1. Something that always bothered me more than it should, is that various prequel characters use the wrong sound effects for some reason when the first game already had it right. Like the Padme variants and the battle droids for instance don’t have their intended blaster sound effects, instead, they just have a generic sound effect that’s not even remotely close to what they’re supposed to have. While it doesn’t seem like much, if you ever fight a large number of battle droids, hearing the wrong sound effect being played constantly just feels incredibly off. In LSWI, I used to play as Padme just to hear her blaster sound, but since they got it wrong in TCS, it just doesn’t feel right anymore and ruins the experience I had playing as her.
It doesn’t stop there though, General Grievous had his own unique sounds in the first game, namely a backflip and some saber spinning sound effects, but none of them are used in TCS. Instead, he has just generic ones that don’t fit him at all.
To make matters even worse, the sound effects they’re supposed to have are in the game files and can be easily assigned to them, so easily anyone could do it, yet they don’t even bother to use them! To be fair though, LSWII had this problem with the prequel characters as well, but you wouldn't notice it unless you had an LSWI save and the “use old save” extra. Still, they could’ve fixed it, it’s not even hard to do. (I’ve done myself) I don’t understand why they let such an obvious flaw like this slide.
2. Going on a slight tangent from #1, Watto was made playable in TCS for the first time, but for some reason, they didn’t bother to make their own sound effects for him. Instead, they just gave him Geonosian sounds and called it a day. Okay, Watto is Toydarian for peat's sake, he’s not a Geonosian in the slightest and his sound effects are in no way fitting for him whatsoever. TT Games really slacked off with this one and didn’t invest enough effort with him.
3. A bit subjective, but the hub, rather than continuing the theme of being something entirely different from the last as the previous 2 did, it is just another Mos Eisley Cantina and a worse iteration of it at that. I just don’t like the look of it much on the inside and find it less pleasing to look at than the previous games and the fact it’s just another Mos Eisley Cantina like LSWII doesn’t help.
4. I don’t like the outside either. When going outside, LSWI’s hub was fun to explore and LSWII’s had such a nice view to look at. TCS however, has neither of these. It’s not much to look at and it’s not fun to explore either. It’s not terrible by any means, it’s easy to navigate and it does what it’s supposed to do, it just isn’t very exciting and lacks the imagination of the previous 2 in my opinion.
5. A bit personal, but LSWII had this neat little glitch you could do that would allow you to use characters in vehicles that normally cannot be used with them and it was one I had a lot of fun with. TCS however fixed this so you couldn’t do it anymore and that makes it a little less fun for me, especially when I’m playing with someone else.
6. I will admit, I haven’t looked into this much, but I noticed they have changed the music some from the previous games. Namely, when you find the Millineum Falcon on Mos Eisley Spaceport, it has a different theme than LSWII for some reason, a theme less fitting and was a change that wasn’t really needed in my opinion. And I’ve heard theirs more than just this too.
7. Not only do the Padme variants have the wrong blaster sound effect as I said earlier, but they even gave her the wrong blaster model too, when they already had it right in the first game. In the first game, she had her own blaster model that fit her perfectly, but in TCS, she just has a generic blaster that’s not even close to the original at all. What’s worse is, this can also be easily fixed, yet it wasn’t.
8. In the intro cutscene for “Negotiations”, the first game had TC14 utter something with her voice as a means of getting Obi-Wan and Qui Gon’s attention and in the end, when the guards get shot down, they have a falling scream they do that’s quite funny. TCS however removed those voices and now it’s just not as good and feels like something is missing. While a lot of what I said already can be considered as an oversight, this one was intentional for some reason and why they felt the need to make such a pointless change like this is beyond me. And I think theirs is even more than just this too.
9. Speaking of cutscenes, in TCS, when Obi-Wan vanishes in Episode IV, Luke’s reaction has no facial animations whatsoever, when in LSWII, he did. In TCS, he looks totally lifeless in this scene, and why, I don’t even know, especially since they had it right the first time.
10. Yet another cutscene issue is in the intro to Retake Theed Palace, when the characters are on the ground, only the landing gear for Padme’s ship is rendered, the rest isn’t. Yet another flaw the first game didn’t have.
11. A bit subjective, but they changed the mouse droid’s design from LSWII to something that just doesn’t look as good as the previous one. To be fair though, I believe their reason to do this was so it would be consistent with the real-life Lego Minifigure and that does make sense. However, I like the Mouse Droid a lot and I thought the old one was so much better.
12. The extra toggle droids called droid 1, 2, and so on can fire blaster bolts for some reason when they’re not supposed to and in LSWII, that’s how they were. Yet, TCS got this wrong.
13. Strangely, Bossk and Dengar have Greedo’s chatter which is not only totally out of place, but they didn’t have it in LSWII, yet they do here for no apparent reason.
14. While the game has new content that wasn’t in the previous games, it honestly doesn’t have enough in my opinion to make playing through all the levels again worthwhile if you already played the previous games. Some of its new content isn’t even all that great anyway. For instance, new playable characters like Captain Tarpas, Aayla Secura, Plo Koon, Zam Wessell, and Indiana Jones are pretty cool, but the rest are kind of useless and not very interesting. New Town and Anakin’s Flight are about the only new levels I really cared for. The rest were pretty meh, with Bounty Hunter Pursuit being one of my least favorite levels in LSW ever. I was not a fan of the challenge mode either and found it to be a pain in the butt and was overall, just not a great addition to the game.
15. The mid cutscene on Invasion of Naboo where they meet Jar Jar has audio that is WAY out of sync from what it should be, when the first game didn't have this problem.