Microphone setup question...

  • Thread starter Ian JB
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Ian Bick

I suspect I am suffering from advanced muppetry here! I can't work this out...

I use a Fanatec wheel base and wheel. It's connected to the PS5 via USB. I also have a controller and headset, also connected to the PS5 via USB.
Try as I might, I simply cannot get the microphone to work ( or more accurately, be used! ) when I am using the wheel base.

The PS4 just used to connect it all once I pressed the PS button. The PS5 transfers "control" to the controller from the wheel base when I press the PS button.

Can someone please put an old codger out of his misery?

I did manage to create a 3D sound profile while farting around in the settings - That sounds great! I just can't use the microphone yet! 😳

Best regards to all here.

Help and support desk here again. 😉

I suppose the initial question would be... Have you switched the microphone on? There's a little button on the front top of the controller along with an orange led. If the led is lit the mic is muted. Pressing the button un-mutes it.

Edit. If you're using the mic on your headset, there should also be a mute button somewhere on there too.
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Dear technical support.... :)

Microphone is switched on and the mute button is switched off. This is driving me crazy. When I start up the PS5 using the PS button on the controller - Everything works as it should. Then, when I start up the wheel base, I lose the microphone but I still hear everything.

Its got to be something really simple that I am missing or doing wrong.......

Thank you for your help though. I do appreciate it!!!


Very odd @Ian JB. It sounds like you're PS5 thinks your wheel has a microphone. 🙂

Before you activate the wheel press the PS button once and on the bottom menu scroll across to the mic symbol. What does it say in there that it's using as a mic? Then do the same thing when the wheel is active. Has it changed?
(The mic level isn't low perhaps?)

I presume your microphone/headset is plugged into the controller? A separate, Bluetooth, headset might solve the problem.
Dear Technical support dude,

Could you please speak to Ian JB? It would seem he has completely forgotten how to set up, start up and step up!!!

The correct method of using a microphone, on a controller, with a wheel base, is as follows...

Power up wheel base. PS5 starts automatically. Power up monitor. Wait for everything to boot up fully. Press PS button on controller, then press X. Microphone connected and working as required.

Ohhhh dear IfAndOr - My apologies for wasting your time. As you can see from the above, I have been a complete Muppet here.

It's my age you know! All my little time pills are going off at the same time....

My very best regards and thanks are offered.

You need to print out a startup checklist and stick it above your wheel. 😀
However you'd think that with modern technology it shouldn't really matter which order you do it in, it should just work. Rarely does though.

Glad you've got it sussed.
Ohhhh dear IfAndOr - My apologies for wasting your time. As you can see from the above, I have been a complete Muppet here.

It's my age you know! All my little time pills are going off at the same time....
Not a problem, no time wasted. And you might be surprised at my age, I'm not far off you. I certainly know all about those little pills!