There's something else to remember about the choice of cars in the game. Not everyone wants sports cars. Some want to see their daily drivers. I consider this as an unconditional love of cars and racing and tuning. In my maturation process, this has been my biggest asset. Basically, I don't care what kinds of cars are in the game. I'd like a balance of performing daily drivers and some sweet competition cars. Want me to grow a smile on your face With a certain car company or type of car in mind? One word- Radical. Never heard of Radical? Then homes, you in luck because you can read about them at: ( ). I think it was a nice incentive to include Caterham in GT4 even though you can't race them against five others. The United Kingdom gets all the cool cars, and surely more Caterhams and Radicals would be nice. If there was a paint shop option, I'd surely want to paint up cars with my "team colors." For me, it would be two shades of deep blue and gold accents. Maybe even gold-colored wheels. Bring in Radical. Come on now. Who wouldn't want a car which looks the part of a Le Mans racer and is STREET LEGAL (in England or the United Kindom I hear. Set me straight if I'm wrong)? Many GT gamers would have unlimited possibilities with Radicals. In fact, some more European an Australian diversity would make things great.
I just hate the statement of "just anything." Hell, I even hot rodded a Honda Odyssey, Toyota Tacoma X-Runner, and maybe even a Mini Cooper. I prefer being diversified rather than just be about only one type of car, one nationality of car, or one specification of car. I think it's more fun to try out different things. To me, it's been a love of tuning and performance. If I can't have that, I'm not doing GT. It's just the same thing in which people say that cars like the Mazda Demio, Mini Cooper, Honda Beat, and all are in GT for one reason- to imagine racing a much better car. Racing different autos offer unique challenges because not all cars are alike. Now, things can just be about Viper One-Make races and races where 300hp is the minimum. Think about it. If you just make things all about pure sports cars and legendary marques other than compacts and daily drivers, then I think it gets boring. To me, I'd like diversity in terms of the least powerful being either 1886 Daimler, and most powerful to... sky's the limit. This is even if you include the Porsche 917 (granted Porsche was included), which was WELL over 1,000hp.
I've still believed that racing only the sports cars was pretty boring. There wasn't too much diversity in GT1, so faster cars were the norm. But I still believe Europe and Australia can use a little GT love. Is that asking too much, player? Still, I couldn't care less about nationality in GT games. Performance matters more than nationality. This ranges from a Saleen S7 Turbo in California to a Laraki Fulgara in Morrocco(spelling?). That's why I'm not biased on this issue.