- 642
- United States
- Frostyboys3
- you wish
yesYou mean this?
and my username is Eclecticism
my brother made it and if i made i it would be frostyboys
yesYou mean this?
I would add you once the server comes back. Or if dunc's around then he could just add you right then and there.
Edit: Well Here it is Monday Still NO Minecraft.
I want to diggy diggy hole.
Well, there is something called "Single Player" and this. So "no minecraft" is really "no GTplanet server"...
I agree, all of them are, you cannot place hereWell I dont do single player anymore, and those other servers well they So for me GTplanet server = no Minecraft.
Wow Dunc, did they tell you why it's taking so long?
Nope but they are giving me money off my next bill.
The internet is now up and the server is waiting for you all!
Easy on the plugins there fella!
I've removed a load of yours and mine.
I'm also seeing lots of errors with arrows on the server which could be an arrow machine.
What do you mean?
Not going to happen!
Jeez, just found out about this place. Wait, it's a Frikkin gran tourismo server?
tlowr4Curiosity question TJ, why do you have such a problem with my and turtles own group. It's nothing special, it's just VIP...no different to half the other members on the server. It's just got a different prefix...what's the big deal?
Oh. But in general TJ seems to have a thing against the 'Freak of Nature' prefix.
Because he can't have his "I love Ryou" thing as his title. -_-