Most sit-ups done in a session?

  • Thread starter LewyMan
Kensington Grove, QLD, Australia
Last week, I decided I wanted to get fit again, so every night for a week, I did 3 lots of 200 sit-ups, with 3 lots of 20 curls of a 4kg dumb-bell.

So that's 600 sit-ups, that's not too bad for someone who ain't that fit :lol:

I'll aim for 1000 sit-ups, maybe in lots of 250, not sure yet. :/
Make sure you use good, very good form as to not strain your back. Come up slowly to about 45 degrees and back down. Then see how many you can do. Hell, make sure you rest up afterwards!

I can't remember, I usually get broed of doing them before I get too tired to continue. Situps arn't hard at all. I've done several hundered in one session before, but I'm not really into weight lifting and body building. Most of my exercise comes from walking to work, playing football and hiking.
If they're too easy for you, then add a weight plate or two. When you use correct form, you know about it. That's all I'll say.
