MLRSparcoO yea we have a Instagram now (majorleaguemotorsports) so follow us and if you have any cool pics you wanna share send them to MLR_SPARCO and I'll post them and give you a shout out.
allyn27Yo, anyway i can get a tryout this weekend? Or are you full.
Technically we are full,but before we can talk about tryouts can we get a general idea of who you are?(age,favorite car,drifting style, how much time you spend on GT5)
Drift_Monkeybut we've known Al for years
I dont recognize her screen name
Drift_Monkey*him... Prodigy_Lilal? been with prodigy before i was even on MLD
allyn27Well, my real name is Allyn, my favorite drift car as of now is a mercades E55 AMG, I have alot of MLD members as friends already like monkey silk rage varianced supra dangerkid and a few more. Uhh a G27 drifter no pro yet but can hold my own and yeah. If you guys are full it's no biggie I'll just roll solo for a while.
LVracerGTGuys I really need someone who knows how to remove downforce from race chassis so I can finish testing for FDS4. PM me if anyone has info. I can't get S4 going without testing this otherwise I'm just gonna have to ban race chassis.
MLR_DAnGeR_KiiDBan it i say its an unfair advantage in most cases especially removing the downforce which then makes cars sort of Godly lol.
The8thWonderBan Chassis swaps, "Ashley" only has a 2J Swap.
MLR_DAnGeR_KiiDSorry for double post was on triple 6.
The8thWonderaint nobody know bout Kelsey. Swerve.
MLR_DAnGeR_KiiDYou lie!
The8thWonderi seriously dont. btw i liedAshley is a .... i'll reveal at MLM meeting.
Drift_Monkeyit didn't last that long
LVracerGTI always thought that car was a little awkward to begin with. Sounds amazing tho 👍
Hopefully Lexus comes out with something better (non-hybrid)