Mississippi Burning: KKK Busted 41yrs Later

  • Thread starter a6m5


United States
The activists were two white men from New York and a local black colleague, who were killed while campaigning for the registration of black voters.

They were arrested for a dubious traffic violation, and attacked by a gang of Klansmen and police after being released in the middle of the night.

They were abducted as they drove out of the Mississippi town and shot dead.

Their bodies, riddled with bullets and badly beaten, were buried at a dam and only found 44 days later after an extensive search.

Killen, who was a suspect in the original investigation but never convicted, was re-arrested after new evidence emerged.


Only reason why I know little bit about this case is because of the film called "Mississippi Burning". It's easily one of the finest film I"ve ever seen. Willem Dafoe and Gene Hackman played couple of FBI Agents, investigating the case of three missing civil workers in the 60's.

According to the article, Edgar Ray Killen could face up to 20 years in prison. Justice did come late, but it is better late than never. While I do support free speech, what those Klansmen did were purely evil. The scariest thing about this case is that local police were helping the KKK. I just hope this kind of thing doesn't happen anymore.
i know one of the SanFrancsico newspapers is running an article stating that this guy shouldn't go to prison because he is now a preacher and an old man and that it all happened too long ago for it to matter in this day and age.

I don't care how old he is or what he does - justice has now been done, its just a shame that he's had an extra 40 years as a free man, whilst three innocent men never got the chance to grow old.
I hope he gets thrown into a prison with as many angry black men as possible, then justice would really be served. That way every day he'd not only rot in prison, but also have to constantly have the threat of having his racist ass kicked. There really is no punishment that is enough for this guy.

Are you sure it was a San Fransisco paper that said that, Cracker? I can see an article like that being written in some parts of this country, but San Fransisco would be the last place I'd expect.
Max Powers
Are you sure it was a San Fransisco paper that said that, Cracker? I can see an article like that being written in some parts of this country, but San Fransisco would be the last place I'd expect.

I've not seen the article myself - only heard about it on BBC radio, but they did say it was a SF paper - i know, it doesn't quite sound right does it!
no, that does not sound right at all? if you guys find out anything about that article be sure to let us know :- \ i saw most of the movie in 8th grade (missippi burning) which brought the tale into my small world at the time. i thought he could serve up to 45 years for three cases of manslaughter? but im probably mis-informed yet again <8- P anyways, just because he has turned to god does not mean he has absolved himself of any wrong doing in the past, if he really truly felt guilty about it he would have turned in the many others involved in the murder of those three men.
honestly, i hope he rots in jail. only thing im afraid of is someone kills him before its his time.
The Nazies were tracked down years later and brought before court,what would make this bastard any different???

That SF newspaper is run by a bunch of pus*y as*ed people. Burn his ass in hell
I agree with you guys. If he really did turned to way of God, he'd would have turned himself in. He'd have attempted to make it right IMO.
It takes 41 years to prosecute this guy, yet there are others (mostly on "the opposite side of the spectrum") that are on death row in months.
That way every day he'd not only rot in prison, but also have to constantly have the threat of having his racist ass kicked. There really is no punishment that is enough for this guy.

That's not what prison is supposed to be about.
How many times are we going to have to hear "Fry the bastard," "I hope he rots in hell," blah blah blah? It's getting old and your immaturity is showing.

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