Missed opportunities in GT5

  • Thread starter RewindTape
First, a warning: Long rant ahead, even if it is insightful, articulate, and in a nice font. :P
Second, I race exclusively online now, in both public and private lobbies, and some of the following would be hard to translate to a public lobby. However, I might still be doing some racing offline if these points were implemented.

My problem is mainly that there is not much game to be had in Gran Turismo, so you have to resort to make you own meta games. When the racing works as intended, it is as intense as gaming gets. I just want more when there isn’t bumper to bumper, adrenaline pounding racing from start to finish.

Licenses are pointless.
I have played this game since release and haven’t got all licenses, nor do I think I ever will. They bored me when I got the IC license, and I don’t think I’m alone in this.

To remedy this, lock available cars by license instead of level. If you want to drive the latest LM prototype, you better have an S license to back it up - earn that baby. I believe it worked this way in previous iterations of Gran Turismo, but I'd tie it to money (or A-spec level) too. That would make the early game something like this: Buy a car, do some races, pay to do the license test (or level up), buy a better car, do more lucrative races (or higher experience yielding ones), rinse and repeat.

A-spec driver level is pointless.
Since sometime around level 15 I didn’t notice what level I was until I got the level 40 congratulation.

Instead, they should have linked things like your pit crews effectiveness to your level, i.e. it’s your whole racing team who are leveling.
The higher the level, the less random your pit stops become. Refueling wouldn’t be like clockwork all the time, changing tyres takes different amounts of time, likewise with repairs.

This should also be associated with money and costs, see below.

Money is almost pointless.
The only thing to spend money on are cars, upgrades, and the so called maintenance.
After I bought my first super car (about ¤200 000), money was no longer an issue, but that isn’t the main crux I think. It is that this takes away from the bonding with your cars. The only car I really bonded with was my first Mazda MX5 that took me through the first races and cups. Every other car since then have just been another vehicle. Well, maybe apart from a few RUFs. :)

Car racing is expensive, so why isn’t this reflected in the game?

Instead of buying an unlimited supply of tyres at a set price, why don’t we buy sets instead? Using up a couple of soft sets in half an hour of racing should cost you. Say you only have to pay up when tyres and fuel are limited. That would make it an optional or late game mechanic, although I would prefer if this was available from the get-go.

Costs for parts should follow the price of the car, e.g. fitting an adjustable suspension on a Ferrari should be about ten times as expensive as fitting one to a Mazda.

Entry fees for races. High class racing should not be cheap in any way or form. This fee would include fuel, so no separate cost for that would be needed.

Minor point, but more upgradeable parts; center bolt wheels for quicker pit stops, racing fuel tanks (implies fixing the percentage / fixed size we have now) for lighter car or fewer stops, better brakes (implies adding brake fade and visual feedback), etc.

At least for offline racing, there should be a cost associated with fixing your car after a crash - even just superficial damage. As with tuning parts; the more expensive the car, the higher the cost (perhaps a percentage of the price of a new car). This would foster a cleaner driving style (which I’ve noticed Polyphony Digital seems to loath), and make for more exciting races as you know a crash will not only bring in less money for a position further down the field, but also cost you more in repairs, netting you more credits for driving cleanly. Ideally you should be able to choose whether you fix damage or not between races, but the graphical damage model is far too coarse to pull that off. A mandatory monetary penalty for driving mistakes would have to do. If this could be made optional in online racing too, that would be great.

Car service, maintenance and reliability is not utilized to any potential. I don’t care if all cars have the same base reliability, but if I accidentally downshift from fifth gear to second instead of fourth, I expect to have to pay the price in performance and maintenance. Furthermore, just driving any engine in the red for long periods of time should have an adverse effect on the performance, while driving conservatively would let you keep peak performance longer, as would avoiding curbs, bumps and jumps. If this is simulated already with the engine and chassis rebuild options, it’s poorly implemented as it is so slow a buildup that it has no effect during the race. Ideally, the engine maintenance would be higher for a car with high power output, and the body maintenance higher for an ordinary car with rock hard racing suspension - but I think that's probably too fiddly. It would put strategy in how much you tune a car though.

Another minor point; a simple history / log of what has happened to each car, i.e. race positions (with driver), repairs, maintenance (with odometer), etc., according to date and time. It would maybe only be mildly interesting for some, but for my favorite cars I would like this. Hey, that would make your actual 100 favorites a little bit more special.

Lose the car wash all together or leave the accumulated dirt on the cars between races. As far as I know, the effect on drag is already simulated but almost negligible.
With all these added expenses, how do you cope? One ugly word, integral to motor racing: Sponsor deals - with a high driver level giving you better deals to choose from. As an example; let’s say you choose to race for Honda in a GT500 series. Then you get a free Honda, and all parts and maintenance for Honda becomes dirt cheap, or even free. Honda in turn expects you to race a set number of races in their car with a defined minimum result in each race. For simplicity, only one running sponsorship deal at the time, and ending the deal with a sponsor prematurely leaves you without the any car(s) you acquired during the sponsorship, plus bad reputation leading to worse (or no) new contracts being offered. A simpler deal might be that all maintenance for Honda is cheaper as long as you race in a Honda every so often.

What would this mean in late game when you have more money than things to spend it on anyway? The feeling of accomplishment, remembering when you struggled to keep that expensive race car running to finish that series.

B-spec is almost pointless.
Some feel B-spec is pointless all together, and I can see why some feel that way, but I don’t. If you could do the endurance races alternating with your B-spec drivers, they would serve a purpose though.

B-spec drivers should develop according to your coaching. If they do so already, the feedback that it is so is non-existent and the effect should be greatly enhanced. More input options when directing would be welcome (e.g. Hold Position and Save Tyres), as would an actual lap based pit strategy.

Give them a salary for the races in which they participate, i.e. it costs you to use them in races – both in full B-spec and A/B split endurance racing. If I don’t want to train a driver from scratch, let me hire other drivers for endurance racing. A better driver would be more expensive of course.

Associate the driver level with available cars here, i.e. they acquire licenses with experience.

The stamina, braking, cornering and accuracy skills are all good, but should be more exposed and be different depending on their experience with different cars. I should be able to have a driver that is wickedly fast in the VW Golf GTi, but not as fast in the Formula GT as someone who already have raced the entire Formula series thrice.

Lose the rabbit car.
Please. No buts, just drop it. Polyphony Digital must have all the data they need to do this by now, with all the remote racing that have been going on.

The race timing is almost useless.
Only split times to the race leader is ridiculous. For more, see this thread.

How about all these cars?
With a huge garage comes huge sorting problems. Let me solve these myself by letting me add (custom) tags to cars. If you want to be difficult, limit the number of tags to nine, with a maximum of three per car. I would create the tag Stock for my unaltered cars the very minute I got my hands on this.

More vehicle filters to choose from; years, type (hatchback, estate, etc.), road or race cars, etc. All these would go in the online lobby regulations as well.

Community (online) racing.
Why can’t I filter out tyre choices, cars selection limits, tuning, driving aids, etc. that I have no interest in seeing when I’m searching for an online lobby?

I thought it would be easier to invite friends to race in an online league in this day and age. Let me specify a track and regulations to go with the invite. This invite system should also be able to be used days before hand as a reminder to all league participants.

I want to be able to create my own league of a number of races that I can share with my friends. The game should be able to keep track of points and chart positions of all participating drivers for me if I (i.e. the lobby owner) just specify in what league an online race is driven. Yes, you understood that correctly; I don't want to limit a league to just sixteen named drivers, as stand-ins and grid fillers will always be needed.

Why can’t I choose freely what cars drivers will be able to choose from? Let’s say I have my own twisted perception of what a Hot Hatch is, I then want to select precisely those fifteen Skylines that fit my definition. For a list of over 1000 cars, I am now severely limited in my limitation choices.

Let me turn the driver labels off in online racing. They are annoying (and really bad if you use a 3D TV set), and should be optional.

...eh... I say that’s enough for now.
Thanks for reading, and take care! :cheers:
Well, now PD just have to read it and implement in GT6, BUT IT WILL BE READ BY TURN 10
instead and we will see it all in FORZA 5 I BET!
Well, now PD just have to read it and implement in GT6, BUT IT WILL BE READ BY TURN 10
instead and we will see it all in FORZA 5 I BET!

You know, I think T10 read Gran Turismo feedback, and implement all we want in their games, so we move to Forza...:scared::scared::scared::scared::scared:
I think you pointless making a thread like this you taking away a lot of good features. I don't like b spec but I just use b spec just to earn a little quick money. The stuff u adding are good but some things u taking away are pointless. But good opinons.
Well, now PD just have to read it and implement in GT6, BUT IT WILL BE READ BY TURN 10
instead and we will see it all in FORZA 5 I BET!

Oh, no! What have I done?!

Or.. I don't mind Forza having anything good, as long as I can have it too in GT5 (I'm looking at you Porsche car pack). ;)
I think you pointless making a thread like this you taking away a lot of good features. I don't like b spec but I just use b spec just to earn a little quick money. The stuff u adding are good but some things u taking away are pointless. But good opinons.

I don't think it's pointless. Do I think anything will actually change? No.

Earning money in B-spec is a scam. Use the online events instead. :P

What do you think I take away from GT Life?
For just driving, there would still be online and arcade (or what it's called - the quick fix races).
I wouldn't miss B-Spec if it went. It's not implemented properly, the main issue for me is "pit strategy" feature... it just doesn't work.

I didn't yearn for B-Spec in GT1/2/3, it was a novelty to have it in GT4 (useful for co-driving Endurance races), but in GT5 it was only really there for earning CR (which is far more lucrative to do in online seasonal races now)

So yeah, get shut of it. I play "driving games" to drive the cars myself, not sit there telling a bot how to drive.
Some good ideas, although it would change the game in a very real way and some people would be unhappy ( I don't like the sponsorship idea, even if it is realistic).

None of this will happen in GT5 though because PD has no idea how to make a video game anymore. GT6 is just going to be about collecting trivial things like helmets and gloves and paint chips, and will just skip driving in cars altogether.
I kind of felt GT2 was a game like the op is trying to describe. I actually stuck to the same cars for very long time. Worked really hard to get more licenses and work my way up the ladder. There are some really awesome ideas in there.

I especially like the pre-setup for online racing. I think they should have had some dedicated servers for online daily championships. For example you enter 3 consecutive races, and the driver with the most points at the end gets an in game trophy along with credits and a car or something. That would be awesome when played against real players.
Tbh i pretty much agree on all points with the Op.

The only thing to renmeber is that the GT series is the everymans racing sim so it sits in the middle of everyones wants without fitting many peoples perfect racing game 100%
Many excellent points OP. Hopefully we'll see some of this in GT6 but I highly doubt it. A lot of the changes you're talking about seem as though they'd be rather easy, simple calculations and such, without changing the basic function of the game. Things like paying for damage, tires, fuel etc. should really be a part of a "simulator". If PD doesn't move on things like this, surely someone else is going to come along and do a better job some day and put them out of business or relegate them to second class status.
Earning money in B-spec is a scam. Use the online events instead. :PQUOTE]

Alot of good valid points however the above statement I dont agree with as I am one of probably many who dont have a reliable internet connection at home and therefore rely heavily on B-spec to earn credits.
I do miss the fast forward function from GT4.
Some good ideas, although it would change the game in a very real way and some people would be unhappy ( I don't like the sponsorship idea, even if it is realistic).

None of this will happen in GT5 though because PD has no idea how to make a video game anymore. GT6 is just going to be about collecting trivial things like helmets and gloves and paint chips, and will just skip driving in cars altogether.

Yes. Yes, it would, and that it my point; like in every other game genre Gran Turismo has to evolve, and Kazunori knows this too.

We'll have to see what comes of this "human drama" angle they are working on, but the game is changing - like it or not. I would not be satisfied with GT5 if a thousand new offline events were added. The incentive of doing the events just isn't there after a while. I don't even do the seasonals anymore.

In my above scenario, the sponsorships would be optional, just like B-spec is now. If you don't like it, just keep playing and the credits will come. :)
Am I the only one who read the OP and thought hmmm so basically what you're saying is you want GT to be grid....?

I think almost everyone on gtp could also come up with some idealistic gt specifically suited to them and them alone but what would be the point, are you hoping to get a job at PD or do you just want a pat on the back?
The only person from whom this kind of post would have any kind of value would be Kaz, his ideal perfect gt I would like to hear about.
My only hope for gt6 is that Kaz is happy with the final product and that he is not rushed into releasing before he is totally happy with it. Not wanting to sound like a total fanboy here but I think sometimes we all forget that Kaz is one the most influential game makers ever so really what makes us qualified to say we could make a better game than he? Also I think its plain to see gt5 isn't finished, Kaz wanted another two years on it but Sony rushed it and everyone ended up disappointed but if you put that disappointment to one side and look at what gt5 got right it blows the competition out of the water now imagine Kaz had the extra two years on gt5 that he wanted and that that same level of quality is seen across the entire game, that's what Im hoping for from gt6 the finished version of gt5 with a couple more cars and tracks thrown in for good measure or perhaps gt6 could be to gt5 what fm4 is to fm2 but as I've already said I just hope Kaz is not rushed into releasing something he is not happy with again.
I haven't read all but can agree on the following:
1) Earning cars is just to easy... (especially when you do the licences on gold you earn a lot of stuff you can do many many races with). It is always that you have one main car in the beginning which you race most stuff with and in the end have kind of connection to...all other cars are nearly just metal chunks...

2) b spec has many potential for improvement! Now it is just giving stupid advised from the pit... why not implementing kind of real manager modus as they exist in scoccer games for example..
Am I the only one who read the OP and thought hmmm so basically what you're saying is you want GT to be grid....?

I think almost everyone on gtp could also come up with some idealistic gt specifically suited to them and them alone but what would be the point, are you hoping to get a job at PD or do you just want a pat on the back?
The only person from whom this kind of post would have any kind of value would be Kaz, his ideal perfect gt I would like to hear about.
My only hope for gt6 is that Kaz is happy with the final product and that he is not rushed into releasing before he is totally happy with it. Not wanting to sound like a total fanboy here but I think sometimes we all forget that Kaz is one the most influential game makers ever so really what makes us qualified to say we could make a better game than he? Also I think its plain to see gt5 isn't finished, Kaz wanted another two years on it but Sony rushed it and everyone ended up disappointed but if you put that disappointment to one side and look at what gt5 got right it blows the competition out of the water now imagine Kaz had the extra two years on gt5 that he wanted and that that same level of quality is seen across the entire game, that's what Im hoping for from gt6 the finished version of gt5 with a couple more cars and tracks thrown in for good measure or perhaps gt6 could be to gt5 what fm4 is to fm2 but as I've already said I just hope Kaz is not rushed into releasing something he is not happy with again.

I haven't played Grid or ever read a review, so I have only a very basic idea of what it is. Do you play it?

I don't get how you think I just want a pat on the back for being able to think about the next step. Do you find any discussion useless unless it's directly with the head of development? You know, even they dream up things that don't make it into the finished product, and that's why they almost never do that kind of thing. Also, as seen in this thread, I'm not alone in thinking about these things and wishing for changes in Gran Turismo. :)

Kazunori is a developer, and as such he will always know that anything released, always has been and always will be, is a compromise of what could be done with the resources at hand. If he's any kind of visionary, which I think he is, he will never be satisfied. You can give him any amount of time, and he will never be "finished", as inspiration and new ideas are everywhere to be found. There are only iterations of his vision that is Gran Turismo.

I know that GT6 will be better than GT5, as every iteration has qualities the previous one lacked. The simulation model in not perfect, but it is quite adequate for all but a small percentage of the customers. There are a lot of cars in the game already, more than anyone will care to drive. And that's good, as everyone finds their favorite niche of driving pleasure and can dwell there.
So, what do you add to the game to keep existing customers and bring in new ones? I don't think old game mechanics brings in new customers, or keeps the old ones. As I said, if GT6 just adds a lot of events, some cars, and tracks, I will have no need to buy it. They got me by the balls though, as they can shut down the GT5 servers anytime they like, effectively turning my game into a dust coaster.

If all you want to do is offline driving, dump GT Life all together; choose a track, car and opponents, and just drive.
Was it in GT1 that you would teach the B Spec driver how to drive by driving yourself in some B Spec stuff?

I liked that way.
I haven't read all but can agree on the following:
1) Earning cars is just to easy... (especially when you do the licences on gold you earn a lot of stuff you can do many many races with). It is always that you have one main car in the beginning which you race most stuff with and in the end have kind of connection to...all other cars are nearly just metal chunks...

2) b spec has many potential for improvement! Now it is just giving stupid advised from the pit... why not implementing kind of real manager modus as they exist in scoccer games for example..

Exactly. I haven't played a soccer management game since they were all text, but that is precisely what I mean. It's mostly simple statistics and spread sheets, not very taxing on the hardware. My guess is no developer have any genuine interest in branching out that section of the game, or may lack time to do so.
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Many excellent points OP. Hopefully we'll see some of this in GT6 but I highly doubt it. A lot of the changes you're talking about seem as though they'd be rather easy, simple calculations and such, without changing the basic function of the game. Things like paying for damage, tires, fuel etc. should really be a part of a "simulator". If PD doesn't move on things like this, surely someone else is going to come along and do a better job some day and put them out of business or relegate them to second class status.

Thanks. And I think you are very much correct - no matter your fan base, people will lose interest if you don't innovate. Even World of Warcraft are losing subscribers. (Disclaimer: I don't play World of Warcraft.)
Alot of good valid points however the above statement I dont agree with as I am one of probably many who dont have a reliable internet connection at home and therefore rely heavily on B-spec to earn credits.
I do miss the fast forward function from GT4.

Yes, I agree with you; the monetary model is broken. Doing B-spec just to earn money sounds very boring.
Tbh i pretty much agree on all points with the Op.

The only thing to renmeber is that the GT series is the everymans racing sim so it sits in the middle of everyones wants without fitting many peoples perfect racing game 100%

True. For driving you have at least the online time trial drivers, offline time trial drivers, online racers, offline racers, offline drivers, and the racing experience drivers. The last group is what most of my original post concerns, as it is the one with the most potential for marketable development. The others have most of their needs covered in the game already.
I kind of felt GT2 was a game like the op is trying to describe. I actually stuck to the same cars for very long time. Worked really hard to get more licenses and work my way up the ladder. There are some really awesome ideas in there.

I especially like the pre-setup for online racing. I think they should have had some dedicated servers for online daily championships. For example you enter 3 consecutive races, and the driver with the most points at the end gets an in game trophy along with credits and a car or something. That would be awesome when played against real players.

It is a bit of a headache to do championship racing online, as you have to do all the work computers are perfectly suited to do, by hand.
Wow, you're spamming your own thread :lol:. Use the multi quote, its better than filling your thread with your own posts. Its also frowned upon here, just a heads up.

Good ideas though ;)
Was it in GT1 that you would teach the B Spec driver how to drive by driving yourself in some B Spec stuff?

I liked that way.

Whoa! Wait a minute... You mean I would have my own stable of inconsistent, brake zone optimists, that all blame me for their lack of progress? Bring 'em on! :sly:

Wow, you're spamming your own thread :lol:. Use the multi quote, its better than filling your thread with your own posts. Its also frowned upon here, just a heads up.

Good ideas though ;)

But that large quote button is so good looking and enticing, almost slutty. However, as a man with orthopaedic shoes - I stand corrected.
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Whoa! Wait a minute... You mean I would have my own stable of inconsistent, brake zone optimists, that all blame me for their lack of progress? Bring 'em on! :sly:

Yeah. It was kinda like the the license tests where you would take a type of corner and your B Spec driver would learn from it and be the same on track.
Just want to put this out here, not trying to start an argument, but while a lot of people moan about GT5 not being up to scratch, they seem to forget that GT1 on PS1 wasn't great, and GT2 came out on the same platform, and gave more of everything. It's the same story with GT3 and GT4 on the PS2. In my opinion, Polyphony use the first game on a new console to feel things out, then use what they've learned to improve everything on the next one.
Just want to put this out here, not trying to start an argument, but while a lot of people moan about GT5 not being up to scratch, they seem to forget that GT1 on PS1 wasn't great, and GT2 came out on the same platform, and gave more of everything. It's the same story with GT3 and GT4 on the PS2. In my opinion, Polyphony use the first game on a new console to feel things out, then use what they've learned to improve everything on the next one.

This^^ This is exactly what I see happening with Gran Turismo. Just you wait until GT7 comes out on the PS4 and everyone will be complaining that it's rubbish and why can't it be like the old games.
Just want to put this out here, not trying to start an argument, but while a lot of people moan about GT5 not being up to scratch, they seem to forget that GT1 on PS1 wasn't great, and GT2 came out on the same platform, and gave more of everything. It's the same story with GT3 and GT4 on the PS2. In my opinion, Polyphony use the first game on a new console to feel things out, then use what they've learned to improve everything on the next one.

I don't agree with this. I still think GT5 was not managed well while it was being developed. While it's true GT2 & GT4 expanded on the games before it, GT1 & GT3 IMO were not shallow games and worked in ways that made sense. I still enjoy GT3 a lot more than GT5, mainly because it has a much, much deeper career mode despite only having 150 cars. License tests had a purpose, the economy was not stupidly broken like in GT5, etc. I also disagree that GT1 wasn't great. It was an amazing game for what it did during days of the PS1.