Mission 12 - Laguna Seca Ford GT

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.. I smell a action replay code on this video ...

No I dont think there is. Mick777 (see post #41) gave me a replay of his mission and he managed to pass the #1 within 50 yards of starting lap 3. He made it look soooo easy. The guy in 'your' video is slow compared to him. Mick's replay helped me to pass my Nemesis.

When you do multiple downshifts, learn to wait and time them. You get better engine braking that way. shift-one,pause,shift-two,pause,shift-three The pause is, of course, very short. If you downshift too quickly the clutch goes out, and you coast. Now, it's not clear that in real life a car like this would use engine braking at all, but, AFAICT, it's still very heavily modeled, even in [size=+1]GT4[/size]. I think I passed the 5th place car going up the hill. I ought to have the replay stashed somewhere. I'd guess you need to work on the two turns before the hill. Both good places to waste (or save) lots of energy.

You might not get very far trying to do all of what an excellent player does. On the other hand, if you can find one or two "secrets" from his drive, you might be able to string them together with a solid drive to win.

I checked (my notes; not the replay, yet), and I passed only by hundredths, by-the-way. It was tough, and I likely couldn't reproduce it.
Skippy: Geeze I had no idea they were that sensitive, makes sense, because I've seen the brake and throttle gauges gradully go up and down (extremely fast but definately not instantly) I just always took that as the game. I noticed the whole analog button thing in GTA Vice City, but I think that game might only recognize two of the 256 stages. I was on a CJS (Or whatever the abrev. is) and noticed the two different sounds. I guess being a driving sim. they need to be more sensitive.. But like you said good luck being able to get within mm's lol.. I've heard about the right stick thing but I've heard it's also a bad habbit to get into, using that that is. But I might need to to get past this, but then again I could burn up lots of time trying to get readjusted with a new gas/brake layout.

AMG: Yeah I went through the trouble to dig out the wmv link. My media player is pretty well shot when it comes to either firefox or IE, yet I can open wmv just fine. I've tried reinstalling media player, and no luck. I think t's deeper than that, my windows install is pretty botched, it's stuck in limbo between sp1 and sp2. After I heard of the horror stories of the sp2 upgrade (as opposed to installing a windows install that has sp2 already packaged in it) I started uninstalling and it.. well it wasn't good.. lol

SportWagon: Yeah those two turns are not fun. The turn before the hill more so. I've chopped that turn a couple of times accidentally but I noticed it actually helped I think because it barely slowed me down in terms of mph because it was such a short patch. I might try to perfect that as even knowing the driving line in advance is pretty tricky to get. And yeah watching the videos is definately helping. I think I'm at that point now though where I now know enough of what I need to do, I just need to do it (Though if I can pick up a few more "secrets" by watching more videos in the meantime then all the better). Getting a better memory of the driving lines for each turn is -definately- helping too, because the fraction of a second that you say, "oh yeah I need to be over here" can kill. I need to practically be thinking two turn driving lines ahead (not the one I'm coming up to, but the one after that.
gah... 0.6sec behind the first place guy.. first time I ever even got remotely that close... now if only I can get my heart to return back to my chest I might be able to give it another try lol
no doubt the video is real. I did this in 4:04 and there were area's for improvement. he has mastered the balance and braking points for the car and track. Well done!
After playing this game for years, in the last 12 months or so I've started trying the "Missions" on and off. I eventually got up to 11, but that's that...I can't seem to progress any further, even with many hours at a time of trying to repeatedly pass various missions.

Anyway, a few comments in general on the Missions from an old gamer (well i'm only 45 I suppose...:sly:) and real-life amatuer racing driver (tarmac, drag racing, and rally)...
* Years ago with computer games, we used to say that "challenges within a game can be made difficult, but they shouldn't be made so difficult that the "average" player has no hope of achieving them...nothing creates an annoyed player who is likely to not buy your future offerings than intentionally making challenges in a game that are practically unachievable".
* The AI...this is a big issue. Many years ago we used to say that in certain games, there is "AI", and there is "PAI", or "Perfect Artificial Intelligence"...computer opponents that are, to put it simply, "too damn perfect for thier own good". The opponent cars in the missions fall into that category...they never make mistakes, they don't appear to be affected by understeer or oversteer, they never accidentally lock the brakes, and they basically follow every racing line perfectly.
* "Reality"...the way you make a challenging race is to bring in rules and regs and homologation specs that mean everyones cars are as close as possible to each other...no one has a significant advantage over the other guy. This is how things are done in real racing of most sorts. However, in these missions, what is the point of starting someone in an underpowered ill-handling car up to 30 seconds behind a far superior lead car?
* It might have sounded trite in Days Of Thunder with Tom Cruise, but "rubbing is racing"...in real life circuit racing, if you rub against another car, you don't automatically slow down for five seconds. If you brush a barricade, you don't slow down for five seconds...like it or not, swapping paint in corners is jus part of life sometimes...my Celica has the scars to prove it.
* To answer a query above (StakFallK), yes, downshifting at too high a revs does indeed have more of an effect than a puff of flame out of the exhaust and a "rev-rev-rev-rev-rev" off the rev limiter...it results in either/or a detonated motor and shredded gearbox...in the corner of my shed is a destroyed 302 Ford V8 and four speed from just such a mistake I made several years ago...oops...

Still love the game, but I now avoid that little "Missions" tag like the plague...as do many many other people I know who own GT4...👎
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After i make all licences to gold, all missions are simple. Maybe 34, but after 20min. I made it. I play gt4 since 2005, and gt mania startet with ps1 and gt1.
The key to laguna seca is pirst apex, 4th corrner, chicane (must stay on gear), adn last left 90corrner. Rest try to cut by shortest line.
Sometimea lije in formuka gt, ai makes mistake on chicane, and next corrner agter chicane.

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