Moral or Immoral to swallow a live fish?

  • Thread starter Delirious

Moral or Immoral to swallow a live fish?

  • Moral

    Votes: 20 69.0%
  • Immoral

    Votes: 5 17.2%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 4 13.8%

  • Total voters
Can we have a "don't care" option please?

If I cared about swallowing a live fish, I'd probably care about boiling a lobster alive, or wrenching a fish out of the water with a prong through the roof of its mouth and watching it suffocate.
Seriuosly. Really the only reason I came to this thread was because on my screen on the forum list the thread reads

"Moral or Immoral to swallow a"

That got my attention. ;)
I've floated live fish in tequila for shots before. Yes, I was a bit wilder when I was young.

Now, I just get feeder fish and feed the anemone in the big tank.
Swallowing something alive is very humane I think, compared to skinning it. Every animal in existance has eaten another one whole.

Something to ponder:

Considering that "Aliens" is a R rated film, yet it is praised as being one of the best movies of all time, is it immoral or moral to watch it? Am I going to hell for enjoying the Alien film trilogy? (Alien Resurrection was a piece of dung that should have been left on the cutting room floor)

Likewise, is it immoral or moral to watch "Jaws"?
Der Alta
I've floated live fish in tequila for shots before. Yes, I was a bit wilder when I was young.

Now, I just get feeder fish and feed the anemone in the big tank.

Must have been a big shot :drool:
How long does a fish thrash around in your stomach before succumbing to the effects of the acid?

Does the species of fish make a difference? Which kind lives longest in our bellies? Anybody have any data?
Seriuosly. Really the only reason I came to this thread was because on my screen on the forum list the thread reads

"Moral or Immoral to swallow a"

That got my attention. ;)
Mine too - and right quickly, might I add.
Mine too - and right quickly, might I add.
Same… I think I should stop clicking on impulse ;)

On topic – I think it’s perfectly moral to do so. To me, there is no difference between swallowing a fish live and sitting down to a seafood dinner.

LOL, I can see this turning into a thread about eating animals. Eating a live animal or cooked animal is equal. So if one is immoral then the other one is as well.

I find it perfectly fine if you like live fish better. It was going to die if you cooked it anyway.
Considering I help do the marketing in this family, and seeing how animals are slaughtered in the traditional manner... (I just laugh at the organizations trying to prevent cruelty to animals slaughtered in the meat houses... killing them the regular way is often just as bad or worse). I couldn't give a rat's a$$ about how moral it is to swallow live fish.

It's no different from eating cooked fish, and if anyone argues that morally it is, take the fish out of the tank, slap it with a knife till it's unconscious, and gut it while it's still twitching. Ask them if that's moral either. I bet they won't eat fish ever again. :lol:

It's kind of gross to eat them live, though... if you see where they've been swimming. :yuck:
I.M.O. if god had ment humans to eat fish, we'd have been born with flippers and gills or blow-holes.

- unless the fish comes battered.
How can eating be equated with morality? A bear or a shark eat live fish all the time.

I can see a lot of sushi chefs might get offended, but one has to keep up with the times.
I have yet to have Lobster Sashimi. I finally found a local restaurant that'll serve the lobster to you still twitching. Now THAT I'd have to try.

A mate of mine won a Goldfish at the fair, as soon as we had go there. So...problem.
Basically I spent 10mins trying to persuade him to give it back to the stall or give it to a random kid. Eventually some woman started shouting at us "Oh, if you don't want that bloody fish give it to my kid." Sod her, she could have been polite about it. And then after the fish had been punished some more anotehr guy said politely "Oh mate, I'll give you a few quid for teh fish, my little boy's been dieing for one." We gave it to him for free :D

So, no, fish shouldn't be eaten alive, or tormented at the fair. But it's still fun.
why can't it be swallowed alive? I mean, when it's caught in the net, and they pull it out, the fish slowly suffocates. If anything, eating it alive is doing the creature a favour ...

then again, I can't stand the thought of something wriggling it's way down my throat *shudder*
I have nothing against eating animals as long as they are treated humanely before and during death. I wouldn't classify this as a humane death.
I have nothing against eating animals as long as they are treated humanely before and during death. I wouldn't classify this as a humane death.

Why must they be treated humanely?
How can it be humane to kill something in order to feed yourself? Whichever way you cut it (pun intended), you're still depriving something of its life so that you may prolong yours.

If animals must be treated with the same rights as humans, why can we not kill a human to feed ourselves?
How can it be humane to kill something in order to feed yourself? Whichever way you cut it (pun intended), you're still depriving something of its life so that you may prolong yours.

If animals must be treated with the same rights as humans, why can we not kill a human to feed ourselves?

I didn't say animals must be treated with the same rights as humans. I did say that humans should act humanely.

If you're going to kill an animal, for whatever reason, it should be done with due respect.
If you're going to kill an animal, for whatever reason, it should be done with due respect.

So if you're hunting for deer in the forest because you're starving. Are you going to worry about the way that you kill it or just that it's dead before you cook it's flesh?
How can it be humane to kill something in order to feed yourself? Whichever way you cut it (pun intended), you're still depriving something of its life so that you may prolong yours.
Because it's the way of the world. However, very rarely does a creature eat another being while it is still alive.

The one that comes to mind is the Heron (and such birds) which will eat a fish as soon as it's caught, down in whole. Most creatures kill either in the process of capturing or restraining. The other thing is Herons (and such beings) down have much ability to kill the fish prior, Humans do, and we should use that ability.

Eating something whole isn't beneficial to use, very often it's just show-boating.

So if you're hunting for deer in the forest because you're starving. Are you going to worry about the way that you kill it or just that it's dead before you cook it's flesh?
But when you're hunting a dear wouldn't you kill it the quickest possible way? A shot to the head or a slit of the throat? Otherwise you waste time restraining it.
But when you're hunting a dear wouldn't you kill it the quickest possible way? A shot to the head or a slit of the throat? Otherwise you waste time restraining it.

What if I'm a crummy shot and the only sharp object I can find is a stone with an edge on it? Is that still ok, or am I supposed to worry about the feelings of the dead deer?

I'm not saying we should slaughter animals just "because". But if you eat an animal, it's going to be dead sooner or later. So worrying about exactly how it died is a little bit silly to me.
If you're going to kill an animal, for whatever reason, it should be done with due respect.

I refer you to point 2:

Whichever way you cut it (pun intended), you're still depriving something of its life so that you may prolong yours.
What if I'm a crummy shot and the only sharp object I can find is a stone with an edge on it? Is that still ok, or am I supposed to worry about the feelings of the dead deer?
You're a crummy shot even with the barrel resting against the creatures temple?

You don't worry about the feelings of a dead animal. You show some concern for the feelings of a live one.
I'm not saying we should slaughter animals just "because". But if you eat an animal, it's going to be dead sooner or later. So worrying about exactly how it died is a little bit silly to me.
I'd prefer it if my pet dog died instantly than in a long drawn out and painful death.