Mmmm... Oreos.

  • Thread starter milefile
Some lawyers want to ban these things because they have partially hydrogenated vegetable oil in them. No lie. I saw it on the news last night. I just don't know what I'd do. I love them.

So... Banning food. Legislating what we eat. American?

..............................thats just odd and stupid. It looks like America is becoming a more controlled democracy than a free one.
Originally posted by milefile
Some lawyers want to ban these things because they have partially hydrogenated vegetable oil in them. No lie. I saw it on the news last night. I just don't know what I'd do. I love them.

So... Banning food. Legislating what we eat. American?


I'm not American but i have something to say about this subject.

The politicians in Holland came up with the brilliant idea of raising the price of junk food with up to 100%. This is their answer to results of an investigation by the Health department that 7% of the people in Holland are overweight.

They immediatly assume that those 7% are heavily overweight because they eat too much junk food. This means that 93%, including me, has to pay a ridiculous amount of money if they want some fries or a frikandel.

Where does it end? I find it ridicolous that the government tries to decide what we can and cannot eat. What's next? Rules about the amount of hours we can watch TV, be online or even sleep?
Or how much butter you put on your toast. Or how much cheese on your sandwich. Or how many pieces of bacon with your omelette.

Now I'm hungry.
What is a "frikandel"?

As for Oreos, in the words of Stevie Ray Vaughn and Lonnie Mack...

"Choclit on my fingers, icing on my lips.
Sugar diabetes and blubber on my hips
I keep a nitelite burnin' in the kitchen baby
So I can go on down stairs and cruise.

I got them Oreo Creme Sandwiches
choklit covered creme fill cookie blues...."
Originally posted by Gil
What is a "frikandel"?

Looks like your common, everyday, fishstick...
Unless they're breakfast sausage links.
Originally posted by Gil
Looks like your common everyday fishstick.

It looks a little like a fishstick, but it's meat.

It's a mix of horse, porc and chicken meat. Sounds horrible, taste delicious.

Especially with ketchup and... mayonaise.
Ahhh...we all know what the raccoons in that John Candy/ Bill Murray flick thought of Hotdogs...

But seriously, the FDA has approved the food for consumption. This guy is trying to circumvent that by suing. I haven't fully read up on the subject yet, but it seems like the idiot who sued to get "Under God" removed from the pledge of Allegiance only to have his daughter (the reason for suing) say it right along with the rest of the kids.

Frivolous lawsuits are a waste of time and taxpayers money. Why can't we pave the roads or build an appropriate sized school? Because we've got to defend ourselves against these idiots.

And where does it stop. If the Gov't rules that we have to pay extra, isn that one step away from saying we can't eat it? The movie "Demolition Man" comes to mind

I've taken a moment to read up on CNN what the 30 second synopsis of this. Apparently this guy is upset that he's been eating these all his life and just how finds out that it contains stuff that's unheathy. Hey, if I stuck a screwdriver in my eye could I sue Sears/Craftsman because I didn't realize that the toll was sharp? Give this guy 10 lashes with a wet bullwhip and send him on his way as he's just tried to put one more nail in teh coffin of common sense.

The worst part of this, is that Kraft Foods will have to spend money to defend themselves against this. Their lawyers don't come cheap and who ends up footing that bill? Ultimately the guys and gals that buy the Oreo's in the first place.

Originally posted by Der Alta
But seriously, the FDA has approved the food for consumption. This guy is trying to circumvent that by suing. I haven't fully read up on the subject yet, but it seems like the idiot who sued to get "Under God" removed from the pledge of Allegiance only to have his daughter (the reason for suing) say it right along with the rest of the kids.

The dimwit who did that doesn't even have full custody of his child-- and his daughter and ex-wife are Christians! Sheesh...

Horse is just a taboo in one society, not necessarily in others. Pass the ham...
It's a matter of whether we respect the animal or not. Dogs and horses are "trustworthy" animals to Americans; house cats are sort of in the middle ground, but since fish and cattle haven't come to our rescue (and aren't forbidden in the Book of Aaron), they're acceptable for eating.

There's lots of people in India who don't eat cows, after all. I'm not condoning horse-meat, but I've never had one so I can't say how good or bad it is. Ever eaten a raw fish/sashimi/sushi? It's taboo in these parts, but it's acceptable in Japan (but quite tasty anyhow), for example.
Hey, If I could fit it on my grill, I'd probably give it a try. That's not to i'm headed to the humane society to pick up dinner, I'd rather stop by the fish market.

pupik brings up an interesting point. Cows in India are considered sacred and it's a serious sin to eat kill them. Over here, I'd through a steak on the grill at any chance I get. Here in the US, you'd get really strange looks if you were in the mood for horse meat. Why is Suski considered taboo? As I realize now, I've never had sushi. Not because I've been warded off of it, but rather because I've never had the chance. Now to convince the wife...

In Asia dog is some what of a delicacy. In fact, right around the corner form here, I can get goat meat. I'm not going to ask heavy questions to find out where it's from, but I've been hankering to try it.

What are other weird/not quite normal things do you know of?

I like indulging my cultures norms and taboos. I often think of Hindus while eating beef. It interests me that they would be as appalled as I am about eating dog and horse, while I chew.

Sushi is, as far as I can see, all the rage. Everybody I know wants to eat it all the time. I just don't really like it very much. I tried it and was just unimpressed. I'm not opposed to it, I just don't piss myself at the mere mention of it like they all seem to. I like California Rolls, and this somehow redeems me in the eyes of these sushi groupies who think I am closed-minded because I don't like the taste... these same people who look at me wierd because I like to cook quiche.

One time I ordered chinese take out from a place in San Francisco's china town. I found a claw in it by biting on it. It looked like a cat claw. Whatever the case may be, beef has no claws. Beware.
There is also the issue of chicken, which I go back and forth with. Something about them sickens me, sometimes. Other times I'm waiting in line at KFC.
Chicken? I got in serious trouble the other night, when my wife asked if I'd eat our Macaws. I'd wondered what they'd taste like, but really assumed it'd be close to chicken. She was quite bent for most of the evening at me. I even tried to console her noting that "Neo weighs about 2 pounds, and 1 1/2 pound of that is beak, so there's probably not enough meat on there to satisfy me."

that jsut dug my hole deeper. I was finally able to convince her that I wasn't going to eat any of the birds and that I was only saying that it was meat, and I'd eat just about anything if it was meat.

Long story...

And i thought that this tpic was going to discuss those new Oreos with vanilla crackers and chocolate filling (an Reoore?) that have just hit the market.

Well, I've had goat; it tastes like a cross between chicken and pork, but a bit sweeter.

No, I've never eaten dog nor cat, by the way. I don't plan on it; my pets would have something in store for me when I slept that night...