Moore's guard arrested on gun charge

  • Thread starter Ghost C
Source: Fox News

Fox News
NEW YORK — Filmmaker Michael Moore's bodyguard was arrested for carrying an unlicensed weapon in New York's JFK airport Wednesday night.

Police took Patrick Burke, who says Moore employs him, into custody after he declared he was carrying a firearm at a ticket counter. Burke is licensed to carry a firearm in Florida and California, but not in New York. Burke was taken to Queens central booking and could potentially be charged with a felony for the incident.

Moore's 2003 Oscar-winning film "Bowling for Columbine" criticizes what Moore calls America's "culture of fear" and its obsession with guns.

The hypocrisy of the left is amazing sometimes. "GUNS ARE BAD, GUNS ARE BAD...Er, my bodyguard was illegally carrying a firearm.......GUNS ARE BAD!"
Don't get me wrong, but I think guards are supposed to have guns. They need something to protect people with, that's why they're guards.
The guard should have known better...somehow I think there is more ( no pun intended) to the story, a proffesional should know that carry laws are different from state to state . As far as moores body guard carrying , I dont see that as hippocritical at all. I may feel different if it was Moore doing the gun toting. But his body guard ? Get real will you , think about expect his guard to suffer for Moores views ? After all its the guard that gets to be eliminated to get at expect him to be unarmed ?
While I agree totally with Ghost that it's hypocrisy on Moore's part, all he has to say is "well, if it wasn't for this violent gun culture you've created, he wouldn't need a gun". He can weasel right out of it.
The guard should have known better...somehow I think there is more ( no pun intended) to the story, a proffesional should know that carry laws are different from state to state . As far as moores body guard carrying , I dont see that as hippocritical at all. I may feel different if it was Moore doing the gun toting. But his body guard ? Get real will you , think about expect his guard to suffer for Moores views ? After all its the guard that gets to be eliminated to get at expect him to be unarmed ?

The point is, Moore hired a bodyguard on the basis that the guard has a gun. Then he wants to call half the population of the US obsessed with guns and whatnot. If Moore wasn't exactly what he claimed to hate, he wouldn't have needed to hire a bodyguard, especially one carrying a firearm without a concealed carry license.
Moore criticizes people who have guns, granted. But this is a bodyguard, whom Mr. Moore hired not because the guard has a gun but because someone as famous as Michael Moore needs to be protected, especially since he's so reviled by so many Bush supporters.

On the other hand, hiring a bodyguard who's a complete moron somehow defeats the purpose of the whole "protection" thing.

For the record, I don't think this is hypocrisy on Moore's part at all. Someone who has 9 guns at home and doesn't lock them up properly is more of a problem that a famous person's bodyguard carrying one. But people who hate Michael Moore will use this as fuel for their argument, so what can you do?
Ghost C
The point is, Moore hired a bodyguard on the basis that the guard has a gun. Then he wants to call half the population of the US obsessed with guns and whatnot. If Moore wasn't exactly what he claimed to hate, he wouldn't have needed to hire a bodyguard, especially one carrying a firearm without a concealed carry license.
The difference is guards CAN use guns. I don´t know what´s Moore´s thoughts about guns, but he must be reffering to regular people owning guns, which I´m also against. Guns are for those whos job is to protect us only IMO, such as police officers, bodyguards, army, etc.

But he´s a celebrity and a lot of people dislike him, so there´s nothing wrong in trying to protect yourself by hiring a bodyguard.
The difference is guards CAN use guns. I don´t know what´s Moore´s thoughts about guns, but he must be reffering to regular people owning guns, which I´m also against. Guns are for those whos job is to protect us only IMO, such as police officers, bodyguards, army, etc.

But he´s a celebrity and a lot of people dislike him, so there´s nothing wrong in trying to protect yourself by hiring a bodyguard.

There's no mystical test to become a bodyguard. No license. No requirements. I could call myself "Ghost C, bodyguard for hire" and I'd officially be in the bodyguard business.

Again I say, Moore hired a bodyguard (who carries a gun) because he thought he needed protection. He also accuses the average gun owning US citizen of being overly paranoid by thinking that they need guns for protection. The two things are one in the same, except the US citizen who owns his own firearms cut out the middleman.
Ghost C
There's no mystical test to become a bodyguard. No license. No requirements. I could call myself "Ghost C, bodyguard for hire" and I'd officially be in the bodyguard business.
Now that´s just stupid. It doesn´t work like that at all here in Brazil.
Now that´s just stupid. It doesn´t work like that at all here in Brazil.
You aren't licensed to carry a gun like that. But you can be a bodyguard just by convincing someone to hire you to protect them.

Concealed-carry permits take time, training, and a clean background to get.
Ghost C
Again I say, Moore hired a bodyguard (who carries a gun) because he thought he needed protection. He also accuses the average gun owning US citizen of being overly paranoid by thinking that they need guns for protection. The two things are one in the same, except the US citizen who owns his own firearms cut out the middleman.

Michael Moore still is an high-profile figure and needs better protection than average people.

I do see your point though, and is a very good one. If you've seen "Bowling for Columbine", you'll see that Moore is being an hypocrite.
From what I've seen, it's kind of funny more than angering. I mean, if I generated that much controversy, I'd sure as hell have a Body Guard. And what is the body gaurd supposed to protect me with? A 50 foot tazer? Either way, I think people are making a much larger deal out of this than needed. And besides, the bodyguard anounced his ownership of the weapon and made it perfectly clear that he was armed, it's not like "oh don't let anyone know Micheal Moore's BG has a gun!". It was a matter of necessity. Personally I'd be more shocked if he were armed with a knife or something.
From what I've seen, it's kind of funny more than angering.

Yes, it's funny when someone stands on a soapbox and bomblasts, demonizes and condemns something, then turn around and pays someone to do it.

That's downright hysterical.

I guess that's why you love Bush so much.

Quote something from Moore where he clearly demonstrates an anti-gun statement. I dare you. He's never made something out to be bad, he just makes it look that way and then leaves us to connect whatever dots we thought were there.
Quote something from Moore where he clearly demonstrates an anti-gun statement. I dare you. He's never made something out to be bad, he just makes it look that way and then leaves us to connect whatever dots we thought were there.


Michael Moore
I was a junior member when I was in the boy scouts when I was a kid, but I became a lifetime member after the Columbine massacre because my first thought after Columbine was to run against Charlton Heston for the presidency of the NRA. You have to be a lifetime member to be able to do that, so I had to pay $750 (about £450) to join. My plan was to get 5m Americans to join for the lowest basic membership and vote for me so that I'd win and dismantle the organisation.* Unfortunately, I figured that's just too much work for me so instead I made this movie. But I'm still a lifetime member, until they excommunicate me... which is not far off, from what I hear.

*= emphasis mine

Full interview here:,6737,841083,00.html

No, you must be right. Michael Moore loves guns. 543,000 Google hits for Michael Moore + Gun control is just a coincidence. Everyone must have him all wrong.

In my eyes you must discern between people that are supposed to wear a gun (like guards) and people that wear a gun for the fun of it.
When I meet someone who legally wears a gun 'for the fun of it', I'll be sure to discern him.
Yes, it's funny when someone stands on a soapbox and bomblasts, demonizes and condemns something, then turn around and pays someone to do it.

That's downright hysterical.

I guess that's why you love Bush so much.


must you always take everything I say out of context?


The media got in a huge frienzy over something so ridiculously small that everyone had a huge hissy fit because his GUARD had a gun. It's not like parading around being anti-car and then driving a car, it's like parading around saying not to put chemicals in baby food, and then buying baby food with chemicals because theres no other choice. duh.

As for googling Micheal Moor + Gun control? So effin what? Thats what all of the Bowling for Columbine movie was about, of course you're going to find that. but did you read every one of them to see what those articles said? No. Why? Because it all says the same thing, "blah blah blah new movie about gun control micheal does this and that " etc. Don't patronize me.

[edit] Oh yes, especially since I adore George dubbya. [edit]
Anderton Prime
Funny how your quote was supposed to show Michael Moore being anti-gun, when all it demonstrates is how Moore is anti-NRA and anti-Charlton Heston.

He's not anti-gun, he's pro-gun-control.


In that case, I'm not anti-gun control, I'm pro-gun!

Ummmm, no, it's not. Not any moreso that Anderton's post above that is contradictory.
The fact is that gun control is a general term which can be applied to the age restrictions on the ownership of guns. The principle factor in determining whether someone is pro gun in the philosophical sense, beyond being supportive of gun rights as a collector of guns, is not whether a person supports some kinds of gun control, as it is dependent on the partcular control, but whether or not the person believes that ownership is an inherent right of most people, only to be interferred with when an individuals betrays his right be improper behavior, not via statistical methods within which someone happens to fall under. Such as saying 7 out of 10 black males between the ages of 17-26 commit all gun related homicides, and using that to argue that no such black men should be allowed to own a gun. It also is a reflection of generally conservative interpretation of the US Constitution's @nd Amendment in the Bill of Rights, as well as pro self defense beliefs that supprt gubn ownership and use. Either to threaten or actually shoot a perpetrator, depending on the circumstances.
must you always take everything I say out of context?

You said everyone was making too big a deal out of the fact that Moore hired armed bodyguards. I pointed out that it was hypocritical of him, since he made a whole movie about how bad guns are and what terrible things they do. The only person out of context here seems to be you.


The media got in a huge frienzy over something so ridiculously small that everyone had a huge hissy fit because his GUARD had a gun.

Huge frenzy? It hardly got any mention after the first couple of days; that's hardly a "frenzy". The only person having a hissy fit here over the issue is you.

It's not like parading around being anti-car and then driving a car, it's like parading around saying not to put chemicals in baby food, and then buying baby food with chemicals because theres no other choice. duh.

That's almost exactly what it's like. Moore should be ashamed of himself for not having the courage to make sure he lives up to his own rhetoric. But when the chips are down and he's worried about his own hide, he makes use of the very thing he demonizes instead of leading by example.

As for googling Micheal Moor + Gun control? So effin what? Thats what all of the Bowling for Columbine movie was about, of course you're going to find that.

Your first reply "dared" me to provide proof Moore was anti-gun. I provided proof that he was, since he wants to dismantle the largest pro-gun lobby group in the US. Or have you conveniently forgotten that? Quit running around in circles.

Don't patronize me.

:lol: Don't post statements that are clearly self-contradictory and I won't feel the need to.

The NRA is the largest pro-gun lobby group in the USA. It's main goal is to "preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution."

That means it promotes the proliferation of the sale, use and enjoyment of firearms. That means it acts to prohibt the passage of laws which curb the rights of gun owners.

NRA website
Combined with the strong grassroots efforts of NRA members and NRA-affiliated state associations and local gun clubs, the Institute has worked vigorously to pass pro-gun reform legislation at the state level.

These efforts include enacting laws that recognize the right of honest citizens to carry firearms for self-protection; preemption bills to prevent attacks on gun owner rights by local anti-gun politicians, and fighting for legislation to prevent the bankrupting of America’s firearms industry through reckless lawsuits.

Anderton Prime
Funny how your quote was supposed to show Michael Moore being anti-gun, when all it demonstrates is how Moore is anti-NRA and anti-Charlton Heston.

He's not anti-gun, he's pro-gun-control.


If someone seeks the dismantling of the NRA, they are seeking the complete elimination of the gun lobby in the US. This is ANTI-GUN. PERIOD. FULL STOP.

Your post is just more rhetorical nonsense. "Pro-gun-control" is just a dressed up way of saying the same thing. Maybe Osama bin Laden isn't "anti-America", he's just "Pro-American-destruction." :dunce:

Wait... it's not "Anti-Semitic", it's "Pro-Semitic-demise". :lol:

I disagree. I think you can be an advocate of the right to bear arms and still want certain restrictions to apply, such as the type of gun and the number of guns a person can own.

Pro-gun-control is NOT the same thing as anti-gun.

And nothing about my post was either rhetorical or nonsensical.
Anderton Prime
I disagree. I think you can be an advocate of the right to bear arms and still want certain restrictions to apply, such as the type of gun and the number of guns a person can own.

You CAN be an advocate of such things, except it is obvious to me that Moore is NOT the person you describe. The extent to which he wants control over gun ownership is obvious based on his personal statement AND a very popular movie he's made. (you may have heard of it)

Besides which it still doesn't stop Moore from looking like a hypocrite. He makes guns and gun owners look bad. But he doesn't mind guns if they're around to protect HIM.

That is hypocrisy. Plain and simple. Why do you keep pretending it can be rationalized away?

Pro-gun-control is NOT the same thing as anti-gun.

You can keep diverting attention away from the main point by fixating on wording. But Moore's feelings on guns and gun culture is very, very clear.

And nothing about my post was either rhetorical or nonsensical. Easy on the power trip there buddy.

"Ease up on the power trip"? Oh, you mean I should stop threatening to ban you if you don't shutup like I did all those .... oh .. uh .. zero times?

Well, I'm not sure how long it took you to reply to my post, but perhaps you would have seen that I had thought twice about my choice of words and edited the "power trip" part out of my post at 1:37pm, while you posted at 1:53pm. Therefore, I shall disregard your reply to that quote. All I meant was your criticism of my post was a little harsh. I was focusing on the quote you used to illustrate Moore's being anti-gun. It was unclear at best, and did NOT prove your point.

Go ahead and tell me I'm making a fuss about wording, but I think that's the issue at hand. It's quite possible that Moore may be against guns altogether, but what I was trying to say was that it is possible for a person to be pro-gun-control without being against guns. You're the one who brought in that moderately amusing comparison about Bin Laden, which have nothing to do with anything. Being anti-American and pro-American-destruction is the same. Being anti-gun and pro-gun-control is NOT necessarily the same thing.
Moore's movie was about gun CONTROL, suggesting that how does a 6 year old get a gun, or a 17 year old get an AK-47 from a 20something. What Moore was doing was saying that more preventative measures should be taken to make sure guns don't get into the wrong hands, not saying that all guns should be abolished. Not to mention the fact that his body guard is licensed to carry one, even more so that he willingly declared he had one and handed it over showing that he was willing to take full responsibility for it, as opposed to walking through the metal detector and having it go off, only to search him and find the gun. That's gun control, and responsiblity. what he wants to do is make sure there are less guns on the street, and in the hands of law enforcement instead.