Microsoft or Sony bowing out of race?

@Bevo I have Roadrunner (not turbo) and I notice a difference in download speeds. On Xbox, for me, is much faster.
1) What leads anyone to say it'll be these 2? Why not Nintendo?
2) Um, that's wrong. Nintendo has sold 60+ million units of the Wii & the NES. We can throw the portable handhelds in there as well, a piece.
3) Sony's PS3 has yet to break 60 million units. The Xbox 360 however, has touched 66 million.
4) Sony's consoles & handhelds together have brought in over 380 million.
5) Nintendo has surpassed that.
6) Microsoft has not lost money on the Xbox 360. They have seen profits & 2011 was a fantastic year for them.

PS3 reached 25million, 50million and will probably reach 75million and 100million too faster than 360. I am pretty sure PS3 has reached 60million. It is now 5yrs old at least in Japan and US. PS3 was released at least 1year later than 360. Also 360 arcade make lots of number. Which was sold of 199 for a long period of time.

Both Nintendo and Sony are going to be there for sure because they make games and hardware.

Just because something is free doesn't make it better to me. If I just went around and asked for free handouts I think everything I have would be pretty much junk. I would much rather pay for something nice then be given something free. Paying for the PSN isn't going to make it better then xbox live. Like you said the layout isn't the best. I want the best and xbox live is the best for the consoles. If someone came and gave you a sega saturn are you going to say it's better then your 360 because it was free. Sony said the PSN was going to be free, they didn't mention it being inferior. The only people I have ever ran into that defend the PSN are people online. No one I know in the real world says that, unless they were just in the mood to argue, and we have all had both consoles since pretty much launch.

Like I said before, the download times seem dependent on your ISP. Now that I have roadrunner turbo they are about equal. That doesn't seem to be the case though with the 360s in my area. Everyones 360s update and download pretty fast.

Maybe the reason I like xbox live so much better is because I play with so many real life friends. At any given night there could be 15 of us on and xbox live makes it super easy to get together and play. We tried to get into socom 4 together and not once did we all get into a game together. We were trying to use the playstation text chat feature to get together and that did not work. It was just so stupid after getting use to xbox lives voice chat. I suppose if you are not into playing online with lots of friends, and your ISP works well with the PSN then maybe it's fine. For me though all I do is play online with friends and the PSN makes that a challenge. We all tried to play NCAA 10 together in an online dynasty on PSN and that worked out horribly. No party chat, so that sucked, and then we were constantly losing the in game chat during the offseasons. We would have to constantly call each other to figure out if this guy was done and we could advance.

Can you honestly tell me that you think that PSN is better then Xbox live, without saying I don't want to have to pay a whole 60$ a year for xbox live? If you do think it's better, list me a few features that you like better on the PSN then xbox live. I honestly can't think of one. I want to like the PS3 and defended it to no end the first few years, but I can't anymore. It just seems old and outdated.

As for HOME, I know it's free and I don't have to use it, and believe me I don't, but why did they put all the time and effort into it when they could have made the entire online service better? How often do you go into HOME, and what do you do when your in it? It seems completely pointless to me.

Only thing PSN is missing are cross game chat and voice messages. For a guy who purchased 360 5yrs ago for say 300$ and he plays online. He has probably spend 250-300$ just for playing online. This is what you call hidden cost. On PS3 and PC it is free to play online.

PS Vita is having cross game chat, near functionality for free. So PS4 should have these too if not more and hopefully it will be free not subscription based. At least online gameplay should be free and they should charge for online features not online gameplay
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I hope neither of them bow out of the race personally. :(

There needs to be competition for the quality to continue improving. If there was only one console, sure the game developers would compete to make better games, but they would hit hardware limits pretty quick without hardware competition driving the improvement faster than would occur in a monopoly.

I have owned every generation of Playstation, never owned a Microsoft console and havent had a nintendo since the NES. The fact that my first console was a PSX was mainly because my friends had them, and I wanted. PS2 was the same. PS3 for GT5. Having said that, I wouldnt mind an XBox, but cant justify spending the money on it for a couple console exclusive games. And I consider the Wii to have a slightly different target demographic than PS3/XBox (party play/kids), so doesnt appeal to me at all
Out of curiosity, how is the PSN garbage?

Here is a current example of what's wrong with the PSN.
It seems like this is always happening. I don't remember the last time Xbox live went down, for more then having to do an update to a game or the service to get online. I want the PSN to be great but it's just too plagued with problems like this all the time.
And I can't remember the last time the PSN was down for me, save the April shutdown. Some people get it, most won't.