Moore's guard arrested on gun charge

  • Thread starter Ghost C
Moore is not going to save the world from guns :lol:

Stricter gun control will only prevent people from legally owning auto rifles smg's and assault weapons.

As we all know, criminals who intend to use these weapons don't really give a stuff about gun control, licences or registration. Incidentally, most murders are committed using the UK the only calibre pistol that can be legally owned is .22. What is the weapon of choice for the mafia assassins...hmmm the .22. How it is safer than any other, I'm not sure :lol:

PublicSecrecy...your posts make me laugh. Your political views are second to none...well there are/were a few others ;)
I can't believe you fell for that Kitty Bonsai thing :lol:
I couldn't help but notice that you put your date of birth as Jul 6 1989...yet in the ages of GTPlanet members thread you say you are 16-20... something is not right there :lol:
Anderton Prime
Well, I'm not sure how long it took you to reply to my post, but perhaps you would have seen that I had thought twice about my choice of words and edited the "power trip" part out of my post at 1:37pm, while you posted at 1:53pm. Therefore, I shall disregard your reply to that quote.

I do everything very slowly when I'm ill. In fact, I probably walked away from the machine so I could make some tea or cough up a lung. I applaud your decision to edit, however.

All I meant was your criticism of my post was a little harsh.

Indeed. But what would you expect given your last few posts in reply to mine? Especially with regards to the Asian tsunamis in another thread? I treat people the I am treated by them, Anderton. Be nice to me, and I will be nice to you.

I was focusing on the quote you used to illustrate Moore's being anti-gun. It was unclear at best, and did NOT prove your point.

I don't know how many more ways I can illustrate this, but I will try one more time, for the sake of argument.

The NRA is not just a gun club, it is a political lobby group-- and a very powerful one at that. With regards to what they do in Washington, they are like the AARP or the NAACP. They lobby on behalf of an interest group; in the AARP's case, retired persons; in the NAACP's case, African-Americans; in the NRA's case, gun owners.

Without the existance of these groups to advocate law and policy to protect or advance the rights (or privilege) of these interest groups, they would have no representation. Imagine for a moment, if there was no NRA. That means any measure to pass laws aimed at eroding Second Amendment rights would pass without opposition. Heck, a new Amendment that repeals the Second would pass in no time. To seek the demise of the NRA is to seek the complete eradication of political opposition to ANY gun control measure, no matter how strict or lax.

Moore didn't say "I would control the NRA so it doesn't oppose some measures". He said he would dismantle it. Complete political death.

What would you think the goals of someone who says "I want to dismantle the NAACP"? To me, the only logical conclusion is that they are 100% against everything the NAACP does. The only public person I can think of that would happy do such a thing is David Duke, and we all know how he feels about black people.

What would you think about someone who wants to dismantle Human Rights Watch? Or Greenpeace? I think it would be obvious.

I am more or less through with this line of argument, since it is just a rehash of things said before. Take it or leave it, agree or disagree.

PublicSecrecy...your posts make me laugh. Your political views are second to none...well there are/were a few others ;)
I can't believe you fell for that Kitty Bonsai thing :lol:
I couldn't help but notice that you put your date of birth as Jul 6 1989...yet in the ages of GTPlanet members thread you say you are 16-20... something is not right there :lol:

Yah...that kitty cube thing was pretty sad. I fell for it though because I got an email from my friend who said her philosophy class was rallying to get it shut down, but then I noticed that there wasn't a shred of evidence suggesting it to be 1) true 2) possible and 3) contactable

but anyway..yah..and my birthday isn't july 6th 1989... :dunce: :odd: