Minecraft News and Discussion

  • Thread starter WallRunner
Well do you want ParkourVeyron to slave away for months on end trying to make tools/repair/smelt/build/destroy just for one project? If the build's going to be amazing, let him do it. If it's some idiot doing something stupid (AKA wool land) then no, world edit shouldn't be used. But Veyron's project has a lot of potential, so let him do it.

This wasnt in response to Parkour, thats his private server.

This is in response to this server. It got a reset for whatever reason but part of the reasoning was so that it had a fresh start with none of this spawning items, texture hacking and other nonsense. Looks like it cant be helped.
You don't seem to understand. If we ever did it in DQCraft, it wouldn't be beneficial in any ways. It would basically be terraforming a cave to build a city in. (using resources found naturally somewhere else to build the city) How would that make the server creative?

In other words, what ghskilla said.

And I don't own a private server. (I wish I did, though) All of this was done in SP.
I am SOOO confused. I wasn't talking about your post at all, in fact, your post didn't exist until I posted mine.
I am SOOO confused. I wasn't talking about your post at all, in fact, your post didn't exist until I posted mine.
:lol: Big coincidence there.

Yeah, I figured you weren't attacking me personally, I was just saying that it wouldn't necessarily be a stupid build/be beneficial.
Oh my gosh, Parkor I love you. That's exactly waht I was chasing.

The guys that did the YouTube build said they used world edit. When I started (in the old world) I didn't have perms for worldedit or TNT, so I had to get an admin to do it. Then again TNT is disabled for the entire world now, and Dunc dosn't want to give the worldedit perms to me. But I'll certainly do it in singleplayer and in the WorldEdit server I play on :D It'll look awesome on PureChips (that's the WE server).
Oh my gosh, Parkor I love you. That's exactly waht I was chasing.
:lol: Thanks. I've only had WE for like two weeks, so I'm no pro, and there are a lot of people out there who are a lot better than me at this. Click for more enlightenment.

But I'll certainly do it in singleplayer and in the WorldEdit server I play on :D It'll look awesome on PureChips (that's the WE server).
What's the PureChips website/IP? Do you instantly get perms or is it a work-your-way-up thing? Because if I could get perms, I'd willingly help you...

Also, when you generate the initial sphere, I'd recommend using a number smaller than 75, because it becomes massive and is enormous on the inside. It would take forever to fully populate it.
^ Alrigthy. I'm trying to get WE to work in Singleplayer at the moment, I might just change the world over in my server and do it instead (since I know WE works properly). I was using SinglePlayer Commands since it's got WE built in, but it's not working so I might just have to use WE as stock :(

PureChips is a private server for just 8 or 10 mates of mine, sorry. I'd accept but they're very picky about who they let on. Otherwise I would :) I know you're trustworthy with that sort of stuff.
^ MC.net went down about half an hour ago. People that had logged in before it went down are still able to access servers. Everyone else has to wait...

Hence why I'm idling in DQ so I don't loose connection. That and I wanna post this:

Made it yesterday. Clearly it's not built legit, and if Dunc wants me to tear it down I will:


And on the flip-side (So it doesn't read egdirbhgiH):

^ I use optifine so at this time it's running at Short +32. I turned fog off (From Off, Fast, or Fancy) since I'd prefer FPS over looks.

I can hover anywhere from Tiny +16 to Normal +48 on a good day. Depends how much oomph my CPU is willing to put in, without completely overheating...
I think it'd look better if there were little road signs saying 'Welcome to Highbridge' on any roads going into the town.
^ If I may suggest, Enki might be a good guy for the job. From what I've seen he works magic with the colored signs. :D
I think it'd look better if there were little road signs saying 'Welcome to Highbridge' on any roads going into the town.

Or why not a rail system that connects to each of the towns?
Yeah I might setup an underground rail system like I did on the old worlds.

Just make a station in your towns and I'll connect them.
Question: If zombies bash down our doors, does the Private Chest and Private Door plugin protect them? My house is consently under seige every night, but the doors never seem to be destroyed.

I'm not complaining, I'm glad it's like that. It pisses me off in singleplayer...
Went for a bit of a stroll for the first time and was amazed by the bar at AlderleyEdge. Best possible place to wait the rain out at night.
Hello, I am the founder of Alderley Edge. The town has halted in development for now, but people are still welcome to drop by at Panacea. Thank-you for the compliment.
Hey Tyne, it's only on Hard difficulty they bash down your doors.

EDIT: Where did the /chunkme command go? It could prove helpful, as I've been voided to death and lost my entire inv twice so far.
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