Monitor calibration vs TV vs image output

United States
Port Washington
Im wondering how does everyone deal with levels/exposure output in images here?

I take pictures that look awesome on the tv but way too bright for my normal monitors and a bit too dark on my calibrated monitor.

I want the images I post here to reflect what I am seeing (at least in the ballpark) but obviously its difficult at best to tell how the end user will see it.

When I adjust for the standard monitors the calibrated is WAY too dark but when I adjust for the calibrated the standards wash out all the mid level black detail (like tires) to putrid grey.

Again, just curious where everyone has settled on the "midpoint baseline" because I see a lot of stuff here that looks like its been setup perfectly for any monitor.

Color temp is a whole 'nother discussion since its almost always too cold right out of the game. They need to give us WB adjustability in the next update.
Thanks for posting this. I've been kicking a similar idea around in my head for a while.
My problem is that aside from my TV, all my photomode stuff looks too dark. Then when I correct it, I'm concerned that it looks overexposed on other peoples monitors.

Anyway, thread bookmarked. 👍
Take 3 or 4 different exposures and create a HDR that covers all the bases. I almost always slightly under expose my shots on my TV so they look ok on my monitor.

no matter what you do to your monitors or photos, you will always have people seeing it different on their monitor. You can't legislate for every monitor out there.

I realise i used the word 'Monitor' alot there!
Ya I'm just trying to figure it out for comps mainly that, uh-hem frown on multi image HDR.

I almost always bracket the shots anyway (habit I picked up irl) but the dynamic range of "real" photos is almost always more forgiving than GT5.

I'm thinking I'll just re-cal my monitor and then turn the brightness up a bit.
Speaking of HDR's anyone know any good software for making those, I've been using a GIMP plugin, but it kind of ruffs up the edges on my pictures.
Speaking of HDR's anyone know any good software for making those, I've been using a GIMP plugin, but it kind of ruffs up the edges on my pictures.

You mean to do it automatically for you? Nope. I've always done it with a tablet and Photoshop.
You mean to do it automatically for you?

Well, yes and no, I'm looking for one that combines the exposures, but allows you to edit things like light and shadow values, I've tried out some programs that do said options, but in the end they all looked weird, they either had too much light, or didn't do much at all, I'd get Photoshop, but I don't have the money for it right now.
I'm pretty sure you can do layer masking in gimp right? Just plop down 3 exposures and paint in your highlights and shadows ;-)
I'm pretty sure you can do layer masking in gimp right? Just plop down 3 exposures and paint in your highlights and shadows ;-)

Eh yeah, I could try that, really its just the tone mapping that gets me more than anything, never figured that out.