MistaX and Keef demand opponents.

  • Thread starter Keef


United States
Dayton, OH
GTP Keef
Myself, Keef, and the lovely MistaX were having a little blast through LFS earlier, and we realized something. It's frickin boring with only two of us! So, since MistaX is only able to host races tonight until about 10:00 PM GMT-5 (hehe, all technical), he'd like to set the end of our search for then. But that's today's deal.

If no racers are available today, then we could make a plan for the next couple of days. It'll be fun. Just come in here and say "Hey! I wanna totally beat your ass, Keef!"

Thanks. Yo.
i might be able to give u guys a good whiff of my exhaust smoke as i dissapear in the sunset :P depends on how beat up i am after training.
Once I get confident enough with my skill in the game I'll be sure to play online:) I just got the S2 license tonight (don't know why I bothered with S1 for the last few days) so the higher powered cars are a bit of a challenge for me as of right now.
I can't find my GTL CD!

And we'll be in the [SB]Racing - Public server throughout the week most likely.

Cod, don't worry about skill, it's easier to learn through watching/playing with others so they can give you their advice/help and it beats the hell out of trying to copy the crappy AI :P
All of them. But I hate open wheelers quite a bit so I avoid them if I can.

But If I can't I'll still run.
I don't hate open-wheelers, but I don't drive them, either. I also rarely drive the GTRs. I'm more of a roadcar guy.

I find myself in the XR, LX6, and FZ50 most often.
John you will be on TDU this weekend though right? I want to get all those multiplayer achievement things and cruise and what not.
Well that was a productive meet with John and Keef, good times ahead fellas!
Damnit, I just have to be a demo racer.
Same here.

I would race with you guys, but I really don't think it's worth £24 for the full game, considering I race with a keyboard, the PCs in the house are crap or overheat every 10 minutes, and the only time I'll play it is when we rarely meet up, like now.

Go and have a good time, though!