Hey gang. Long time lurker. First time poster. I suppose I made this account when I first got the big bug for cars. I didn't actually get the game until 2008. So here goes nothing.
I did it. Finally. AT/exploits/NTSC. I started this file 6 something years ago. Off and on, and off and on I played it. I hated this mission before. Hated it when I came back. Still hate it even today.
First some
photos, then the splits and the mission at hand.
The splits. With selected commentary.
T1 +1:49.616
T2 +1:40.847
T3 +1:31.572
T4 +1:19.636 -my all time best ever sector here.
T5 +1:06.249
T6 +0:55.248 -spotted 5th. made an error by letting off the gas when wallriding. couldn't get into 2nd.
T7 +0:39.071
T8 +0:30.872
T9 +0:25.088 -car drifted to the grass and got squirrelly on me, lost 0.5s.
T0 +0:14.988 -oh god of cheesus christ, I have a chance. Let us pray that the Jerk doesn't block my pass of him.
T1 +0:06.576 -I can taste victory! And, the pass was EASY! Wooo!
-oh man, oh no, oh geez, oh god, oh boy, I didn't brake hard enough even though I started when I passed the Jerk. Smacked a wall, bounced, back onto track, THERE'S THE 300!, sliiiiiiiiide across the grass and almost hit the wall on the uphill left-hander. No Penalties!?

It's on now! Drag race to the end!
9'13.238 -SLR
9'13.389 -300SL
advice to anyone else still going for it...
Study your trouble spots on every run. Use each throwaway to practice different approaches and speed settings. I learned that I didn't have to break as early for the slight left into Aremburg hairpin, nor did I have to brake as early for the Aremburg hairpin itself. Especially if you are going to wallride/grasscut, you need to get used to the feeeling and placement of the car more than you would for a proper run.
Be comfortable. I sat in a nice high backed armchair with my monitor next to the tv so I could quickly glance at what section was next by description and speed I set in an image of the course.
http://i57.tinypic.com/i4gzgo.png After awhile it became redundant as I remembered more and more of the course, but it helped me to practice and learn my trouble spots.
Thumb drive the throttle. If you are using a DS2, you can part-throttle by steering into a turn with your right thumb. It's easier on your muscle memory to remember how far to turn diagonally up&left on the right stick than it is to remember how far forward to push on the overly sensitive darn thing. I use this technique normally only on LMP and Formula cars due to their ability to go crazy at lower gear/high rpm.
If the game doesn't say that you lost, then you won. Wallride like Wall-E. Grasscut like IvySaur. Smash like Hulk. It's NTSC, it's unfair, and it's nigh improbable otherwise.
I honestly feel a better challenge would have been to drive a slow car as fast as possible away from the best car on the track over the course for a few laps. Chasing slower cars is what I do in the normal game, why would I want to do it with a 2 minute wait in a crap car with crap tires?
This surprisingly comes after that ridiculous GT-R Official Record on the Nur. I like showing that off too. But a totally different thread to rant in.
What's next for me in GT4? I don't know. I am tired of license tests sitting at 19 gold, the rest silver. So maybe just A-spec the enduros for fun. But I did take my new Formula car back to the Nur with some slight tweaking and headed for a sub 5:30 lap. I call it my Mission 35. I succeeded with a best of 5:24.xxx