Mission 15 - Cote d’Azur Lancia Stratos

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3 lap battles Mission 15 Cote d’Azur Lancia Stratos
I just cant let these writeups go astray, so I'll try to save as many of them as I can.

Courtesy of Daan and Famine

Der Alta
Final time: 6'24.843
Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint GTA 1600 '65 (Second place): 6'25.363 (+0.520)
This one was quite easy. Managing the car's balance is key. I was due to pass this one on my second try, but clipped the last corner and was given a 5 second penalty. In the next 3 tries, I got squirrely and hit a few more 5 second penalties. In my final run, I did get a 5 second penalty, but was still able to out drag the second place car in the last stretch. Won it by 0.520 seconds. I'd go back and do a write-up, but it was really easy. If anyone wants, I'll check do it up, as I have saved the replay. You should pass two cars each lap.

(3/17) This mission seems to be easier than the previous ones. All your AI opponents have inferior power. You can easily out-accelerate them in any reasonable straight. So passing them is not a conern. All you need to do is to make 3 clean laps and hit a certain time, because the lead car always finishes at the same time. The track is Cote d'Azur. It's a beautiful track based on the real formula 1 Monte Carlo track. Your car skids pretty easily and it has a tendency to get sucked into the barrier somehow. So stay a bit further away from the barrier. I can't really manage power sliding well so I usually slow the car down in a straight line and then accelerate out of the corner to minimize the skidding.
I find the downshift hint usually flashes too late, especially after the tunnel approaching the tight chicane.
I was still down by 2 lengths after the final right hander but out-accelerate the lead car in the final stretch to beat him by 0.497 seconds.
Caught up with the ... car at ...
5th: first lap, beginning of the tunnel
4th: second lap, beginning of the uphill straight
3rd: second lap, after the chicane after tunnel
2nd: third lap, uphill straight
1st: third lap, right before finish line
Checkpoint Times:
1st lap: +39.118 +31.668 +28.508
2nd lap: +23.678 +16.235 +13.306
3rd lap: +8.700 +2.374 -0.497
My time: 6:25.041
AI time: 6:25.538
Easy. But take heed that the Stratos is fond of sliding so keep that under conrol and you won't have problems.. You can pass the lead car just after the tight chicane (after the straight).
iv never been that good on this track but then again i havent really drove the Stratos before. I surpose i just better keeps trying

Practice makes Perfect :sly:
This took me about 3 tries last night to get an idea about the cars handling as I was attempting to complete many of the 11-34 missions I hadn't yet completed.

For me the best way to race this was to brake a little early before turns, release brake; begin to turn and accelerate as your car would begin to skid as I found this made turning much quicker than braking and turning as it has pretty crappy handling.
a tip for anyone having trouble coming to grips with the stratos, don't force it to slide - let the car float around corners by itself.

If you try to push the car into a drift what tends to happen is the TCS / ASM kicks in and stops the rear wheels spinning, which kills your drift line and speed and often sends you straight into the wall.

The top of the hill is a prime example, usually in this car I would try to flick it sidways into the sweeper leading to the casino, but for this test I just backed off and gave it a slight tap in the right direction and let it gently drift around on its own accord, 9 times out of 10 it will come out of the slide perfectly lined up for the next straight.
me = :banghead: , is there a video of this one out there? I like to study the brake points, exit speeds etc. this one is kicking my ass, who am i kidding, most of them are kicking my ass.
me = :banghead: , is there a video of this one out there? I like to study the brake points, exit speeds etc. this one is kicking my ass, who am i kidding, most of them are kicking my ass.
Try PM-ing Mick777, he may be of help.
me = :banghead: , is there a video of this one out there? I like to study the brake points, exit speeds etc. this one is kicking my ass, who am i kidding, most of them are kicking my ass.
Here's my site:


So far i've only got videos of my favourite missions on there. If you want a video i'll make one as soon as i can.
I was very pleased to pass this one last night as I am not usually too good at driving cars with this type of handling. This is not the place to drift as the aids will virtually stop the car for you. Do all of your braking before reaching the turn, then float the car through. On very low speed hairpins and turns, give it some throttle through the corner. As stan394 said, brake early coming out of the tunnel before the dowshift hint flashes, or you will be in the swimming pool.
Took me like three tries. Not to hard. Just gotta be careful of the super fish-tailey handling. Be smooth. My brake point for coming out of the tunnel was the last bush in the row on the right. It worked great!
handling problems in this test appear to be due to the tires - comfort (otherwise known as N2 :>). I don't know the track so I'm practicing - didn't want to fork out 130,000 for this so-so car, so I'm using a Dome Zero which is quite close (similar horsepower, MR layout). At least the tyres are free :P
I tried it twice and had a bit of troubles. Yikes, its one of the 6 remaining missions I have left to do.

And the brake indicator is useless for the straight after the tunnel.
I found it pretty easy after practicing, had a quite wide margin. You'll just have to learn the braking point after the tunnel on your own :). You don't need to be anywhere close to the edge to win this one, so just brake nice and early, it beats slamming into the wall.
This one started as a PIA until I figgured out the car doesn't like to be sideways!!
I would be 2nd by 5 sec for the longest time until I kept the car from sliding, I caught the last car at the last hairpin & won by over 5 sec!

Here's a map of the circuit for this mission, with the gears listed for each corner, and brake zones in yellow.

-Use every inch of road possible.
-The Lancia likes to get a little loose under braking, so be careful not to get sideways going into any of the chicanes.

Disclaimer: This is how I drive the mission. I have a conservative, smooth driving style, so your braking tendencies may not match, but it should give you some idea of where to brake, and how much. Throttle-lifts are NOT shown, but it's not hard to figure out when you should lift. The time reference is for the NTSC version only.
I found this Mission relatively easy,,, nothing was too hard with it just keep in mind the circuit and especially the Breaking Points. I found that when it read 2nd Gear i wouldchange to 1st to keep the revs up. Also, on the section where there are 2 hairpin turns, on the second DO NOT try to cross the rumble strip as it is rather high (more like a curb) and will slow you down immensely.

I finished this level 2.3 seconds infront of the second car!
This one felt really hard to me first, but then I bought that Lancia for my own use, driving La Festa Italiano series with it to learn more about it's handling and it helped enough to pass the mission at first try after this. BTW loading Stratos with all best tuning parts(best NA-tune) and using Duck's setup you'll get nicely handling drifter. :cool:
I finally got this one today. I bought a Stratos too, ran it bone stock on the S2's in La Festa Italiano (for 143 A-spec points per race), put N2's on it and practiced a couple laps until I felt good with the car on N2's, then it took me about a dozen tries at the mission itself. I finally got it all together, passed the lead car just after the double chicane after the tunnel, won by 4.xx seconds.
When I first did this Mission a year or so back, it was one of the Missions I detested. The Stratos felt like a wuss of a car. If you wanted to stop today, start braking yesterday. Why such a rubbery feel to the car's suspension? Why bother to race a car with bald tires?

A year later and I can really appreciate driving this Mission. You need gentle inputs just to keep the car in line during a turn. The Stratos clearly outclasses the competition. Just keep the car moving steadily with a minimum amount of tire squeal and you'll have no problem winning the race by a huge margin. I really enjoy this race now and would gladly run it a few more times. One of GT4's better Missions.

Here is the sample video for this leisurely Mission (NTSC, DS2, MT):
Thanks to everybody for the advice/videos/etc - once i got my head around how to drive the car properly I could see what SirBerra meant - much more enjoyable race.