Monthly Photo Comp - Month 107- Open Theme

  • Thread starter hasslemoff


Not too long now


Nikon D600 | Samyang AE 85mm f/1.4
Just going to chime in here, as I don't have a picture ready to post.

As soon as I got my DSLR, I wanted to check the photo forum here to see of a thread like this. I was scrolling from past to present threads an I sort of disliked the idea of not allowing photos to be shared publicly, as it takes away what mostly everyone wants to do on a forum is share..

anyways, I'll have a go at 58 or if in time I'll post here.. For my preference I prefer this format, as everyone can see everyone's work.
Final Entry

October 20, 2014
Nikon D7000, 18-55 kit lens at 26mm, 1/320 at f:14 (shutter priority) and ISO 100

I had the honor and pleasure of shooting my son's wedding at the Valentin Imperial Maya resort on the beach south of Cancun. This is one of the shots we did the next day, before I had to fly out.
Final Entry​


Parking is for the Birds ~ 11 October 14 ~ Sony 35mm F1.8 shot at F5.8.​
Do you know what the funny part is?

I've always wanted to choose "Portrait" as a theme for the competition but always decided against it; I thought it would be too much to ask from people (for all kinds of reasons) and that it would get no entries.

And yet here we are - in an "open" theme and with 5 portraits entered (so far).
Portrait's certainly a good theme to try, and would be a nice challenge to maybe make me go out of my comfort zone too.


Final Entry

Old School
October 28, 2014
Nikon D200
25mm - f/5.0 - 1/3000s - ISO 800
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Picture size!!!!!!! Forever download!!!!!!! 3872 is a bit higher than the 700 in the rules...... :)
My apologies. I will fix sizing tonight.

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Final Entry

Nikon D800E
Sydney Motorsport park

(I never thought photobucket could get more pants than the last time I used it, but clearly it has. Just imagine the same shot but sharp)​
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Should it be full-on B&W or can it be partially B&W? (i.e. See "Partial Filter" of GT6)