Mission 15 - Cote d’Azur Lancia Stratos

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i've read a lot of horrible things about lancia stratos in car magazines but never thought it could be that bad! what a terrible car! its handling is worse than the plymuth's in M14! if plymuth is just a piece of crap then lancia is an unpredictable piece of crap! the only direction where it is predictable is dead ahead. a single degree on the steering and it's a game of trying to catch it. mastering the unpredictable stratos is about two things: 1) knowing that it can go sideways at any moment; 2) using pre-emptive (very pre-emtive because the car's reactions are a bit slow-witted) dabs of opposite lock all the time. it helps in slower corners but in fast curves you're mostly a passenger - opposite lock just makes stratos jump from side to side and it is very unwilling to be steered by the throttle - although the power is obviously there it just doesn't transform into an adequate forward motion in corners. i've made about 10 attempts and my best is -6 seconds from the leader. even coming straight from M14 which teaches you to be economical with your inputs i don't consider this mission an easy one. however, i'm a rookie at the Monaco GP circuit and it certainly needs learning. btw, the track feels very different from what i'm used to after playing various F1 games. is it because lancia is a road car and you 'sit' higher?
When I first did this Mission a year or so back, it was one of the Missions I detested. The Stratos felt like a wuss of a car. If you wanted to stop today, start braking yesterday. Why such a rubbery feel to the car's suspension? Why bother to race a car with bald tires?

A year later and I can really appreciate driving this Mission. You need gentle inputs just to keep the car in line during a turn. The Stratos clearly outclasses the competition. Just keep the car moving steadily with a minimum amount of tire squeal and you'll have no problem winning the race by a huge margin. I really enjoy this race now and would gladly run it a few more times. One of GT4's better Missions.

I have to agree here. I ran it today: the Stratros was tricky to handle, but it felt ivincible once the car's idiosyncrasies were worked out. Then again, however, I tend to feel this way AFTER I have cleared the mission...
sweet beat it with a 6:24.3 i could lower this lap by a few seconds if i diddnt graze some walls and hit that one wall after the start/finish line. (no penalties)
I hated this test. But mostly I hated the ASM. In my initial runs I was fighting the ASM all the way around the course. Take the tunnel too quick and it slams you into the right guard railing (which is pretty good going for a right hand bend). Take a corner with a little bit of slip and it slows you to a crawl.

I eventually worked it out - brake early, point at the corner and then accelerate straight through the corner with as little turning as possible. But I still hate the ASM - particularly because it is anything but a safety device and will apparently randomly slam you into a wall.

But on my final run I won by 2.5 seconds and it involved a remarkable amount of argy-bargy when I passed a couple of cars at hairpins - I passed the last car on the last hairpin while exchanging a lot of paint on the door handles. I was surprised I didn't cop any 5 second penalties, but I guess the contact was at low speed.

(I also hate the license test in the MGF at Hong Kong for exactly the same reason - ASM that is anything but a safety device and which I have to fight the whole way around.)
Can someone please post their winning splits please as I would like to see where I am losing time. Thanks much
This mission is really easy. Just learn the track well in practice mode, and practice driving around Cote in a mid-engine car if you need to (Lotus Elise works).. I bet you'll eventually pass the leading car well before the mission is over.
Thanks Parnelli. I've been round it a fair few hundred times in a F1 car from F1:CE and been around it in real life in various vehicles including a 38 ton truck, breaking 3.5ton weight limit by the swimming pool, but here in comparison the road is much wider at the start of the up hill climb and round by the Massenet and a lot tighter by the swimming pool. All in all though, the Stratos seems to handle very much as across between the car in 11 and the oiltanker in 14. And I am actually really enjoying this one. Best lap is 6.29.148 at the moment, but hey, I am really getting into these missions.
Thanks Parnelli. I've been round it a fair few hundred times in a F1 car from F1:CE and been around it in real life in various vehicles including a 38 ton truck, breaking 3.5ton weight limit by the swimming pool, but here in comparison the road is much wider at the start of the up hill climb and round by the Massenet and a lot tighter by the swimming pool. All in all though, the Stratos seems to handle very much as across between the car in 11 and the oiltanker in 14. And I am actually really enjoying this one. Best lap is 6.29.148 at the moment, but hey, I am really getting into these missions.

You'll be surprised at how easy some of the ones you'll have coming up are. Some of them will be tough, of course...but some will be easy.
Got it. 6.25.899 And they gotta be the worst 3 laps I did. Parnelli, can I pm you a list of which ones I got left for advice?
33 down and 1 to go. MOV .329. Car handled like loafers on ice. Easy on the gas and easy on the brakes. Brake in a straight line then apply gas. Bring on #34.
Using a DFP helps considerably with this mission since you can provide MUCH smoother inputs. Slow in - fast out as always and you'll pass.