Microsoft Employee Caught Trolling GT5

To those who say it's "no big deal" about what the MS employee said, or "it's just the truth" that's irrelevant. The fact of the matter is, the individual signed onto a 3rd party forum, made a less-than-polite statement degrading a competing company's product, and did so under the guise of anonymity. Once he decided to attach that Microsoft corporate email identity to his account, weather or not he was working alone or under orders, he became a declared entity of that corporation... and thus was in a conflict of interest.

It's sad how so many people fail to realize this.
Prologue isn't a full game and I still can't wrap my head around why reviewers compared it to an entire title anyhow - it's like comparing a package of bananas to a crate of said bananas.
Well, it did far have fewer cars than FM1, so you may have a point there. Of course, if you point out to a Forza fan that GT5 will have more than twice as many cars as FM3, they'll quickly tell you that it's not about the number of cars, but rather the overall experience.

So if you point out that the graphics are substantially better in GT5, they'll quickly tell you it doesn't matter, and it's all about the quality of the overall racing experience. If you point out that GT5 allows twice as many cars on track, they'll quickly tell you it doesn't matter, and it's all about the quality of the actual simulation. If you point out that Forza has pretty dodgy physics and inaccurate track maps, they'll quickly tell you it doesn't matter because it also allows for car damage. If you point out that GT5 also allows for damage, they'll quickly tell you it doesn't matter because there's no guarantee that all of the cars will be damageable. If you point out it's entirely possible the number of damageable cars in GT5 could turn out to be more than the total number of cars in Forza, they'll quickly tell you it doesn't matter because it's shameful to not have every car at the same level of "quality." If you point out the fact that the quality of even the lesser cars in GT5 is far superior to the quality of any of the cars in Forza, they'll quickly tell you it doesn't matter because it's about the overall experience, bringing us neatly back to Step 1.

Where was I? Oh yeah. I don't think that cranking out Forza like Madden games is necessarily anything to brag about, and it's funny that their trolls follow the same philosophy as T10; just relentlessly pump stuff out there and tell everyone it's better, even if it's actually of rather dubious quality. :)
Is this thread just about pointing out a troll/fanboy?

Useless thread is useless. I'm pretty sure this will be locked when the mods headaches are gone from poor quality threads like these keep popping up. These types of threads provides nothing but bickering between each other.
Have you played the Forza 3 demo yet?
Is there a Forza 3 demo out yet?

Okay, seriously, I read some of the reviews here about it, and it seems it's more than a slightly polished FM2. Still not stoked enough to plug my Leet into the wall and download it and unpack my shiny plastic MS wheel, but I'll eventually get a round tuit. ;)

Right now though, I'd rather eat supper and watch some anime.
BTW was it confirmed this guy really signed up with ms email and didn't just change his email in his profile after the fact?

I mean can't I go to my profile right now, switch my email to or whatnot?

It could well be someone just stirring up **** by doing so...
Oh Sorry guys... I've been playing the Forza 3 demo non stop since the epic failure of the TGS last night.

Better hope GT5 steps up it's physics is all I'm going to say.

Trolling is a game about identity deception, albeit one that is played without the consent of most of the players. The troll attempts to pass as a legitimate participant, sharing the group's common interests and concerns; the newsgroups members, if they are cognizant of trolls and other identity deceptions, attempt to both distinguish real from trolling postings, and upon judging a poster a troll, make the offending poster leave the group. Their success at the former depends on how well they — and the troll — understand identity cues; their success at the latter depends on whether the troll's enjoyment is sufficiently diminished or outweighed by the costs imposed by the group.

enough said.
BTW was it confirmed this guy really signed up with ms email and didn't just change his email in his profile after the fact?

I mean can't I go to my profile right now, switch my email to or whatnot?

It could well be someone just stirring up **** by doing so...

Regardless of when he entered his email, he's still an MS employee and didn't identify himself as such. Reminds me of the Honda Crosstour Facebook disaster.
Regardless of when he entered his email, he's still an MS employee and didn't identify himself as such. Reminds me of the Honda Crosstour Facebook disaster.

Well that's the point I was making... when you register, it has to really be your email address (you have to click through to prove it) but after the fact you can change it to say whatever you like.

Like I said, I could change my email in my profile to say KY's email address... that doesn't mean I am really him, or I work for PD or that it's even my real address.

If I wanted to start some **** I might hop onto the forza forums, register with my real email, change it to something at then talk smack on the forums.

A lazy mod might look at my account info and see and then say "YOU WORK FOR SONY!"
I don't think even you would do something that made your favorite company look bad, Deve, strange man though you be. ;)
I think a better strategy for GT fans (and fanatics) is to just allow Team10 and their dirty henchmen to use all the nasti little tactics they want and accept that that's just the way they're programmed i.e. full of bugs (typical ms) lol
As this thread slowly declines into new's somehow still not locked.
Funny. I've been playing for hours and I've never seen anything like that. Probably cause it only happens you purposely try and flip cars and crash head on.

I've had no problems at all.

Looks like a pretty big bug to me...

Still that's what you expect in Demo's.

A lazy mod might look at my account info and see and then say "YOU WORK FOR SONY!"

I see what you're saying. I'm not sure about NeoGAF, but most forums verify your email address to see if it's real. So even if you wanted to make up an email address to make Sony look bad, you'd have to log into it to verify.

Yeah, I don't think you can make up company emails on the fly.

Anyhow, I'm actually surprise to see this thread/article. I hope in all truth this isn't real, because it's downright ridiculous to see such unprofessionalism in the business world. Makes me think the world is getting dirty by the minute.

Troll or not, the post is a fail anyway. It just shows :dunce:, to compare something like release dates without valid truth and reasonings. I'm starting to get irritated by many who thinks GT5 was all that's to PD since 2004/GT4, and then uses that as a support for FM3 victory or something.
The FM3 demo is very fun, you should give it a try if your not a sony fanboy.

I wonder why you keep dropping posts like this.

Well, if you're talking to me, no, I'm nowhere near fanboy status. And yes, I'd love to try the demo, but I'm just a college student with a tight budget who can only afford one system. I'm glad you're enjoying it though.
Not having the budget to get both systems is understandable. If GT5 would just take all the features that Forza has over it, then it would be awesome.

The cockpit graphics in GT completely blow Forzas out of the water. They are beautiful.

Livery editor in GT would make GT my main racing game... So let's hope it happens with the extra development time.
BTW was it confirmed this guy really signed up with ms email and didn't just change his email in his profile after the fact?

I mean can't I go to my profile right now, switch my email to or whatnot?

It could well be someone just stirring up **** by doing so...

You can, but it would deactivate your account and it wouldn't be reactivated until you clicked on the activation link in the e-mail sent to that e-mail address...

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