Oh, I knew this day would be coming...especially since we haven't heard from you in so long,

I really wish that you would do another track, but I understand that this takes a tremendous amount of time for you to accomplish. Maybe you could do another round of Time Trials, but just at a slower pace?

Ugh...there I go, being selfish. The SuzukaStar Lap Times threads have been a staple of my GTP experience. I joined in 2014 and I don't know of a GTP without you doing this awesome testing, so it's going to feel like yet another big loss in my Gran Turismo world.
I don't know about the others, I know there have been quite a few regulars who followed your threads, but I don't know how much time they spent going over your data. I can assure you that I spent quite a bit, looking up cars and comparing them to others - then trying to come up with a meaningful interpretation of their times on 2 different tracks so I could estimate what their time might be on a track you haven't tested.
It's been a fun ride. I thank you for everything you've done for the Gran Turismo and especially GTP community. đź‘Ť Frankly, I wouldn't mind seeing the lists of lap times/cars maybe combined into a single post and then Stickied so they can always be referred to quickly in the future.
I'm sure this won't happen, but if you ever get the itch again (with GT6) maybe you could do "SuzukaStar Specials" where you only test Supercars or only Hot Hatches or only Skylines around a particular track. Something like that. It wouldn't be quite what we are used to, but I'm sure people would appreciate your efforts nonetheless. See how much I don't want you to stop?
Enjoy Mario Kart. You've definitely earned your break.