Model Photography Competition 42

  • Thread starter LongbowX

Week 42.


Week 41 Results!


Congratulations to SweetshopUnion!

Thank you to all who voted, and for those who entered!

Winner: Week 40 - Theme chosen by LongbowX


THEME: In their words: "Take a photo where the focus is on those tiny rims."

-Editing -Levels, Curves, Colour Balance, Brightness/Contrast, Hue/Saturation, cropping, or anything else capable in the development process or with filters and common special lenses are allowed to use in Photoshop or other image editing softwares. Other adjustments and effects are not allowed to be used in your picture.

-Photographs must not be a 'snapshot' but must include some composition and effect - Base the photo on a studio shoot, or even use diorama/composition to create a realistic setting (you could position the model and camera in such a way in an outside setting so that it appears to be a 'real' car)
-No HDR shots
-Shots must be taken between January 2008 and the present day - exceptions can be made as long as the photograph has not been shown before the competition e.g. unposted work.
-Picture sizes - Must be no longer than 400px on the longest edge for the thumbnail image, (linked) full sized images must be no longer than 900px on the longest edge

-Deadline for each week will be 10pm GMT on a Wednesday, poll will be up by 10:30 pm GMT
-Voting will close on a Friday at 10:30pm GMT

The next competition will take place on Wednesday the 27th of January.

Which I had more models :)
Just tried to take some pictures of a Ferrari, but those plastic rims look like... plastic.
Stiff competition this week.

Haha, yeah. Very stiff. :sly: I might leave this open until someone else also enters. Maybe...

Amazing entry though, I fear you may scare people off...

Which I had more models :)
Just tried to take some pictures of a Ferrari, but those plastic rims look like... plastic.

I wish I had more models too. NISMO has far too many for his own good...'s all in the lighting. Even cheap models (which I have many), can be made to look...not so plastic, with the right lighting.
No chance that this is going to win, but hey, I gave it a shot ;)

It's an old model which I already had as a small child, so the paint has some irregularities
No chance that this is going to win, but hey, I gave it a shot ;)

It's an old model which I already had as a small child, so the paint has some irregularities

As long as you keep trying - you'll get better, I guarantee it. Though this is not exactly bad to begin with. It's a great start. Good work. ^^

I know about paint irregularities and such, using my Bburago models...but you can still get some good results out of them with the right light!

Such as:

(not my entry)

You'll get there in no time.
The problem is that I already ran out of models :lol:
There should be a box of 4x4 models somewhere in the house, but didn't have any luck finding them.
The problem is that I already ran out of models :lol:

Um, well....turn to life of crime?

These competitions are a week apart, and really...I wouldn't mind seeing an F50 at least some of the time. And it also makes you get creative when it comes to angles and styles. :sly:

There should be a box of 4x4 models somewhere in the house, but didn't have any luck finding them.

...And I wish you the best of luck in finding them. 👍


Final Entry

Last edited:
Hmmm. I still have to get me an Autoart and participate here. Very tempted to enter this one, except all my models are quite old, and the silver finish has probably come off.

That example shot you gave is awesome, Longbow. 👍
Hmmm. I still have to get me an Autoart and participate here. Very tempted to enter this one, except all my models are quite old, and the silver finish has probably come off.

That example shot you gave is awesome, Longbow. 👍

You don't need an AutoArt, though. That was my point, really. You can make anything look good if you wave a light around enough. :sly:

I'll post another "example" shot in my gallery, since I photoshopped it enough to be ineligible.

Wait a sec...I'll enter. Won't take more than an hour...

Alright, I shall wait. ^^
Actually, I might just have a go at this, if it isn't considered bending the rules.

I don't know if it's bending the rules unless you at least hint at what it is. Though you seem to suggest that you shall be ignoring that. :P

But...yeah. Fine, I'll keep this one open a bit longer.
No really, it sucks. It was about 7PM when I took the shot, so the light was pretty bad and such, plus the WB was all wrong right from the beginning. Today we had a bunch of sleet and snow and all that stuff, so I really didn't want to go out in that crap for a few shots. One of these days I'll start myself a gallery and show you all what I'm capable of :sly:
No really, it sucks. It was about 7PM when I took the shot, so the light was pretty bad and such, plus the WB was all wrong right from the beginning. Today we had a bunch of sleet and snow and all that stuff, so I really didn't want to go out in that crap for a few shots. One of these days I'll start myself a gallery and show you all what I'm capable of :sly:

Artificial light is your friend! Hehe. :sly:
Yeah, that sounds like the weather around here too. Cold to boot... I don't blame you for not going out.

And....I can't wait 'till you do. I anticipate great things. 👍

BAH - don't worry - my idea was good in the head, not so on the camera. :dunce:

Wrap it up. 👍

Aw, that's too bad... (I hate when that happens...) Hopefully you'll enter one of the other weeks, though. And you totally have to buy a model. You promised. :P

It is wrapped.
Aw, that's too bad... (I hate when that happens...) Hopefully you'll enter one of the other weeks, though. And you totally have to buy a model. You promised. :P

Yeah - I'm sure its quite annoying. I can see why you need more entrants, and I will enter.

And yes. I'm bad for not buying the model - problem is I'll only get one, so I need to get one that is applicable for the most comps :lol:.
Yeah - I'm sure its quite annoying. I can see why you need more entrants, and I will enter.

And yes. I'm bad for not buying the model - problem is I'll only get one, so I need to get one that is applicable for the most comps :lol:.

Well...I'm glad. ^^

You are bad. Go to your room!

But seriously - as long as it has...wheels, and the usual bits, it will most likely be eligible for almost all of them. Only if there is a special "MR" or a specific Time Period and such will perhaps not be allowed....but I don't really do those anymore. I learn towards doing "style" or object based themes.
Hey LongbowX, I got a suggestion. Like the GT4 comps would it be possible to make the theme choosier not enter that week?
Hey LongbowX, I got a suggestion. Like the GT4 comps would it be possible to make the theme choosier not enter that week?

No, not really. There are so few entries that I think it would do more harm than help.

...and there was also a time when it wasn't even that way in the GT4 comps either.

I'm sorry to say I've never understood the point of that, really. Unless it's just to give them a break...but I thought the person liked participating. ^^; I agree with Minolta as well. There are so few people without taking out whoever won.
The point of doing that in GT4 Photomode comps is that it prevents the same person from winning over and over again. But, there are so few entries here, it seems like it would be useless. This way, we can have a good NISM0-Longbow battle every week :sly: