
  • Thread starter milefile
I want to get opinions on monitors for graphics. At work I have a crappy little 17 inch CRT. I have the brightness cranked way up because I have to to see details in my projects. I'll make something and it looks good so I call it done and then when I look at it from my flat screen at home it is much brighter and I can see all sorts of things I would've changed or fixed had I been able to see it them.

What kind of monitor do you use and how does it measure up others you've used?
It's tough. Something that I have noticed is that I have a lot more contrast and brightness set on ALL my monitors, be it my CRT at work, or my LCD's at home. Something that I have noticed is that when I have some of my stuff printed at a printing house, be it CMYK or just RGB colors, there always not as brilliant as what I see on the screen. So something to consider is what media your work will be viewed from. From what I've read, and have seen, some of the Mac monitors are some of the best in the industry as far as accuracy goes. WYSIWYG Be prepared to shell out some serious cash though.

I have a Samsug 17" LCD upstairs, and a couple Dawoo 15" LCD's downstairs.

At work I use a cheap KDS, 17" CRT.
I use a NEC Accusync 18.5" CRT. It works great for me. I'm not at home right now so I don't know the exact number. I would recommend all of NEC's products, though.
Don't Daewoo make cars - Part of GM?

I have a generic 17inch, at 800x600 and below the quality is terrible and you can't get any brightness out of this so I had to configure it from the video card.
I have a great 17" ViewSonic Ultrabrite E70f+. Works great for me, even without the "UltraBrite" option on. :)

About your situation, you just have to really access your situation. Seeing as how you like to make textures, i wouldn't worry about size and focus more on image quality. A good graphics card helps too. Well, you know yourself better than i do, of course, so...
I'm using a Dell-badged Sony 21" Flat CRT. It rocks. I have the brightness turned way down, because it's naturally very bright, and I find that the more brightness, the more energy is coming out of it, and it's more tiring on my eyes.
Originally posted by GilesGuthrie
I'm using a Dell-badged Sony 21" Flat CRT. It rocks. I have the brightness turned way down, because it's naturally very bright, and I find that the more brightness, the more energy is coming out of it, and it's more tiring on my eyes.

Mine probably isn't 'Dell' but something else used by Dell, I don't know what though.
Originally posted by supra229
Mine probably isn't 'Dell' but something else used by Dell, I don't know what though.
With the CRT's, it's really easy to tell the Sony tubes.

If there is a very faint grey line running horizontally, at 1/3 and 2/3 way down the screen, it's a Trinitron tube, and therefore made by Sony.
My old computer had that but it looked like a defect in the pixels, it was 1 pixel high but running horizontally across the screen half way down. My old computer was a Gateway 2000.