MIDGET POWER - Daihatsu Midget Sprint Races (Finished)


I have bad news. I won't be able to make. Turns out that I have to pick up my sister at 530pm and I have to leave around 5. Stupid wedding got in the way. I'm not going. But my sister is. :(
Alright, let's do this...

Looking forward to this. Especially the last race. I don't know if kingklingeling will be able to join though because he was having connection issues earlier today.
I've cleared cache and reset router and Im still getting the same error, Ill try a few more times, but it's not looking good

edit: still noting, good luck everyone, drive fast and take chances
having the same problems , resetting and cache cleaning did not work , tried 100times .
weired because all the other lobbys are fine , tried some of them .
does some of you guys also have 0/5 at the connection quality sign next to the race quality ?
second time today I can't race a event :banghead:
hope you all have some great races :cheers:
having the same problems , resetting and cache cleaning did not work , tried 100times .
weired because all the other lobbys are fine , tried some of them .
does some of you guys also have 0/5 at the connection quality sign next to the race quality ?
second time today I can't race a event :banghead:
hope you all have some great races :cheers:


Yeah, I had zero bars but had no trouble joining initially. Had trouble rejoining at one point after PS3 locked up (triple beep) but that was probably just because the race was starting right then.

Here's to no more 🤬 connexion issues! :cheers:


Thanks again for running this, @AboveMeIsCool . Fun car to race! I was laughing pretty hard a few times at Eiger K.

I had two disconnects, but apart from that it was fine for me. Only missed one race.

I have some epic photomode shots incoming, stand by for awesomeness :)
That error I never heard of before? :grumpy:
It must be related to the update somehow.

Anyhow funny car to drive... it's so wombly wonky in the steering... and I think it's gotten moreso in gt6.

I nearly rolled on Joey Chitwood corner in the Madrid Mini race if anyone's interested. :lol:
Some great racing, I'm glad I've organized this event :) Next time I organize event I'll ask someone else to host, because of all these connection issues (could be because I'm in Oz, very separated to both Europe and the Americas)

I'm disappointed in myself as I completely forgot to take photos of the results after every race, and have only remembered to save a couple of the replays (this is what you get from short-term memory loss).

So I'll make a video using the replays I have, but I can't provide any results :banghead:
Has anyone recorded all the results? If so could you please post them on this thread. :bowdown:

CRAP. I forgot it was today rather than tomorrow; are there going to be races tomorrow?

I wondered where you were mate :( Sorry no more races, maybe next time.
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Has anyone recorded all the results? If so could you please post them on this thread. :bowdown:

According to the replays, these are the results:

  1. LongbowX
  2. amarynceos
  3. eran0004
  4. PersonAbove-Nice
  5. bergele
  6. daddy-o845
  7. wat3rm370n
  8. Matheus-007

Autumn Ring
  1. SpeedyMcQueen
  2. Matheus-007
  3. wat3rm370n
  4. LongbowX
  5. eran0004
  6. Nemesis-Reaper
  7. amarynceos
  8. bergele
  9. daddy-o845
  10. PersonAbove-Nice

  1. daddy-o845
  2. LongbowX
  3. eran0004
  4. bergele
  5. SpeedyMcQueen
  6. Nemesis-Reaper
  7. PersonAbove-Nice
  8. Matheus-007
  9. wat3rm370n

GT Arena
  1. eran0004
  2. Matheus-007
  3. LongbowX
  4. SpeedyMcQueen
  5. wat3rm370n
  6. daddy-o845
  7. amarynceos
  8. Nemesis-Reaper
  9. bergele
  10. PersonAbove-Nice

Brands Hatch
  1. PersonAbove-Nice
  2. daddy-o845
  3. LongbowX
  4. eran0004
  5. SpeedyMcQueen
  6. Matheus-007
  7. wat3rm370n
  8. amarynceos
  9. Nemesis-Reaper
  10. bergele

Trial Mountain
  1. eran0004
  2. SpeedyMcQueen
  3. bergele
  4. amarynceos
  5. Nemesis-Reaper
  6. Matheus-007
  7. wat3rm370n
  8. PersonAbove-Nice

Deep Forest
(Disconnected, no replay saved)

Eiger K-Trail
  1. eran0004
  2. amarynceos
  3. Nemesis-Reaper
  4. SpeedyMcQueen
  5. bergele
  6. wat3rm370n
  7. PersonAbove-Nice
  8. Matheus-007
We ran about 100 kilometers yesterday! I've got 94.1 km on my Midget, and I missed one race.
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