Mmmm... Oreos.

  • Thread starter milefile
Originally posted by made in holland
I'm not American but i have something to say about this subject.

The politicians in Holland came up with the brilliant idea of raising the price of junk food with up to 100%. This is their answer to results of an investigation by the Health department that 7% of the people in Holland are overweight.

They immediatly assume that those 7% are heavily overweight because they eat too much junk food. This means that 93%, including me, has to pay a ridiculous amount of money if they want some fries or a frikandel.

Where does it end? I find it ridicolous that the government tries to decide what we can and cannot eat. What's next? Rules about the amount of hours we can watch TV, be online or even sleep?
Hrmm, for you, it might just be cheaper to buy the materials and make the food yourself...

Does this mean that pre-made cakes are even more expensive there now?
meat is meat, it just comes in different life forms and is treated in different ways depending on how they act or whether a culture/person become accustomened to it.

i know a guy who went on a business trip to south east asia and got a burger at a shop and as he started eating and walked outside he saw a fenced in area holding dogs, claimed it tasted pretty good too. he has a dog for a pet by the way.

i would eat/try any type of meat though.