Mission 11 - New York Toyota GT2000

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i had enough of this 🤬 mission:tdown:
It was hard enough with a steering wheel, but now that i'm using the controller, it's just 🤬 i'm not learning to drive better, i'm simply learning to 🤬 swear louder. I'd like to award the guys who programmed this in a special way 🤬
I'd give all my 46 F1s in exchange for a complete mission save :ouch:
Any takers? Btw, (out of topic, i know) can a game save be tranferred from a pc to ps2? :crazy:
Yes, the game save can be transferred but you need Max Drive or ARmax device.
As far as the mission goes: turn the volume up, listen to the tires getting locked up, don't use full brake power.
I took a stab at this mission a couple weeks ago. Having read through this thread I was expecting a rough time with it. But after a couple attempts to get the feel of the car, I won it fairly easily. Knowing the track well helps a lot, but that's true I suppose of all the missions.

In my opinion, Missions 13, 15 and especially 14 were harder.
It has been said before. This mission is much harder in PAL (Europe) version. (but their M34 is easier)

I don't know whether my (PAL) version is easier or harder than NTSC, but I'd have to say that I had more problems with 12, 13 and 14 than I did with this one. Oh - and 26. That one !"£$"!"!£ killed me. Haven't had a serious go at 34 yet.

Back to M11 - it's not easy, but it can be done, with a DS2 and Auto transmission too. The advice given earlier in the thread is good - concentrate on exit speed and line, brake early, be smooth through the corners and try to time it so you can get on the throttle at or just after the apex.
I really enjoyed racing this Mission. I've gone back and done it several times. I found the key to winning was shifting to a higher gear early and doing a lot of drafting. Keeping the speed high around turns definitely helps. A couple of times I caught the lead car by the start of the turn at the bottom of the course.

I think when I first started this Mission I would wind the gears out too much and that just didn't cut it. It took about me about five or six tries to beat the lead car. I really enjoy that New York course.

I have my easy (NTSC, DS2, MT) winning run on YouTube. The Mazda had no chance at all:

As said in a few threads up, the Toyota is definitely a momentum car. Never use first. It's better to bog around the corners in second gear. Look at the video and you'll see the gears and speeds used. It makes it look so easy and is.
:scared: Finaly, after about 50 trials (first & second sector only) and about 10 full races, i managed to beat the 🤬 but barely :ouch:
A definitely learned to swear louder, for the driving learning, i doubt i could do it twice in a row 👎
One of the main tricks in this mission, is to hit the brakes only once, prior to the corners ( as the car's front will sag) and if done at the right time and correctly, once the brakes are released, as the front of the car raises, gas has to be applied gently right througout the corner, otherwise 2nd gear will die. The section where i lost the most time is at the chicane (Uzi's nozzle) This track is shaped similar to an Uzi :indiff: . That section always makes 2nd gear die 👎 If my car had such a whimpy 2nd gear, i'd ride a bicycle instead. Here's my time: +26.697, +22.745, +18.504, +12.664, +8.445, +6.107, +2.807, finish @ -886 @ 6.46.867
This game sure is: "The real driving (you&me mad) simulator" :grumpy:
To all those who are married and yet to pass this mission, here's some good advice; make sure your wife is not present because, she will only 🤬 pissss you off more. Also, it's best to practice only on the first and second sectors, untill you get a reasonable time, then go on for the rest of the race. Cheers :cheers: and good luck! 👍
Man this is a beautiful looking and sounding car and I like the way it drives (I'm fond of softly sprung cars) but the race suck! I finally beat it today, and now my butt hurts from sitting on the futon so much. I think that shifting deep into the redline really helps, the GT's power curve rises slowly to it's peak and drops a bit, it doesn't make power at low RPM's.
GT4 Mission IA-11 Sphinx (6:38.418)
Wow, you're amazingly fast. I didn't catch the Mazda until coming out of the last straight!
After a rather too long of a break I decided to plug in GT4 again:dopey:

🤬 this mission still 1.6 secs off for what by my lowly standards was beautiful driving. ahh well, rant over back to the grind.
this was the first mission i did since i never really did any missions and my friend challenged me to beat it since he couldnt. After two tries i beat the mazda by 2
seconds and a bit more but i kind of cheated. I bumped the mazda on the last turn before the final straight. -_-"
ohh yeah. 11 is now done. with a drag race to the finish from the last hairpin i finally beat the nasty mazda. (only took me about a 100 tries). but after reading all the hints and tips on this thread it really helps.

brake before turning slow down and try not to slide. cut the corners over the rumbles and be carefull not to hit anything.

i did not think i could do it. but after going through the gold licences (43 currently) it really helps to learn courses and what cars can do.

thanks to all that post the tips, they really help.👍

well of to do more missions and licences.
and any one notice that ,the 2000 toyota ,is cost 160,000 .what a car ! I don't know why it's so expensive :yuck:

EDIT: after I watch daan video ,I decided to try my chance so you will not belive ,I win that mazda at the 2nd try:sly:
I'm stuck at this mission.

I can't pass all the cars in time.

can somebody help me?

All right, I'll rise to the bait. . . . .

Appropriate handle.

You're not Morganhead/PrayforMaserati, are you? If so, then doubly appropriate handle.

In case not, you might have a look at the thread you just posted in, which includes tips, videos, and other assorted items of assistance to answer the very question you posted.
Brake earlier. Exit speed is 1.4 billion times more important than braking deep. People tend to want to brake at the last possible instant to keep as much speed into a corner as they can. This is wrong.

Late braking is not the fast way through a turn, it's the way to pass another car at a turn. When you brake too late, you lose your line and end up with a lower corner speed and lower exit speed, which is speed you've lost for the whole straight following. The only reason it works when "outbraking" to pass is that you force the opponent into an even worse line. By yourself, early braking, proper apex, and good exit speed. This car at this track requires you to keep up the momentum. If it drifts, you've lost time.

Yeah, but the brakes on the 2000GT are so crappy you have to brake early.
#1: Brake early.
#2: Don't overdrive the car.
#3: Drive gently.
#4: Don't overdrive the car.
#5: Use very small steering movements.
#6: Don't overdrive the car.

It just can't be said too many times in this mission, don't overdrive the car. There is very little grip available and every time you exceed the limits the ASM will kick in, take your speed away and probably send you to the nearest wall. You have to balance yourself on the very edge of the grip, a bit too slow is better than a bit too fast.

I'm a PAL player and rumouredly the PAL time limit is four seconds harder than the NTSC. I win it every time with at least four seconds, and I don't have to drive flat out. My driving with the DFP looks like slow motion, that should tell something.
#1: Brake early.
#2: Don't overdrive the car.
#3: Drive gently.
#4: Don't overdrive the car.
#5: Use very small steering movements.
#6: Don't overdrive the car.

It just can't be said too many times in this mission, don't overdrive the car. There is very little grip available and every time you exceed the limits the ASM will kick in, take your speed away and probably send you to the nearest wall. You have to balance yourself on the very edge of the grip, a bit too slow is better than a bit too fast.

I'm a PAL player and rumouredly the PAL time limit is four seconds harder than the NTSC. I win it every time with at least four seconds, and I don't have to drive flat out. My driving with the DFP looks like slow motion, that should tell something.

I passed the test on my 1st whole 3 lap sequence. Greycap tells you everything you need to know about this test 👍
My driving with the DFP looks like slow motion, that should tell something.
👍 I've read a lot of good information in this thread about ideal speeds, revs, etc - but this image is the one that really stuck with me and helped me figure it out. My steering (DS2/analog) was FAR too aggressive. I went into it trying to drive in slow motion and it worked like a charm - first attempt I lost by 6 seconds having made a couple substantial mistakes, second by less than 1 second, and third time out I won by 2. I must have failed this a dozen times before by 9-10 seconds, but it all turned around by focusing on soft and steady steering - I just used the suggested brake points and eased through every turn - don't think the analog stick went past 50% off-center more than a couple times.
My steering (DS2/analog) was FAR too aggressive.
Unfortunately, this is generally the case with GT4 on the dual-shock controller. It was intensely frustrating to me, particularly on the MINI at Tsukuba. The wheel makes all the difference in GT4, whereas in GT3 it was a nice option, not a requirement.
Good to hear that my tips have helped you! This mission is one of my favourites in this game, a good way to earn ten grand and to keep some eye on my driving skills. :)

Sorry to say Duke, but the wheel is nowhere near a requirement. Sure, it makes the driving easier (after the initial frustration of two months being unable to drive pretty much anything) but I have said it before and I say it again that every race can be won, every mission completed and every licence golded with the DS2 and automatic transmission. I should know - I've done it.
I have said it before and I say it again that every race can be won, every mission completed and every licence golded with the DS2 and automatic transmission. I should know - I've done it.
Oh, it's doable; it's just not fun. I never used automatic transmission but I know plenty of people who do that can hand me my butt. I completed GT3 100% and all golds with a Dual Shock. I played the first 10% of GT4 with a DS, but I was rapidly losing interest and feeling like it was a chore until I took the risk and bought a DFP. Ever since then I've had fun playing GT4 despite its obvious (and many) flaws.
Too true, this very mission proves the fun point very well. With the DS2 it's pretty much guessing how much one should turn or how many fractions of a millimetre to push that right stick to get just a tad more throttle. The DFP, and even more the G25, makes it feel like driving an old, softly sprung car. I don't know which is the faster way to go, probably there isn't a faster or a slower way, but I would never go back to DS2 driving. Even less with automatic gears...
I've always had difficulty using the sticks on the DS2 for racing games and I find the D-pad much better, though I've noticed the D-pads don't always seem to get the force of the press through correctly depending how your thumb is sitting on it especially when your in a tricky moment.

Best advice for this mission is to get all your braking done before turning into the corner and keep your speed up in the bends. Learn the car and the lines first then try to go for the win, doing this first I managed to pass the leader in the final corner after a couple of goes.
as soon as i found out that mission 11 goes toward only unlocking the jay leno car i just gave up and skipped to mission 21 lol. maby one day, ill put in the time and effort
This mission, driving at the very limits of the car helps in learning the mission and eventually beating it. The A.I. lose a lot of speed skidding on corners, leaving plenty of chances to gain time on them in the 3 allotted laps.
I got one penalty and didn't drive perfectly at the corners, i still passed the last car just before finish line. Is this mission easier in PAL version?.