So I've done quite a bit since my last post, but I'm only going to show a couple things.
I've changed the main spawn so there's a underground 'debriefing' room or whatever beneath the beacon. I don't really know what it would be used for, but it adds so much dimension to the otherwise flat landscaping. Not pictured are little stairwell things that will enable players to get back onto land after falling into the river.
Here's a better view of my radiating level structure. Lower levels are closer to the villages while higher buildings are farther out. I now realize that this is pretty much backwards to how an actual city would be built. Generally, higher density buildings are closer to the center of the city and low density buildings are farther out. But I figured since the village is such a rural looking area, might as well build more urban structures as you go farther away from them. That and going from high to low would require me to do math in order to make it all work out how I want it to end up (I don't like math
But I still use it all the time when constructing these cities, so I'm really just lazy).
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If you notice the village with nothing around it on the left of the map, it's very close to the high level buildings, so in order for everything to mesh correctly, I need to demolish several of those high level buildings, unfortunately. Planning goes a long way in this world.