Mission 14 and 16

  • Thread starter Der Alta

Der Alta

Official GTP Bouncer
Staff Emeritus
OK, I'm having a right bear of a time trying to catch this one. Seems the Beetle is too much for me to drive. I'm looking for either a replay or a write-up along these lines:

Mission Fourteen:
Final time: 6'00.664
Buick Special (Second place): 6'03.872

The very key to this one was taking my time. It took some time to figure out I had to brake early at 85% power, go easy on the throttle control, and only minor changes to the steering input. The Buick Special has gobs of power on the straight, but can't take a corner at any speed. Learning how to get your Plymouth to turn is where you'll gain time. By the jumps on the second lap, I had passed everyone and was creeping up on the Buick.

Take the Hairpin before the front stretch in second gear. You'll carry more speed across the back straight.

Passing places:
Barrcauda: Top of the Jumps hill, first corner
GTO: 45 degree sweepers.
Mercury Cougar: Braking after the long stretch (He veers left at the 90 degree right)
Dodge Charger: Hairpin, beginning of second lap.
Buick Special: Hairpin, beginning of Third lap

Spot time checks:
Lap one:
-6.181 (49 seconds +/-)
-5.361 (1' 40" +/-)

Lap Two: - 5.455 (2' 07" +/-)
- 3.105 (2' 45" +/-)
- 2.138 (3' 40" +/-)

Start Lap Three: - 1.260 (4' 03" +/-)
+ 1.267 (4' 42" +/-)

That's #14 (I've been adding them to www.deralta.net) and updating as I pass them.

#15 was a breeze, so there wasn't much to it.

I'm hoping someone has an NTSC replay, or a break down like above for Mission #16.


I didn't catch the Buick till the start of the straightaway on the 3rd lap.. and it sucked since I turn in underneath him at the turn at the start. He turned in sharp, which hit me and gave me a 5 sec penalty. "Great," I thought, "gotta start over now". But for some reason I hung in there. As soon as I realized the 5 sec thing, I just turned into him to slow him down a bit, but he got head, and once the penalty was up, I went. I honestly didn't think I would catch him.
I went through the chicane after you cross the railroad tracks and must have driven perfectly because I came out with a heck of a lot of steam and caught him on that little straight before the 90degree turn. I took the inside, cleanly, did a little fishtail in front of him, and was gone. I think I won by over a second and a half or so. Was really cool :)