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  • Thread starter SHigSpeed
Up to Week 36

Time as a percentage of winners and events run:

Driver Average Events Driven
Rudi Raser 100.1% 1
Dr GT 100.1% 1 100.2% 3
hollO1 100.2% 29
veilsidebr 100.3% 21
GTmaniac 100.3% 5
hOt6o4bOi 100.3% 34
Hugo Boss 100.5% 2
Tannis 100.5% 5
JonnyDangerous 100.5% 4
3rdgenracerX 100.7% 6
icemanshooter23 100.8% 9
AngelX 100.8% 3
Mr P 100.8% 5
Flinx 100.8% 2
Sphinx 100.8% 7
Alpine 101.2% 14
RSCosworth 101.2% 2
Werner Winkels 101.2% 1
Z. 101.3% 21
itsukivr6 101.3% 4
Thurzo 101.3% 2
bbq0801 101.3% 2
fasj6418 101.3% 26
jmgyro 101.4% 11
Smallhorses 101.4% 1
Small_Fryz 101.5% 18
T13R 101.5% 10
MinorShunt 101.6% 26
tuff240 101.6% 2
KANE699 101.6% 2
eggman 101.7% 3
MarioAndretti 101.7% 1
Luxy 101.8% 9
zoxxy 101.8% 1
HighonPSI 101.8% 2
czechmate 101.9% 1
Puck927 101.9% 16
bhawk776 101.9% 9
Sjenk 101.9% 1
Puck 927 102.0% 2
lotus350 102.0% 6
Dr_Watson 102.0% 13
z06fun 102.1% 2
boombexus 102.1% 2
Recury 102.1% 3
prodbunta 102.2% 3
VEXD 102.3% 20
ls2_297 102.3% 11
sjaak68 102.3% 10
ZeratulSG 102.3% 5
sausages 102.3% 11
MR8 102.3% 13
unified 102.4% 4
Nuvolari 102.4% 2
VTRacing 102.4% 21
kennythebomb 102.4% 17
CFM 102.4% 9
Randymcchickenf 102.4% 19
ssAres 102.4% 2
kelaser 102.5% 3
idleprocess 102.5% 3
peachyquaver 102.5% 1
jump_ace 102.6% 29
SHigSpeed 102.6% 35
SimonC 102.6% 2
Villeneuve81 102.6% 3
Mojo Rising 102.6% 3
TheWizard 102.6% 21
Spleenster 102.7% 1
GT3mich 102.7% 4
Touring Mars 102.7% 6
KLR142 102.7% 25
jbell 102.7% 1
Toffe 102.7% 21
TeamLosiRacer 102.8% 7
muck the dog 102.8% 19
shockwaveracing 102.8% 13
ROB 256R 102.8% 10
Electric....... 102.8% 5
Androoos 102.9% 19
PanzerFaust 102.9% 2
Studentdriver 102.9% 6
RacyBacy 102.9% 3
MisterWeary 102.9% 23
Bul 102.9% 1
DRIFTN 102.9% 1
bogitiman 103.0% 10
A7X 103.0% 3
teej6o4 103.1% 2
WSSSUP 103.1% 9
Large_Fryz 103.1% 4
NielsG 103.1% 12
trig 103.2% 1
mudro 103.2% 2
jumpputt 103.2% 14
speedy_samurai 103.2% 7
EvilToast 103.2% 1
Barbol 103.2% 4
Lewie 103.2% 11
kragbees 103.2% 17
geeTeye 103.3% 9
Jonas_AH 103.3% 3
Dave_George 103.3% 11
jase86 103.3% 10
the real 6c 103.4% 6
Old Geezer 103.4% 10
niclorin 103.4% 4
azr|el.RB26 103.4% 2
daan 103.4% 4
jctraduz 103.4% 5
Jpec07 103.4% 2
Casio 103.4% 27
TheCracker 103.4% 2
k2racer 103.5% 1
CrackHoor 103.5% 4
mrhambone 103.5% 2
circa86 103.5% 14
mkay 103.5% 9
rykov 103.5% 5
Drifting 4 Ever 103.5% 3
Flerbizky 103.5% 1
Kent 103.5% 5
banjobear 103.6% 4
Kolyana 103.6% 21
TheChemist 103.6% 3
De Bolle 103.7% 4
solrac 103.8% 2
G.T 103.8% 1
neilX 103.8% 1
StrokerAce 103.8% 7
SADJO 103.8% 2
Drew22 103.8% 23
BreakMastaz 103.9% 5
kensei 103.9% 3
VTGT07 103.9% 1
Andge08 103.9% 7
rotbarsch1979 104.0% 13
rickyhp 104.0% 1
lewis27656 104.0% 1
Blake 104.0% 2
enb 104.1% 3
DRIVEN -USA- 104.1% 29
ballstothewall 104.1% 28
ohjel 104.2% 4
smaug terrible 104.2% 4
Magdelayna 104.2% 1
sprite 104.2% 3
DLRgian 104.3% 4
GT_Fan2005 104.3% 13
Aliacha 104.3% 1
toerider 104.4% 1
Soyfu 104.4% 3
BigJamesGTI 104.4% 1
944drifter 104.4% 1
VHLiceman 104.5% 2
mark2080 104.5% 4
1989therat 104.5% 2
Sol 104.5% 2
goixoye 104.5% 7
Radicalry00 104.5% 1
agilejase 104.6% 1
FIDO69 104.6% 2
PaulSwid 104.6% 1
undrewear 104.7% 1
plfrench 104.7% 3
Canoe 104.7% 4
Rocket Punch 104.8% 1
SimRaceDriver 104.8% 19
bleurabbit7 104.8% 23
EXelero 104.8% 14
Benedict 104.8% 2
Blackbird 104.9% 3
TruBoo 105.0% 15
rocko1414 105.0% 3
mad_nos999 105.0% 4
RedWolfRacer 105.0% 7
flat-out 105.0% 15
speedthrill 105.1% 2
villainpl 105.1% 14
Steve57 105.1% 15
volcom_stone29 105.1% 2
VacekS 105.1% 4
FNakashoji 105.1% 5
GTrackd02 105.1% 9
Enema 105.2% 2
Slicks 105.2% 3
nitro_2005 105.2% 2
vtec_guy 105.2% 7
bigrew 105.3% 22
CardcaptorYoshi 105.3% 7
Jetboys427 105.3% 5
Bee 105.4% 3
Rolfje 105.4% 1
r34jse 105.4% 7
somebody 105.4% 20
Tenacious D 105.5% 5
marko1464 105.5% 1
xXSilencerXx 105.5% 3
STINGER05 105.5% 27
amp88 105.5% 11
BenW 105.6% 11
FloridaF22C 105.6% 2
LoveMyMiata 105.6% 10
Chris Criswell 105.7% 5
meeekael 105.8% 1
OnlyMe 105.8% 16
Lemke 105.8% 3
secretghost 105.9% 1
dustin324 105.9% 2
nicolp 106.0% 1
Pink_the_Floyd 106.1% 7
joseph2435 106.1% 1
GT4freak32492 106.1% 2
diggerbucket 106.2% 2
Double R 106.3% 1
peterjford 106.4% 4
PunkRock 106.4% 1
JettaZoom 106.4% 1
SilverStang 106.5% 4
jmitch17 106.5% 4
Ebiggs 106.5% 2
I Don't Know 106.6% 8
Flaanders 106.7% 4
chrissims 106.8% 2
UrsaMajorPrime 106.9% 7
ekstrak 106.9% 1
kakkarot36 107.0% 1
ppucci 107.0% 3
Event 107.0% 2
Rob23 107.1% 3
Apclps 107.1% 4
santiagomo87 107.1% 2
ssEnigma 107.1% 1
Maalcari 107.2% 1
Sharkey 107.2% 6
nicholp 107.2% 5
Thirdeye 107.3% 15
pure_one 107.5% 5
NickBRed5 107.6% 5
fieldy 107.6% 1
JIMB 107.7% 3
les3002 107.7% 1
nab2420 107.9% 2
r0gu3 108.0% 1
Frogger1971 108.3% 8
standard235 108.4% 1
Teledriel 108.9% 21
slikaznricer 108.9% 1
04Nissan350Z 109.2% 3
Infest 109.3% 3
TimBrad 109.8% 7
niall_uk 109.9% 1
nathanmealey 110.1% 1
lovef1 110.4% 2
Robster 110.5% 3
fordgt150 110.7% 1
ldc 110.9% 2
darkwind 110.9% 7
bbinnel440 111.1% 1
gt4_0109 111.2% 2
grayscaleDX 111.7% 1
ranhammerR34 112.1% 3
Bauknin 112.4% 4
stevo357 113.2% 5
MachOne 114.3% 1
smiley_leo 114.7% 17

Percentage of average time vs. events run

Driver Average Events Driven
Rudi Raser 94.9% 1
Werner Winkels 95.4% 1 96.3% 3
veilsidebr 96.4% 21
Dr GT 96.5% 1
hOt6o4bOi 96.6% 34
hollO1 96.6% 29
Thurzo 96.7% 2
Tannis 96.7% 5
Sphinx 96.9% 7
GTmaniac 97.2% 5
icemanshooter23 97.3% 9
zoxxy 97.3% 1
3rdgenracerX 97.3% 6
JonnyDangerous 97.4% 4
Alpine 97.4% 14
KANE699 97.5% 2
Z. 97.5% 21
Hugo Boss 97.5% 2
fasj6418 97.6% 26
Sjenk 97.7% 1
unified 97.7% 4
MinorShunt 97.8% 26
bhawk776 97.8% 9
Small_Fryz 97.9% 18
Luxy 97.9% 9
T13R 98.0% 10
Puck927 98.0% 16
AngelX 98.0% 3
ssAres 98.0% 2
Nuvolari 98.1% 2
Flinx 98.1% 2
Bul 98.1% 1
jmgyro 98.1% 11
MR8 98.1% 13
Puck 927 98.2% 2
itsukivr6 98.2% 4
Flerbizky 98.2% 1
ZeratulSG 98.3% 5
eggman 98.3% 3
Mr P 98.3% 5
VEXD 98.3% 20
tuff240 98.3% 2
sausages 98.4% 11
bbq0801 98.4% 2
RSCosworth 98.5% 2
CFM 98.5% 9
kennythebomb 98.5% 17
Dr_Watson 98.6% 13
boombexus 98.6% 2
HighonPSI 98.6% 2
trig 98.6% 1
Toffe 98.7% 21
GT3mich 98.7% 4
TeamLosiRacer 98.7% 7
jump_ace 98.7% 29
Smallhorses 98.7% 1
SHigSpeed 98.7% 35
Randymcchickenf 98.7% 19
ls2_297 98.7% 11
VTRacing 98.8% 21
ROB 256R 98.8% 10
lotus350 98.8% 6
KLR142 98.8% 25
muck the dog 98.9% 19
TheWizard 98.9% 21
Electric....... 98.9% 5
z06fun 98.9% 2
azr|el.RB26 99.0% 2
RacyBacy 99.0% 3
Androoos 99.0% 19
Spleenster 99.0% 1
solrac 99.0% 2
Recury 99.0% 3
Touring Mars 99.0% 6
Studentdriver 99.0% 6
Large_Fryz 99.1% 4
MisterWeary 99.1% 23
prodbunta 99.2% 3
czechmate 99.2% 1
bogitiman 99.2% 10
sjaak68 99.2% 10
Barbol 99.2% 4
Kent 99.3% 5
rykov 99.3% 5
jumpputt 99.3% 14
Mojo Rising 99.3% 3
circa86 99.4% 14
DRIFTN 99.4% 1
kelaser 99.4% 3
jbell 99.4% 1
idleprocess 99.4% 3
speedy_samurai 99.4% 7
SimonC 99.4% 2
WSSSUP 99.5% 9
shockwaveracing 99.5% 13
mkay 99.5% 9
Villeneuve81 99.5% 3
Jpec07 99.5% 2
Casio 99.6% 27
lewis27656 99.6% 1
daan 99.6% 4
kragbees 99.6% 17
CrackHoor 99.6% 4
Kolyana 99.6% 21
kensei 99.6% 3
Lewie 99.7% 11
the real 6c 99.7% 6
NielsG 99.7% 12
De Bolle 99.7% 4
Old Geezer 99.7% 10
smaug terrible 99.8% 4
jctraduz 99.8% 5
peachyquaver 99.8% 1
Blake 99.8% 2
rotbarsch1979 99.8% 13
Radicalry00 99.9% 1
Soyfu 99.9% 3
teej6o4 99.9% 2
mudro 99.9% 2
BreakMastaz 99.9% 5
EvilToast 99.9% 1
A7X 99.9% 3
DLRgian 100.0% 4
geeTeye 100.0% 9
Dave_George 100.0% 11
jase86 100.0% 10
toerider 100.0% 1
Drew22 100.0% 23
PanzerFaust 100.1% 2
DRIVEN -USA- 100.1% 29
StrokerAce 100.1% 7
Drifting 4 Ever 100.1% 3
MarioAndretti 100.1% 1
Andge08 100.1% 7
1989therat 100.2% 2
niclorin 100.2% 4
VTGT07 100.2% 1
mark2080 100.2% 4
banjobear 100.3% 4
FIDO69 100.3% 2
ballstothewall 100.3% 28
meeekael 100.4% 1
mad_nos999 100.4% 4
ohjel 100.4% 4
G.T 100.5% 1
TheChemist 100.5% 3
TheCracker 100.5% 2
k2racer 100.6% 1
Canoe 100.6% 4
SADJO 100.6% 2
Jonas_AH 100.6% 3
Aliacha 100.6% 1
mrhambone 100.6% 2
neilX 100.7% 1
Blackbird 100.7% 3
VacekS 100.7% 4
goixoye 100.7% 7
BigJamesGTI 100.7% 1
Slicks 100.8% 3
bleurabbit7 100.8% 23
volcom_stone29 100.8% 2
GT_Fan2005 100.9% 13
enb 100.9% 3
villainpl 100.9% 14
SimRaceDriver 101.0% 19
FNakashoji 101.0% 5
undrewear 101.0% 1
FloridaF22C 101.0% 2
xXSilencerXx 101.1% 3
RedWolfRacer 101.1% 7
EXelero 101.1% 14
Steve57 101.1% 15
TruBoo 101.1% 15
vtec_guy 101.1% 7
Magdelayna 101.1% 1
secretghost 101.2% 1
Lemke 101.2% 3
Enema 101.2% 2
rickyhp 101.2% 1
marko1464 101.3% 1
bigrew 101.3% 22
Jetboys427 101.4% 5
somebody 101.4% 20
CardcaptorYoshi 101.4% 7
GTrackd02 101.5% 9
amp88 101.5% 11
VHLiceman 101.5% 2
r34jse 101.5% 7
BenW 101.5% 11
plfrench 101.5% 3
STINGER05 101.6% 27
flat-out 101.6% 15
Pink_the_Floyd 101.6% 7
sprite 101.6% 3
LoveMyMiata 101.6% 10
rocko1414 101.6% 3
944drifter 101.6% 1
Rolfje 101.6% 1
ssEnigma 101.7% 1
Sol 101.7% 2
diggerbucket 101.7% 2
nicolp 101.7% 1
Chris Criswell 101.7% 5
agilejase 101.8% 1
PaulSwid 101.8% 1
joseph2435 101.9% 1
OnlyMe 101.9% 16
speedthrill 101.9% 2
dustin324 101.9% 2
Benedict 102.0% 2
standard235 102.1% 1
Tenacious D 102.1% 5
Bee 102.2% 3
JettaZoom 102.2% 1
GT4freak32492 102.2% 2
kakkarot36 102.2% 1
Rob23 102.3% 3
Rocket Punch 102.3% 1
Apclps 102.4% 4
nitro_2005 102.4% 2
santiagomo87 102.5% 2
ppucci 102.5% 3
Double R 102.5% 1
Flaanders 102.5% 4
jmitch17 102.6% 4
UrsaMajorPrime 102.6% 7
Event 102.8% 2
I Don't Know 102.8% 8
peterjford 102.8% 4
Ebiggs 102.8% 2
Maalcari 102.9% 1
les3002 103.2% 1
SilverStang 103.2% 4
Thirdeye 103.3% 15
Sharkey 103.5% 6
nicholp 103.5% 5
chrissims 103.5% 2
PunkRock 103.6% 1
NickBRed5 103.6% 5
r0gu3 103.7% 1
ekstrak 103.8% 1
pure_one 103.8% 5
JIMB 104.0% 3
nathanmealey 104.0% 1
Frogger1971 104.3% 8
fordgt150 104.6% 1
fieldy 104.7% 1
Teledriel 105.0% 21
nab2420 105.0% 2
Infest 105.2% 3
grayscaleDX 105.2% 1
04Nissan350Z 105.4% 3
ldc 105.6% 2
slikaznricer 105.6% 1
TimBrad 105.7% 7
darkwind 105.9% 7
lovef1 106.1% 2
bbinnel440 106.1% 1
niall_uk 106.3% 1
gt4_0109 106.6% 2
Robster 106.6% 3
Bauknin 107.2% 4
ranhammerR34 107.6% 3
MachOne 108.0% 1
stevo357 108.3% 5
smiley_leo 110.5% 17
Looks good, despite the fact that it's hard to read.
Perhaps you should use the CODE brackets which would display fixed length characters (or a proportional font, don't know what you call this).
See example below :

Mr. Something     101.0%   10
John Doe          101.1%    4
Mrs Smith         101.4%    8
The first list is the average of the percentage of the winners time for each driver for all races entered. For example, Rudy only entered one race, and in that race his time was 100.1% that of the winner, so slightly slower.

The second list is the average percentage of the AVERAGE of all submitted times of all drivers over all races entered. So, rudy in his only race had a time 94.9% that of the average of all entrants that week, so 5.1% faster than average.

Basically, these numbers tell how fast you are over the weeks compared to the winner and compared to the average of all drivers.

I'm still struggling and I did maths in my degree?!?

Is this basically a ranking of people using all of their results???
I'm still struggling and I did maths in my degree?!?

Is this basically a ranking of people using all of their results???

The first list shows how your time compares to the average time, the second list shows how your time compares to the fastest time, both over the past 36 weeks.

Let's take my results :

List 1
flat-out 101.6% 15

List 2
flat-out 105.0% 15

  • I have submitted a total of 15 times over the 36 weeks period (That's the 15 that appears on both lists).
  • If you work out the 15 average times (one per race) for the 15 races I entered, then compare my own times to these average times, I'm 1.6% slower. Thus the 101.6%
  • If you now compare my 15 times to the fastest time of all 15 races, I'm 5% slower, thus the 105.0% it.

This data does not account for people who improve though. does bring rise to a possible alternative divisional system???

If this data was calculated only using the best 6 of 8 system you use for your leaderboard would give an accurate, up-to-date ranking of all drivers from top to bottom, then you could just split it in 3 for the 3 divisions?

Even if this system isn't used I think it would be an interesting addition to this stats thread. I know you used to post the spreadsheet you use to keep data, do you still keep it all in a spreadsheet Cyril and if so is it possible to get a copy, I'd love to play around with stats a bit?
MisterWeary it.

This data does not account for people who improve though. does bring rise to a possible alternative divisional system???

If this data was calculated only using the best 6 of 8 system you use for your leaderboard would give an accurate, up-to-date ranking of all drivers from top to bottom, then you could just split it in 3 for the 3 divisions?

Even if this system isn't used I think it would be an interesting addition to this stats thread. I know you used to post the spreadsheet you use to keep data, do you still keep it all in a spreadsheet Cyril and if so is it possible to get a copy, I'd love to play around with stats a bit?

I only have a general stats in my spreadsheet. Like what week was on which track, and what drivetrain was used, and what country...
The points system are in a MySQL database : I can extract all tables but it might take you a while to make a spreadsheet out of it.
I only have a general stats in my spreadsheet. Like what week was on which track, and what drivetrain was used, and what country...
The points system are in a MySQL database : I can extract all tables but it might take you a while to make a spreadsheet out of it.

It's all good, back when you used to post a screenshot of the leaderboard I downloaded the spreadsheet you used, but I went back to those weeks and noticed it's all in your new system. Not a prob. I might have a squiz at the results threads for the past few weeks. Not that I'm bored or anything :sly:
Okey dokey...those stats got me motivated to do something similar for the past 8 weeks and here are the results.

This is people's average of all their performances in the past 8 weeks using Shig's second method.

######### UPPER THIRD ########
  1. veilsidebr        95.69%
  2.        96.49%
  3. holl01            96.55%
  4. Z.                96.86%
  5. hOt604bOi         96.93%
  6. CFM               97.44%
  7. MinorShunt        97.47%
  8. icemanshooter23   97.51%
  9. VTRacing          97.59%
 10. Puck927           97.61%
 11. FASJ6418          97.64%
 12. T13R              97.80%
 13. jmgyro            97.82%
 14. VEXD              97.89%
 15. Dr_Watson         97.91%
 16. Small_Fryz        97.98%
 17. Randymcchickenf   98.02%
 18. bbq0801           98.38%
 19. Toffe             98.46%
 20. shockwaveracing   98.56%
 21. Smallhorses       98.59%
 22. KLR142            98.64%
 23. SHigSpeed         98.64%
 24. ROB 256R          98.74%

######## MIDDLE THIRD ########
 25. DRIVEN -USA-      98.78%
 26. jump_ace          98.81%
 27. Electric.......   98.89%
 28. Blake             98.90%
 29. Kent              98.98%
 30. sjaak68           98.99%
 31. z06fun            99.13%
 32. NielsG            99.36%
 33. sausages          99.37%
 34. MisterWeary       99.38%
 35. Andge08           99.57%
 36. sar593            99.62%
 37. peachyquaver      99.68%
 38. rotbarsch1979     99.75%
 39. TheWizard         99.86%
 40. bigrew            99.97%
 41. bleurabbit7       100.06%
 42. Casio             100.10%
 43. les3002           100.25%
 44. ballstothewall    100.30%
 45. jctraduz          100.30%
 46. Kolyana           100.34%
 47. TheCracker        100.44%
 48. banjobear         100.67%
 49. Androoos          100.67%

######### LOWER THIRD ########
 50. TruBoo            100.79%
 51. SimRaceDriver     100.87%
 52. Drew22            100.99%
 53. Steve57           101.09%
 54. GT_Fan2005        101.31%
 55. jase86            101.54%
 56. Jetboys427        101.57%
 57. goixoye           101.85%
 58. GTrackd02         102.19%
 59. flat-out          102.31%
 60. Bee               102.47%
 61. STINGER05         102.64%
 62. mark2080          102.76%
 63. lovef1            103.46%
 64. speedthrill       103.86%
 65. peterjford        104.29%
 66. BuzzOrHowl        104.40%
 67. JIMB              104.66%
 68. Soyfu             104.80%
 69. Teledriel         105.28%
 70. NickBRed5         105.54%
 71. slikaznricer      105.65%
 72. Robster           106.61%
 73. smilely_leo       109.69%

As you can see, I've split it into even thirds and there has been 73 separate drivers compete in the past 8 weeks.

Anyway, just thought you might be intersted like I was :) If anyone wants the spreadsheet I made then just post your email or PM me and I'll send it to ya.

Cheers 👍


Just altered my spreadsheet to use overall position as the percentage, so for example:

* If a person comes 2nd of 9 people they get (1 - 2/9)*100 = 77.78%

* If someone came 2nd of 39 people they get (1 - 2/39)*100 = 94.87%

So in this way position relative to participants is rewarded. The overall result doesn't change all that much but is a fairer indication when you include people who have one off races or something.

Anyway...back to your regular viewing...

what a great thread, i love stats... thumbs up for shig 👍

i have a lot of reading to do after a whole week without internet