I hope not many people catalog this thread as a dumb one, I just want to see what are other people's thoughts on something that's been bothering me for like a year or 2.
Why does money exists?
I'm not a great economist and I understand little about capitalism. Anyway, imagine the world without the use of money; people getting "richer" by just earning rights to own a particular property.
Here's my thought.
For instance, when we pay for food at a store....that money is divided in many parts; one to the store itself, another one to the brand company, then part of that money, the company distributes it to the manufacturer and finally it reaches the farms were all the goods are cultivated. The owner of the farm is going to pay his employees for their work on his farm.
But what if, these farmers get everything they need for free? like food, light, gas, place to live, tractors, chemicals for plague control, animal care supplies etc....all in exchange for their work.
Same thing with us...let's say I step into a Toyota dealership to buy a new Rav4. When it's time to pay, or at least put my downpayment, I give them a photo ID with a personal barcode where they can ckeck how my working status is. If they see that I work as an Architect for a big company, and I've been working for them for like 3-5 years, then of course they'd give me the car. But what if I worked at a taco bell as a meat chopper, and I only work 35 hours a week? then they would give me the car with certain conditions.
Another example but from another perspective. What If you own a house, and then you would like to "sell it". So then someone comes, gets it for free (because he is allowed), and then you are left off with nothing? It can't happen because that money that you could've got for the house, is now on your record and whenever you want to buy something expensive like another porion of land, you can be allowed to get it since it's in your record that you have sold a house.
This theory can be applied to any situation that I can think off. This would eliminate problems monetary units from different countries.
I might be losing a big point here of why money is needed. That's why I need you guys to help me out on this one.
You can fire the hole now!