. From a catalogue
> -------
> Q. Why did Michael Jackson place a phone call to
> Boyz-2-Men?
> A. He thought it was a delivery service.
> -------
> Q: What's the difference between Michael Jackson
> and a Grocery bag?
> A: One's white, Made of Plastic and is harmful to
> children under 3 . The
> other holds your groceries.
> -------
> Did you hear about how Michael Jackson is
> designing men's clothing now?
> Yeah, if that's successful, he'll go into boys'
> pants.
> -------
> Q: You hear about the new sandwich at McDonalds
> ispired by MJ?
> A: It's 45 year old meat between 12 year old
> buns.
> -------
> Q: How are M&S and Michael Jackson similar?
> A: They both have boys' pants half-off.
> -------
> Q: When is it bedtime at the Neverland Ranch?
> A:When the big hand is on the little hand.
> -------
> The Pope has issued a proclamation on Michael
> Jackson. If he hears any more
> allegations about little boys, the Pope says
> he'll have no choice but to
> make him a priest.
> -------
> A little boy goes up to his mother and asks,
> "Is God a male or a female?"
> After thinking for a moment, his mother responds,
> "Well, God is both a male
> and a female." This confuses the little boy,
> so he asks, "Is God black or
> white?" "Well, God is both black and
> white." At this, the boy's face lights
> up with understanding and he triumphantly asks,
> "Is Michael Jackson God?"
> --------
> Michael Jackson was on a ship with 100 cub scouts
> when it hit an iceberg and
> started to sink. The captain announced,
> "We're sinking! Everyone abandon
> ship!" Michael Jackson asked, "What
> about the children?" The captain
> replied, "Screw the children!" Michael
> Jackson looked around eagerly and
> said, "Do we have time?"
> --------
> What's Black and White and comes in little cans?
> --------
> Q: What do Michael Jackson and broccoli have in
> common?
> A: Both are force fed to little boys
> -------
> Q: What's the difference between Neil Armstrong
> and Michael Jackson?
> A: One was the was the first to do the Moonwalk.
> The other one molests
> little boys.
> A. From a catalogue
> -------
> Q. Why did Michael Jackson place a phone call to
> Boyz-2-Men?
> A. He thought it was a delivery service.
> -------
> Q: What's the difference between Michael Jackson
> and a Grocery bag?
> A: One's white, Made of Plastic and is harmful to
> children under 3 . The
> other holds your groceries.
> -------
> Did you hear about how Michael Jackson is
> designing men's clothing now?
> Yeah, if that's successful, he'll go into boys'
> pants.
> -------
> Q: You hear about the new sandwich at McDonalds
> ispired by MJ?
> A: It's 45 year old meat between 12 year old
> buns.
> -------
> Q: How are M&S and Michael Jackson similar?
> A: They both have boys' pants half-off.
> -------
> Q: When is it bedtime at the Neverland Ranch?
> A:When the big hand is on the little hand.
> -------
> The Pope has issued a proclamation on Michael
> Jackson. If he hears any more
> allegations about little boys, the Pope says
> he'll have no choice but to
> make him a priest.
> -------
> A little boy goes up to his mother and asks,
> "Is God a male or a female?"
> After thinking for a moment, his mother responds,
> "Well, God is both a male
> and a female." This confuses the little boy,
> so he asks, "Is God black or
> white?" "Well, God is both black and
> white." At this, the boy's face lights
> up with understanding and he triumphantly asks,
> "Is Michael Jackson God?"
> --------
> Michael Jackson was on a ship with 100 cub scouts
> when it hit an iceberg and
> started to sink. The captain announced,
> "We're sinking! Everyone abandon
> ship!" Michael Jackson asked, "What
> about the children?" The captain
> replied, "Screw the children!" Michael
> Jackson looked around eagerly and
> said, "Do we have time?"
> --------
> What's Black and White and comes in little cans?
> --------
> Q: What do Michael Jackson and broccoli have in
> common?
> A: Both are force fed to little boys
> -------
> Q: What's the difference between Neil Armstrong
> and Michael Jackson?
> A: One was the was the first to do the Moonwalk.
> The other one molests
> little boys.