Mini Challenge | GTP ORB | Season Over

Downhill Dino

United States


Season is over. Thanks to everyone who participated and hopefully had a good time. Congratulations to CMICK for winning this season!

Welcome to Mini Challenge! Where drivers of all skill levels are welcome to join. This is a one-make racing series, featuring, of course, the famous Mini Cooper.

Next Race

Season Over

GTPlanet Online Racing Bureau

This is an ORB sanctioned series. Check out the thread and more information here.


Cars are to be any S type Mini. The following Minis are permitted:
Mini Cooper S '02
Mini Cooper S '05
Mini Cooper S '07

Pace Lap

Pace laps are no longer taking place.

Once the specified time has been reached all drivers will drive about in free fun mode to make their qualifying time. This will last only 10 minutes and then the race shall start.


ECU Tuning
Racing Air Filter
Sports Exhaust Manifold
Catalytic Converter: Sports
Titanium Racing Exhaust
S 2007: Turbo of your choice
2 2002: SuperCharger + Engine Stage 2
6 Speed Close-Ratio Transmission
Clutch: Twin-Plate
Flywheel: Semi-Racing
Adjustable LSD
Fully Customizable Suspension Kit
Chassis Reinforcements are prohibited
Weight reductions are prohibited
Mini Cooper '05 is no longer permitted to have a supercharger installed

Suspension: Ride Height
Cars must be 20mm higher in the rear then the front

Rims: RAYS VOLK RACING RE30 (Any color, paint them if you wish)
Your car is to be any colour you wish it to be. Mattes and chromes are prohibited from use.


Each track is played into two rounds. Featuring either a different version of the track, or weather and time variations.

Pre-Season: Autumn Ring
Full Course: 40 Laps

Rounds 1: Nürburgring
GP/D 32 Laps

Rounds 2 & 3: Suzuka Circuit
Dry: 22 Laps
Wet: 20 Laps

Rounds 4 & 5: Eiger Nordwand Track
Dry: 48 Laps
Wet: 51 Laps


Wednesdays at 10:00 PM GMT (5:00 PM EST)

Pre-Season: August 31


To view the season one results, click here.


Accidents happen, we all know that. But when they do occur, it will be reported to any of the series' stewards to review the replay. Penalties will be handed out to those who do not follow the GTPlanet OnLine Racing (OLR) Rules & Giudelines or will be removed from the series overall.


TCS: Disabled
ASM: Disabled
SRF: Disabled
Active Steering: Disabled
Driving Line: Enabled
Tire Wear/Fuel Consumption: On
Grip Reduction: Real
Damage: Heavy
Tires: Racing Hards
Penalties: Off

HP: 226
KG: 1210


To view the driver list click here.

Follow this registration form:



Drivers may assemble themselves into a team. You may only have up to 4 drivers in your team. All driers in that team must be the same exact color. Rims must be different colors. Even if you are an individual, you are to create a team name for yourself anyways.


1st - 20 points
2nd - 17 points
3rd - 15 points
4th - 13 points
5th - 11 points
6th - 10 points
7th - 9 points
8th - 8 points
9th - 7 points
10th - 6 points
11th - 5 points
12th - 4 points
13th - 3points
14th - 2 points
15th - 1 points


First place overall will receive one 1000 ticket.

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Well currently there isn't a specified time, but once there's some more drivers, a time will be established. I would assume this takes place on Sundays due to the large amount of series running on Saturday. Check around here once more people join so it can be discussed.
Hey I would like to join but I currently race on sunday at like 7pm to 8/9pm GMT, So depending on the time I might or might not be able to join.
Well I don't know what time zone your in but I'm guessing your like 5 hours behind GMT, So like 9,10,11pm GMT would be good for me. I'm guessing each event will last for 2/3 hours so I wouldn't won't It any later than 11pm, but thats just my opinon
Yes I am -5 GMT. 11 PM GMT as the first suggestion. Any others?

I actually don't really know how long the races will be. :lol:
I set the laps according to distance. Each round is set a little above 150 kilometers. I would assume (inlcuding qualifying-10min) each round would last around 1 and a half hours to 2 hours. I'm still working on qualifying. Not sure if it should work how it is now.
I actually don't really know how long the races will be.
I set the laps according to distance. Each round is set a little above 150 kilometers. I would assume (inlcuding qualifying-10min) each round would last around 1 and a half hours to 2 hours. I'm still working on qualifying. Not sure if it should work how it is now.

If I'm honest the race do seem abit long and you often find that you get better racing with less laps. As people are willing to take more risks to try get ahead as they have less time to improve their position, where as longer races people will be more willing to sit behind someone and wait for a gap or mistake. Also when I think of mini racing I think of bumper to bumper action and you might not get that if the races are really long. But I really like the idea of the rounds and different weather and stuff sounds like its gona be awsome. :D Qualifying sounds good after 1st round I would do reverse grid anyway just a few ideas I thought I share.
Thanks for input. :)

I see what you mean about the time thing. I've done laps around those tracks, but I haven't done it in so long that I have very much forgotten how long it takes. I'll to the specified amount of laps on my own to check. Hopefully not to long. :scared:
I find it funny that we keep responding to each others threads? :P I would be up to this, I'll just wait and see before I commit myself.
Alright awesome. Remember those who are interested, put down your registration once you really want to enter.

Your right jacnob, this is weird yet funny. :lol:
I'd like to join. I have to get a team together yet and build a car to the right specs, I also don't know when I'm free, but I'd really like to join.

Mac K/macospet1
Awesome welcome aboard!

Mini advertisements are starting to show up... creepy... (Yes I know how the ad stuff works)
Are people that aren't members of GTP allowed to join? I have a friend who is interested in joining the series and would race for my team..
I'm interested in joining. I don't have a car or team yet though.

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This is CAMjhr, Public Relations and Judging Administrator for the GTPlanet Online Racing Bureau. This is a notice that your series is now sanctioned by the GTP ORB, with consent from your organizer. Please check our thread for our official rules and regulations, and any questions you may have for myself or our founder, gogatrs.

Happy Racing,
CAMjhr, GTP ORB Admin

GTP ORB Rules/Procedure
1)The initial complaint will be heard by a single person. This person will decide who is at fault. If the accused or accuser feels that a biased or unfair decision was made, they can appeal to a panel of three judges who will make a final ruling on the matter.

2)Licenses can be used as a requirement to join a series, as well as a personal achievement. There are three initial licenses you can achieve: Amateur, Intermediate, and Advanced. For each level license there is a different time trial and series of 1v1 challenges you must complete. These become more difficult as you progress through the levels. In addition to these three, there are three more "A Class" licenses. To achieve an A Class license, you must first pass and achieve an Advanced license, and then you must have finished at least five races. This is to achieve an Amateur A Class license. To achieve an Intermediate A Class license, you must win at least one race, to achieve an Advanced A Class license, you have to have won at least five races. There is one final license that you can achieve once you have earned all others. This is the Super License which is gained when you have won a series championship.

3)Racing Schools will be an optional service that we provide. They will provide students with basic racing techniques and knowledge as well as help shave those last few tenths off of your lap times. We will have seminars and workshops that can teach students anything from tuning to drifting.

4)A series "Start Up Kit" will eventually be introduced. It will be a .rar file that contains various materials that aid new comers in starting up series.

5)After discussion on the topic of a unified points system, it has been decided that we will instead have two or three Suggested Points systems that will allow people to choose one that they like best. They are not required to use one of these systems, but it is recommended.

6)Instead of stars, we will use four tiers. Each series will be assigned to a tier by a board of three-five people based on the competitiveness and organization of the series.
Tier one will consist of the most elite series, while tier four will have series that have many issues that need fixing. A majority of the series will be in tier two and three.

7)The same judge or judges from the accident reviewal will decide on a penalty. This penalty could be anything from a points deduction, to a time penalty, to a simple warning, or in extreme cases: suspension and/or expulsion. These penalties will be documented and recorded to a public record.

8/9)These will be added at a later date

This will not effect the racing rules or regulations of this series.
Volcano Pearl

Does anyone want to join up and make a team ?
Welcome aboard you two. I'll assume your on the same team.

Do I need a license for this series then? If yes, how do I organize it please?

No. Licenses have not been assigned and it's the organizers decision of whether or not to restrict them to a certain level. Ex. You must have an Advanced License to participate in this series. Currently it's not like that and there is no license requirement at the moment.