Money...what is it good for?

  • Thread starter OZZYGT
And danoff, I've never touched economics in school, and I'm not even sure if it's part of the Maths A/S level.

That's because it isn't taught. Even though it's a fundamental aspect of society. The problem is so large that your teachers don't understand it. College professors don't understand it. The average person doesn't understand it. The average politician/writer/journalist doesn't understand it.

It's a massive problem.
Did the crusades result from a love of money?
probably though I'd have to research it. That and pure supidity.

Did hitler kill jews because he wanted money?
Yes, he started the war because Germany was a "have not" country.
Are people racist/sexist/bigoted/adulterous out of a love of money?
Yes, why does slavery exist?
What the hell does evil have to do with money??

When you go back far enough, money/possessions is what is the motivating factor. Granted, in serial killers they could be deranged. But suicide bombers are manipulated by a higher authority.
probably though I'd have to research it. That and pure supidity.

I think you'll have to establish that.

Yes, he started the war because Germany was a "have not" country.

But he the war and the ethnic cleansing were two completely different acts. I didn't ask if he invaded other countries out of a love for money. I agree that he did. Why did he kill jewish people? It didn't do him any good.

Are people racist/sexist/bigoted/adulterous out of a love of money?
Yes, why does slavery exist?

What??? You think that racism exists out of a love of money? You think people are unfaithful out of a love of money? You think that people are sexist out of a love for money? Uh... how?

When you go back far enough, money/possessions is what is the motivating factor. Granted, in serial killers they could be deranged. But suicide bombers are manipulated by a higher authority.

Suicide bombers are motivated by their religion, not possessions. They're motivated by their own twisted sense of morality. Serial killers ARE deranged. And I've provided numerous examples where you can go back as far as you want and not find money being the motivating factor. Rape, cannibalism, ethnic cleansing, sexism, the list can go on and on. So much evil comes without any consideration of money. And so much good comes from a love of money, that it's hard to even figure out why we're still talking about this.
What??? You think that racism exists out of a love of money? You think people are unfaithful out of a love of money? You think that people are sexist out of a love for money? Uh... how?

I'm going to just deal with this one as it's lunch time and I want to relax:)

Why did white american's think they were better then the slaves? Because they were slaves. Their native countries didn't have the technology hense we're better then them. The same can be said for pretty much every other form of slavery that exists or exited. Isn't racism here because of these kind of thoughts?
Why did white american's think they were better then the slaves? Because they were slaves. Their native countries didn't have the technology hense we're better then them. The same can be said for pretty much every other form of slavery that exists or exited. Isn't racism here because of these kind of thoughts?

Slavery and racism are not the same thing - though they're linked. Slavery is an evil that stems from greed (and a fundamental lack of morality) but racism does not.
That's because it isn't taught. Even though it's a fundamental aspect of society. The problem is so large that your teachers don't understand it. College professors don't understand it. The average person doesn't understand it. The average politician/writer/journalist doesn't understand it.

It's a massive problem.
Politics = very complicated and confusing to the average joe or jane? I might be wrong on that
Why did white american's think they were better then the slaves? Because they were slaves. Their native countries didn't have the technology hense we're better then them. The same can be said for pretty much every other form of slavery that exists or exited. Isn't racism here because of these kind of thoughts?
Why can't we blame the Europeans? because they started everything from spreading religion and enforcing slavery?
Politics = very complicated and confusing to the average joe or jane? I might be wrong on that

Economics = not all that complicated, but critical. Too bad nobody bothers to learn it.
Economics = not all that complicated, but critical. Too bad nobody bothers to learn it.
I just took Economics, they don't really let the students focus on the subject...well my school didn't..neither did my took about 6 weeks to learn Economics but eh....I can't was a AP class. but I wish I learned more about it.
I just took Economics, they don't really let the students focus on the subject...well my school didn't..neither did my took about 6 weeks to learn Economics but eh....I can't was a AP class. but I wish I learned more about it.

So then you understand why the oil companies are not responsible for the increased price of gas? And you understand why there is no such thing as "price gouging". You must understand then why social security must be eliminated and why an increase in taxes on the rich hurts everyone. You probably understand why minimum wage hurts poor people and why universal health care would destroy health care altogether.

Most importantly, you realize that the easiest way to waste money and get nothing done is to have the government do it.
Why can't we blame the Europeans? because they started everything from spreading religion and enforcing slavery?

Because Asians and other people are just as guilty. There is no innocent nationality or people when it comes to racisim and slavery.

Doh! This goes in the racism thread! :dopey:
So then you understand why the oil companies are not responsible for the increased price of gas? And you understand why there is no such thing as "price gouging". You must understand then why social security must be eliminated and why an increase in taxes on the rich hurts everyone. You probably understand why minimum wage hurts poor people and why universal health care would destroy health care altogether.

Most importantly, you realize that the easiest way to waste money and get nothing done is to have the government do it. a basic point because we didn't talk about that. We learned what the basic terms are, acouple of projects(like one or two)..I can't really put blame on the teacher because he was new. We didn't have alot of important disscusions. But then again human's in general are greedy, always want it everything their way, just like Burger King.
Because Asians and other people are just as guilty. There is no innocent nationality or people when it comes to racisim and slavery.
You know I hate you...just kidding but Im just speechless and have nothing to comment on that....
But then again human's in general are greedy, always want it everything their way, just like Burger King.

Yup, and that basic force drives our entire economy and virtually of the progress attained in the last 200 years.
Yup, and that basic force drives our entire economy and virtually of the progress attained in the last 200 years.
And we are killing ourselves with our own ask what is money for?
You're mixing issues. Greed is not inherently bad. Greed can lead to many good things. Only if you allow greed to convince you to perform immoral acts - such as theft - have you crossed the line. And that isn't caused by greed, but by a lack of morality.

I'm not sure I'm mixing issues, but you're right, I didn't express myself well. I should have said "excessive greed," or used some other way to express an unprincipled and unlimited desire.

Greed, I would say, is thinking, "I really like that - I wonder what it takes to get one?" More or less synonymous with desire.

In that post, I meant it more like, "I really like that, I want it, I just have to have it no matter what, and I don't care what I have to do to get it." The attitude is untempered by a sense of morality, as you say.

And we are killing ourselves with our own ask what is money for?

We've been killing each other since before there was money, and certainly before there were such devices to kill each other with.
And we are killing ourselves with our own ask what is money for?

Are you referring to record lows in infant mortality or record highs in human lifespan? Perhaps you're talking about the way in which modern wars have claimed fewer lives than we would have dreamed possible with previous wars?

We're most certainly NOT killing ourselves. Now is a cushier time to live than any previous time in this history of our species.
Why is that?

Are you referring to record lows in infant mortality or record highs in human lifespan? Perhaps you're talking about the way in which modern wars have claimed fewer lives than we would have dreamed possible with previous wars?

Why is that?

You mean besides longer life expectancy, higher standard of living, better medicine, more comfortable and better-equipped homes, safer travel, indoor plumbing, better education, better communication (as in this very forum!), softer toilet paper, yada yada yada?

Aside from that, I don't know why anyone from say, 1653 would think we have it cushy. What's wrong with having to spend 11 hours a day preparing a single meal? Fish, hunt, clean, gather wood, start fire, cook.

I exaggerate, perhaps, but modern life is by any measure softer than any time in history.

Assuming, of course, one is able to live a modern life, as opposed to a occupying a slum in Calcutta, a war-torn city in Bosnia, or a parched desert in Ethiopia. Maybe that's what you meant?
Assuming, of course, one is able to live a modern life, as opposed to a occupying a slum in Calcutta, a war-torn city in Bosnia, or a parched desert in Ethiopia.

There are few places on the planet where the current standard of living is not better than the previous standard of living at that place earlier.
There are few places on the planet where the current standard of living is not better than the previous standard of living at that place earlier.

Agreed, but not what I would consider modern, nevertheless.

Are we getting off-track, here, or what?
That AND in 1653 there wouldn't have been Sally Strutherses, visiting the parched deserts in Ethiopia.
Money carries with it an incentive: The farmers are keen to produce more food, more efficiently, to gain mo' money; car manufacturers are keen to build better cars than their competitors, so they can sell more cars and make mo' money. Without money we would all be driving Lada Rivas, and food distribution would be... flawed.

Having said that, I think we pay too little for our food these days. But that's another story...
I hope not many people catalog this thread as a dumb one, I just want to see what are other people's thoughts on something that's been bothering me for like a year or 2.

Why does money exists?

I'm not a great economist and I understand little about capitalism. Anyway, imagine the world without the use of money; people getting "richer" by just earning rights to own a particular property.
Here's my thought.
For instance, when we pay for food at a store....that money is divided in many parts; one to the store itself, another one to the brand company, then part of that money, the company distributes it to the manufacturer and finally it reaches the farms were all the goods are cultivated. The owner of the farm is going to pay his employees for their work on his farm.
But what if, these farmers get everything they need for free? like food, light, gas, place to live, tractors, chemicals for plague control, animal care supplies etc....all in exchange for their work.
Same thing with us...let's say I step into a Toyota dealership to buy a new Rav4. When it's time to pay, or at least put my downpayment, I give them a photo ID with a personal barcode where they can ckeck how my working status is. If they see that I work as an Architect for a big company, and I've been working for them for like 3-5 years, then of course they'd give me the car. But what if I worked at a taco bell as a meat chopper, and I only work 35 hours a week? then they would give me the car with certain conditions.

Another example but from another perspective. What If you own a house, and then you would like to "sell it". So then someone comes, gets it for free (because he is allowed), and then you are left off with nothing? It can't happen because that money that you could've got for the house, is now on your record and whenever you want to buy something expensive like another porion of land, you can be allowed to get it since it's in your record that you have sold a house.

This theory can be applied to any situation that I can think off. This would eliminate problems monetary units from different countries.

I might be losing a big point here of why money is needed. That's why I need you guys to help me out on this one.

You can fire the hole now!


so I dont have to carry pigs and chickens around with me to pay for gas .