Moglet's Gallery [7th August 2019 - Japan Trip Update]

  • Thread starter Moglet
Wiseacre gig

Some photos taken of my friends' band, Wiseacre, at a recent gig. All of these were taken at ISO800 or 1600 and as you can see, Noise Ninja did a damn good job on all of them!

I must admit that Noise Ninja is indeed a wonderful piece of software, I hardly notice any noise! I'm not really a fan of gig shots as I'm not into them, but I do like the last image where the chap is fully exposed, yet the background is black. Do I spot a Fender Jaguar? Oh, and tell your buddy to buy better guitar effects than some crappy BOSS stamp boxes :P

A what? I don't know anything about instruments, guitars etc. so it's no good asking me!

I got to see Gwyn Ashton performing after the gig, he played and played until his strings broke, then the drummer went on an epic solo while he went to get another guitar! I like his music anyway but his guitar playing is immense;

Do I spot a Fender Jaguar?

Come on Bram, it says it on the headstock! :P Jag-Stang, so it's Kurt Cobain's creation re-issued by Fender. The other guitarist appears to be using a Gibson/Epiphone SG.

Great photos Mog, I love the light reflecting off the surface of the guitars almost like a halo. I've taken shots like that before when I went to a Brand New gig a few years back (hope you don't mind me posting a small photo):


No idea how to replicate the technique (can't find the original shot but I did take notes on my DeviantArt - it was taken with ISO 200 and 1/15s shutter). The shot above isn't bad considering it was taken on a pseudo-SLR, at full 10x zoom, in the middle of a crowd and only 4 megapixel!

I haven't done gig photography for quite a while because I got fed up of worrying about my camera for the whole gig instead of enjoying the music...
Great photos Mog, I love the light reflecting off the surface of the guitars almost like a halo. I've taken shots like that before when I went to a Brand New gig a few years back

No idea how to replicate the technique

To get the effect on mine, I made sure I stood in a position that gave me a direct reflection of the stage lights, then set the camera to a 2 second exposure with the flash turned on but bounced off the ceiling (tiltable flash gun). The main flash got me the details and then the 2 second exposure gave the photo a green glow and the blurriness 👍
Thats it! Theres a AU$150 f1.8 50mm Nikkor lens on eBay and it will soon have my name on it after that shot! :drool:

Go for it, it's a brilliant lens. It also had a 'hidden' capability that not many are aware of. If you hold it up backwards with the aperture wide open to the end of an 18-55 you get a stunning macro lens that produces some bizarre and completely unique shots;


That one is completely unedited, the vignetting comes from how zoomed in/out you have the 18-55.
Thats it! Theres a AU$150 f1.8 50mm Nikkor lens on eBay and it will soon have my name on it after that shot! :drool:

I was thinking the same thing. After seeing Scaff's results with a 50mm prime and now that, I have absolutely no excuse not to get one...
Just like everyone to know I bought one based on reviews and the work seen in the photograhy section of GTP.

Got it with insurance and postage for $155AU brand new, so its not a bad deal I don't think.
Nice one Mog. I’ve always wanted to try reversing the lens but never got around to it. Great results. 👍
Birmingham World Market

Mostly handheld stuff here, using my 50mm f1.8 to keep the shots clean and sharp.









Some very nice street shots Mog. The first one is super sharp 👍

I dig the shots with the rides in particular. The moving colour lights are always a good subject for photography.
Last three shots just blew my mind. :drool: It's sad there isn't a "brain explode" emoticon.

The Ferris wheel one is beautifully composed. And the second last shot's colours are so vibrant... And I really like how the last shot turned out. It's very interesting.

Thanks guys! This was my first real attempt at street photography and I'm fairly pleased with it, especially the portraits but it was far too busy to get what I really wanted from my photos. I had to watch my tripod as it kept hitting people and I just kept getting in everyone's way so they walked infront of the camera on purpose. So a very difficult time to shoot, the section in the 1st photo was one of the less busy areas!
The shot of the sweets did it for me 👍 They're all excellent though. Coincidentally there's an international market going on up here in Newcastle at the moment too, I'll have to take some photos when I get a chance. It's only around for a few more days...
I really really like the first portrait. It conveys such a great mood and you really get the sense that he is very pleased with what he has or has done that day, even though he appears quite shy about it. Amazing Portrait.
You should enter it into some Potrait Photography competitions.

I like the other shots too but the first Portrait is on a whole new level for me.
A huge thankyou to everyone who has viewed and commented so far! I've been out today in the snow to take some shots and it was a very nice walk, I even met a guy walking his two dogs in the middle of nowhere.









I also took some photos on my Fisheye 2 but I've got to wait for them to be developed before I can scan them and post them. The horse sniffed the lens as I took one of the shots so it should come out well :)
RAF Cosford with ClubCento

I went on a trip to the RAF Cosford Museum today with ClubCento, met up with a few people I already knew and met some new people too. We got given a guided tour by a guy called Alf who had been in one of the bombers when it was in service, he was a brilliant guide who knew an awful lot about the planes aswell as having a good sense of humour and being generally nice to everyone. He was a brilliant tour guide and he was a volunteer too! So a lot of respect to him.

I don't normally do black and white photos but I thought that they were apt given the subjects.

I've put a * next to the photos so you can see if any of them aren't loading.




















And a few of the cars that turned up;

I hope you like them, I'll upload more at a later date if you like.
I really do love close up partial shots of old machinery and in particular aircraft, it really fascinates me (yeah I'm a geek :lol:). Anyway what I want to say is there are some cracking shots in that lot, but this one in particular caught me attention, I love it:

Sorry for not commenting here for ages, but some stunning work here. I love the aircraft shots in the most recent update, heck it inspires me to pop out to the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight Hangar and get some shots taken down there. I think black and white has really worked for this set too. Favourite one out the bunch has the be the Spitfire/Hurricane exhaust pipes. Great work 👍
I really do love close up partial shots of old machinery and in particular aircraft, it really fascinates me (yeah I'm a geek :lol:).

I didn't think I was that into planes until I went to Cosford. I love looking at the little details, picking up on the small things that other people might not notice. I took a lot of photos of the text/graphics on the planes as it fascinates me to see how they were marked/painted.

Sorry for not commenting here for ages, but some stunning work here. I love the aircraft shots in the most recent update, heck it inspires me to pop out to the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight Hangar and get some shots taken down there. I think black and white has really worked for this set too. Favourite one out the bunch has the be the Spitfire/Hurricane exhaust pipes. Great work 👍

Thanks Speedster! As I said above, I didn't really realise I enjoyed looking at planes so much until I went to Cosford, they are fascinating things to behold, especially the larger models!

Anyway onto more familiar ground now with my arty photos from Autosport/Pistonheads 2010. There isn't a lot as I mostly abandoned my camera this year and just enjoyed the displays a bit more.






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