Modified Track Path Editor + Tracks/Discussion

Since modding elevations are possible, is it possible to make a track on any theme that has flat elevations? I want to make another track with intersections on Eifel instead of Eifel Flat, so I can make longer intersection tracks that are over 10 miles without freezing. :)
Not sure what exactly you are asking, but from my experience when I tried making many intersections/crossovers in the non-flat themes either some of the paths collided with each other in a way that would not allow the player to pass through(I suspect lowering track camber would help a little to avoid "crashing" into other barrier) or you would go under the other track and your screen would be filled with terrain for a few seconds of passing(messy and awful looking).

I think it's best to stick with flat elevations for crossover tracks(so you get a perfect, predictable intersection), crossovers on "normal themes" are a bit of a headache, I've found one track is either too high or not letting you to pass out the other side, changing intersection position can help but only to a small degree if you already have the rest of the track mapped out, in which case you might find you're stuck between undesirable intersections and reinventing the whole track. We really need some sort of intersection height adjustment or other ways to circumvent the issue. Maybe using that "switch theme glitch" mentioned a few posts above can help generate different heights(at the cost of changing the whole scenery and props).

Edit: Can the Awesome Speed Glitch have it's own discussion thread? I'm interested to see what else we can find, if some cars react differently and also this thread is getting a bit cluttered :yuck:
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Not sure what exactly you are asking, but from my experience when I tried making many intersections/crossovers in the non-flat themes either some of the paths collided with each other in a way that would not allow the player to pass through(I suspect lowering track camber would help a little to avoid "crashing" into other barrier) or you would go under the other track and your screen would be filled with terrain for a few seconds of passing(messy and awful looking).

I think it's best to stick with flat elevations for crossover tracks(so you get a perfect, predictable intersection), crossovers on "normal themes" are a bit of a headache, I've found one track is either too high or not letting you to pass out the other side, changing intersection position can help but only to a small degree if you already have the rest of the track mapped out, in which case you might find you're stuck between undesirable intersections and reinventing the whole track. We really need some sort of intersection height adjustment or other ways to circumvent the issue. Maybe using that "switch theme glitch" mentioned a few posts above can help generate different heights(at the cost of changing the whole scenery and props).

Edit: Can the Awesome Speed Glitch have it's own discussion thread? I'm interested to see what else we can find, if some cars react differently and also this thread is getting a bit cluttered :yuck:

I want a track to be forced to have no elevations at all. Making tracks in Andalusia will always have elevations o matter if i did the switch themes glitch. This makes it impossible to make 4 way intersections tracks. I want to make tracks in different themes that will force the whole track to be completely flat just like the Eifel Flat theme.

I remember looking at a thread of the speed glitch but I don't know where it is. :boggled:
I want a track to be forced to have no elevations at all. Making tracks in Andalusia will always have elevations o matter if i did the switch themes glitch. This makes it impossible to make 4 way intersections tracks. I want to make tracks in different themes that will force the whole track to be completely flat just like the Eifel Flat theme.

Death Valley and Andalusia intersections doesn't work as well as Eifel and Eifel Flat. I converted the same track for all themes but I can't finish (and save) the Death Valley and Andalusia ones because I hit the "invisible" walls. And some of the intersections do work but for some reason some don't.

Eifel Flat:!/friend/GTP_Razerman/course/2269208/
Death Valley and Andalusia intersections doesn't work as well as Eifel and Eifel Flat. I converted the same track for all themes but I can't finish (and save) the Death Valley and Andalusia ones because I hit the "invisible" walls. And some of the intersections do work but for some reason some don't.

Eifel Flat:!/friend/GTP_Razerman/course/2269208/

Yes! This is exactly what I want. So these intersections are possible at Eifel, thanks GTP Razerman :)

EDIT: Perhaps, you could send me the .bin and .meta of the track file so I'm able to edit it and make my own intersection tracks at Eifel.
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EDIT: Perhaps, you could send me the .bin and .meta of the track file so I'm able to edit it and make my own intersection tracks at Eifel.

Won't work like that :(. I didn't modify the *.Bin or *.Meta files. And I actually did the track on Death Valley (Which eventually I couldn't finish :D) and then modified it to all the other themes.

Haven't tested this myself but I do think this works:

I would try taking the APK that you use, replace Eifel heightmap with Eifel Flat and see how it turns out :). I guess I'm not allowed to post a "in depth how to"? But use 7Zip and after done, resign the apk.

Death Valley = 359aeb739b399bc488767817f4894b87
Eifel = a8b1e792f40ab864694fd23c411c3b06
Andalusia = 3c9fc867f1d804640a4eebcaf566a957
Eifel Flat = 9bacceb1a11cc4e4fbd104bc1de3c395

PS. If you are using the 1.0.0 version of the APK, I'm remembering that the Eifel Flat didn't produce entirely flat tracks. So you maybe need to modify the heightmap file to get actually flat tracks. If on 1.0.2, that produced perfectly flat tracks so just swapping the heightmap should be sufficient.
I get an error in Bluestacks after renaming the files. Apk Installation failed: INSTAL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES
I get an error in Bluestacks after renaming the files. Apk Installation failed: INSTAL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES

Use 7Zip, pull out the Eifel Flat file, rename it to Eifel -filename. Overwrite the existing Eifel file with the new file. And then you need to resign the APK. Google is your friend on that :) There is even apps on android itself to resign them.
Use 7Zip, pull out the Eifel Flat file, rename it to Eifel -filename. Overwrite the existing Eifel file with the new file. And then you need to resign the APK. Google is your friend on that :) There is even apps on android itself to resign them.
Hurray, It worked! Thanks Razerman

EDIT: The game still crashes when I make an 11 mile track. :(

Edit: Here's the APK I made, you can make tracks on any theme that are flat. :D

Flat Elevations
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What about modifying the height map and then making it so that intersections are only on flat sections of track and then having your hills with the non-crossover sections of the track?
Hurray, It worked! Thanks Razerman

EDIT: The game still crashes when I make an 11 mile track. :(

Edit: Here's the APK I made, you can make tracks on any theme that are flat. :D

Flat Elevations

Hey J what does this APK do over PJ's APK ? & can it be installed over the top of an existing modded APK ?

EDIT: Don't worry I've answered my own questions. Great custom APK J-Man :)
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Here's a copy of Deep Forest, I called it Deep Canyon :)

I have a few days off while I wait for my new job to start, I was finally going to update my tracks thread after months of neglect.

I basically had a similar idea to you a few weeks back, I had been building tracks with the other APK at the top of the Andalusia map in the out of bounds area. Here, there is a mountain about 1600ft tall, and I had been laying real life and GT6 circuits on top of it. Depending on what you do with the anchors, you can either have the track ride over the mountain's peak or tear a canyon right through it.

It makes Hermann Tilke tracks actually fun to drive on. I know I already have Fuji Speedway, Daytona Road Course and High Speed Ring on share, planned to finish some more this week.
The link is broken, the URL is not the same as the text. Try copy-pasting this instead:!/friend/Swift_13B/course/2257288/

Edit: I've tested the track now and here is my review. The first part in the mountains is excellent! After a while the track goes out on the flatter parts of the landscape though, and at that point it feels like it's just a bunch of tight corners for the sole reason of having a bunch of corners - there is nothing in the landscape that motivates them to be there, and it doesn't feel very convincing or realistic. So perhaps these parts can be straightened out a bit?

Towards the end the road got straighter, but those parts felt a little uninspired, as if they were just there so that the track could get back to the start again. One way of making those straights more interesting could be to break them off with some kinks, like only 10-15 degrees or something like that. The long straight just at the end was nice though.

I've marked the great parts with green, while the grey parts would benefit from a redesign:

View attachment 543998

Thank you. :D I worked hard to get the first part correct. The middle flatter parts where attempts to get hilly roads that are scenic, like the curve that shows the castle at the hill top. The final straights were failed attempts at trying to generate a restaurant.
I've managed to create the track data programmatically & upload it to the servers directly from my laptop , without android or bluestacks :embarrassed:.

It's possible to fine tune the elevation across the whole track :embarrassed:,

This track :!/friend/PR1VATEJ0KER/course/2292796/
Follows this exact pattern.
            List<float> newHeightList = new List<float>();
            int elevation = -200;
            for (int i = 0; i < listHeight.Count; i++)
                if (i > listHeight.Count - 5)
                    elevation += 3;
                else if (i < listHeight.Count / 2)
                    elevation += 1;
                else if (i > listHeight.Count / 2)
                    elevation -= 1;

EDIT: Experimenting with Banking now, it's possible to make the track tilt crazy sideways.
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I've managed to create the track data programmatically & upload it to the servers directly from my laptop , without android or bluestacks :embarrassed:.

It's possible to fine tune the elevation across the whole track :embarrassed:,

This track :!/friend/PR1VATEJ0KER/course/2292796/
Follows this exact pattern.
            List<float> newHeightList = new List<float>();
            int elevation = -200;
            for (int i = 0; i < listHeight.Count; i++)
                if (i > listHeight.Count - 5)
                    elevation += 3;
                else if (i < listHeight.Count / 2)
                    elevation += 1;
                else if (i > listHeight.Count / 2)
                    elevation -= 1;

EDIT: Experimenting with Banking now, it's possible to make the track tilt crazy sideways.
I can see myself getting sectioned before I ever work out how you're editing this file........seriously, you amaze me :bowdown:
I've managed to create the track data programmatically & upload it to the servers directly from my laptop , without android or bluestacks :embarrassed:.

Was wondering when someone finds this :D.

Did this quite some time ago:!/friend/GTP_Razerman/course/1547493/
And my Circuit of The Americas aswell.

Then I decided not to share it as I figured you can use it to steal other players tracks :(. But maybe it is time because GT6 doesn't seem like to get any updates and seems like to be pretty dead :)?
@PR1VATEJ0KER @Razerman

Do you think it would be actually possible to have different track width at different point on a single course ? Anyway, could use that to make good replicas of real road !

There is this one part of the file which I lost interest in figuring out. I assume it's the part that constructs where the track goes but honestly I don't think you can change the track width with it.

Pretty sure it's the same across the whole track as it's defined at the top:

However, for Andalusia, you can put a resting area pretty much anywhere you want so you can add a little bit of width with that.


I like to think that I got pretty good replica but I did spend quite some time on that:
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Was wondering when someone finds this :D.

Did this quite some time ago:!/friend/GTP_Razerman/course/1547493/
And my Circuit of The Americas aswell.

Then I decided not to share it as I figured you can use it to steal other players tracks :(. But maybe it is time because GT6 doesn't seem like to get any updates and seems like to be pretty dead :)?
When you say steal other players tracks, how do you mean ? Because I would love for you to steal my Isle of Man track & do something weird with it, or any of my track's for that matter, I don't care. Steal away fella :)
When you say steal other players tracks, how do you mean ? Because I would love for you to steal my Isle of Man track & do something weird with it, or any of my track's for that matter, I don't care. Steal away fella :)

I mean that if you find a cool track that someone else made. You can just "download" it and upload it again -> shows as if you created it even though you didn't.

This is one where I got permission aswell, you can see in the comments what I did to it:!/friend/GTP_Razerman/course/1795615/

I'll do something to your Isle of Man track tomorrow, can you give me a link to it :)?
I mean that if you find a cool track that someone else made. You can just "download" it and upload it again -> shows as if you created it even though you didn't.

This is one where I got permission aswell, you can see in the comments what I did to it:!/friend/GTP_Razerman/course/1795615/

I'll do something to your Isle of Man track tomorrow, can you give me a link to it :)?
Here's a link to all my track's, knock yourself out, it'll be interesting to see what you do :)
EDIT : A bit of a request here :) could you flatten out all unwanted elevations on my 1960's spa track to make it a little more realistic if possible :)
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Was wondering when someone finds this :D.

Did this quite some time ago:!/friend/GTP_Razerman/course/1547493/
And my Circuit of The Americas aswell.

Then I decided not to share it as I figured you can use it to steal other players tracks :(. But maybe it is time because GT6 doesn't seem like to get any updates and seems like to be pretty dead :)?

How could you steal someone's track ?
I'm uploading a created Ted file.

Is there a way to download a Ted too ?

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