Missable Trophy

Proving Grounds
This Trophy is missable. The very first race tutorial of the game where you are driving the GTR. You have to win the race to get this Trophy.

And i missed it what should i do now ? help.
if i copy and delete my save data and get this trophy then copy my save data back will my auto log time will still as it is or will it be reset to Zero and will i'll be able to earn future trophies?

a Fix
back up your save data to a usb stick then delete your save data from the ps3 then start up shift 2 then win the race get the trophy (all this offline because you dont want your autolog times resets ) then copy the save data from the usb to the ps3 then go play shift 2 and every thing is just the way u left it.

if you didn't understand maybe this could
Did the same with the peniless trophy in GT5. When I discover it was already too far in the game.

backup, earn trophy, restore is always a good technique :)
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I just got it had to back up my save data to a usb stick then delete my save data from the ps3 then won the race got the trophy (all this offline because i dont want my autolog times resets ) then copied my save data from the usb to my ps3 then went to play shift 2 and every thing is just the way i left it.
Did the same with the peniless trophy in GT5. When I discover it was already too far in the game.

backup, earn trophy, restore is always a good technique :)
I just got it had to back up my save data to a usb stick then delete my save data from the ps3 then won the race got the trophy (all this offline because i dont want my autolog times resets ) then copied my save data from the usb to my ps3 then went to play shift 2 and every thing is just the way i left it.

Firstly, thanks to the TC for this thread! I missed that trophy almost intentionally. I didn't want to win so that it doesn't put me on the highest difficulty right away.

However, I did just like LethalKiller said and it worked for me too. Didn't disconnect from internet though, just backed up my save game, deleted it on the PS3, launched the game again, won the race, quit and restored the backup. All good.
Firstly, thanks to the TC for this thread! I missed that trophy almost intentionally. I didn't want to win so that it doesn't put me on the highest difficulty right away.

However, I did just like LethalKiller said and it worked for me too. Didn't disconnect from internet though, just backed up my save game, deleted it on the PS3, launched the game again, won the race, quit and restored the backup. All good.

Was your autolog times the same when you start a new carer?