BlazinXtremeI mean who elses has aircraft that are almost invisible on radar
BlazinXtremeThe Iraqi's still can't see the things, remember the Gulf War? I remember watching on CNN as the Iraqi's straffed the skies hoping to hit one of the planes. They had no idea who or what was bombing them, or where they were at.
boombexusWhat about the A-10 Warthog? Now that is an awesome plane.
The pilot sits in a virtual bathtub of armor plating. Almost all critical systems are double or triple redundant. Nothings bringing down this plane.
Sad to see it on the way out though. :|
I remember someone at the time saying it wouldn't have mattered whether it was a stealth plane flying over or not, the Iraqi's didn't have much of a clue. Though I'm not sure how solid this statement is.BlazinXtremeThe Iraqi's still can't see the things, remember the Gulf War? I remember watching on CNN as the Iraqi's straffed the skies hoping to hit one of the planes. They had no idea who or what was bombing them, or where they were at.
Bet all the helicopter pilots wished they got the same treatment.The cockpit and parts of the flight-control system are protected by 900 pounds (400 kg) of titanium armor, referred to as a "titanium bathtub." The tub has been tested to withstand multiple strikes from 20mm cannon fire.
now thats protection...
The main problems with stealth aircraft, prior to the F22 that is, is that they aren't very manouverable and wouldn't stand well in a air-to-air combat situation. The story of how the Nighthawk got it's F is still a mystery as it doesn't even carry air-to-air weapons. So if there ever was a war that had a defined front line and combat took place during the day, these planes would be little good if called out for a quick air strike in the middle of the day.
I actually looked up that article when wondering where the F came from... It continues...BlazinXtremeWiki says this...
The "F-" designation has never been officially explained. There are several theories. The USAF has always been more proud of its fighters than its ground-attack aircraft, which are sometimes denigrated as "mud movers." Officials may have felt that they could more easily generate political and military support for the radical new aircraft if it were called a "fighter" rather than a bomber or attack plane. The "F-" designation may also have been part of the attempt to keep the Nighthawk secret (the program was classified until the late 1980s). During development the term 'LT', for Logistics Trainer, was often used.
...All can be equipped with systems suitable for bombing and fighting missions. Depends on the plane, pilot, and place I suppose...BXF-22 Raptor, F-18 Hornet, F-16 Falcon, and others
Nighthawk pilots are trained to use AIM-9s but they have never actually been loaded with missiles or ever used them, according to Wikipedia.BMWteamPTGthe F-117 is a fighter in comparison to the B-2 bomber (the stealth bomber) the F-117 has the capabilities to fire missles like any other fighter jet, its just that theyre held internally.
the B-2 is a true bomber with a large bomb bay and it deploys the bombs in the normal way (click, drop).
I was under the impression that a letter after the numbers denotes the variant, not the role....Back when I wrote a paper about US Military Aircraft in 1998-1999 for my 6th Grade project, the book I used from the local library explained that the F-designation stood for "Fighter", B-designation for "Bomber", A-designation for "Assult", and C-designation for "Carrier". So multi-purpose aircraft like the F/A-18 are meant to serve double duty, hence the name F-117A.
The F-22 has very limited air to ground capability AFAIK. The F-18 is actually the F/A-18, it's is completely multi role. The F-16 was originally an all out fighter, but like the F-15 and F-14 eventually was adapted for ground attack....All can be equipped with systems suitable for bombing and fighting missions. Depends on the plane, pilot, and place I suppose...
BlazinXtremeCare to explain why you don't like planes like the F-22 Raptor, F-18 Hornet, F-16 Falcon, and others?
I don't get why you think the F-22 will do so badly. It is one of the most manouverable planes ever, it is also one of the fastest planes ever aswell.F 22: Overpriced. And almost useless in dogfight.Sure,the thing will kill anything in BVR,but what if it goes into a dogfight with,say,a Su-35? Or god forbid that an Indian(If there was a war between Us and India) Su-30 MKI flies in...Answer: 200+milion $,vaporised.
F-18: MiG 29
KentONLY plane in the world capable of Sustained Super-Sonic Flight WithOut AfterBurners.