Most Wanted New Feature in GT6

  • Thread starter calahan

What's feature did you want in GT6?

  • Improved Car Collision and Car Crash

    Votes: 44 16.3%
  • Free Roam Mode

    Votes: 44 16.3%
  • Improved Car Customization

    Votes: 143 53.0%
  • Improved Track Editor

    Votes: 39 14.4%

  • Total voters
And how can we get that? Throwing away visual damage on every car, can you imagine all the skipped features for the fact that they did this which was very disappointing IMO?

Moving to PS4 maybe, or have PD spend less time modeling polygons. I don't know. It's not like more cars come for free or we would probably have more than 16 already. We definitely would have had more than 6 a long time ago; I'm pretty sure people wanted that for a long time.

Actually to be honest, equalizing the AI should be trivial. PD just needs to stop putting Civics against Vipers in the same race and then give all the cars the same aptitude as the lead driver. Getting the AI to match a good player would still be difficult, but ending the rabbit race that's a current staple of GT would be an awesome start. Maybe with better physics, reward weight or other equalizer methods could have more impact on your car, and that could go toward reducing the gap between player and computer without actually needing the make the computer that much better.
And how can we get that? Throwing away visual damage on every car, can you imagine all the skipped features for the fact that they did this which was very disappointing IMO?

There's nothing in GT5 as it is now that implies that PD making those things better would preclude anything else. Especially not when, as Exorcet points out above with some of the AI pool, they didn't even try.
Customization is great, but of the choices I went with free roam. I still dream of a game like GT5 where you can also cruise the streets and go to car meets and what not, but there is another option you neglected to mention which would be my upmost important choice: a better car selection. I will not make this a wish list post, but the fact that some of the amazing cars of the world are not present in GT5 leaves me wishing for a lot. Just things like the CTS-V and current Mustangs. Or Koenigwhateverseg, Hennessey, Porsche (I know) or even some of the more significant cars from manufacturers that are in the game. No 599 GTO, FF, ZL1, GT500, DBS, Veyron SS, etc. Sorry for getting a bit off topic.../endrant
Guys, you can already free roam and cruise the way it is.

I know of alot of guys who set up meets where they would just cruise around tracks together in their rides at slow speeds. I remember a popular Nurburgring room where guys would park outside the pit entrance, talk, and sometimes cruise around the track for a lap and then park again.

Does PD really need to put resources and time into creating a city?
Guys, you can already free roam and cruise the way it is.

This isn't Free roam.

Does PD really need to put resources and time into creating a city?

No. I agree with you. PD should concentrate on Gran Turismo 6 without Free roam. If they want to make a free roam Game they should add staff or add a New Studio like Turn10 did.

I like the Idea of a Free roam GT but PD are only about 100 People and should concentrate on other Things.
This isn't Free roam.

No. I agree with you. PD should concentrate on Gran Turismo 6 without Free roam. If they want to make a free roam Game they should add staff or add a New Studio like Turn10 did.

I like the Idea of a Free roam GT but PD are only about 100 People and should concentrate on other Things.

i heard they already recruit new employee but i don't know how many
Why should GT6 have free roam mode!? GT's essence was, is and will always be COMPETITION. What's the point of parking your car and start talking with the guy beside you? Isn't PS Home for that? Let's be serious
None of the above!
Better graphics, better physics and shorter time to get to the top (fed up after a year of GT4 and yet at lvl 39 (A and B)).
Something I've been thinking of for several years actually. How nice would it be if you could go into Time Trial mode, select your track, and then have the option to select not the entire track, but just a custom section. Then, when you're driving and you arrive at the finishline you chose yourself, you'd be respawned at the begin of the section.
I've been playing GT since GT2, but only recently have been driving intensively at the 'Ring just because of how long that track is and couldn't really be bothered to memorize it. Needless to say how stupid I feel now. But imagine being able to select a section of the Nordschleife (or any other circuit, for that matter), that you have some troubles with getting right. No need to drive back in the other direction or having to drive a full lap just for that/those corner(s)

Nice, an original idea that would be simple to implement and would become one of my most used features. Academy 2012 taught me repeated attempts on a section does translate to faster times in other modes. Whenever I come up on a 2012 academy section in a regular game mode, I always do better than before the academy. +1
I would like more detailed car custermisation. I think they should allow for extrem high level tuning as if you were building a no compramise racer and for thase who only go far looks thing like a loude shouty oversized exhaust with the down sides eg low back pressure obviously dependant on the car though
I picked crashes and collision simply because racing needs consequences for making mistakes in the form of actual mechanical damage even if the body doesn't act destroyed.

If it were an option I would have picked realistic penalties and flags. Don't care for free roam but the other 2 would be beautiful to have as well.
Why should GT6 have free roam mode!? GT's essence was, is and will always be COMPETITION. What's the point of parking your car and start talking with the guy beside you? Isn't PS Home for that? Let's be serious


isn't GT is a real driving simulator? not racing simulator.
some people play GT just for fun because he/she like driving and don't care about competition. So there's chance its in but i don't care.

for me, free roam its not the priority now. they need fix the collision first, thats the worst aspect in this game.
Permanent engine, chassis & suspension damage that you have to pay for to repair. Also flat spotting of tyres if you just mash the brakes & skid. Being able to search the garage by class would be nice as well. (Eg: Race cars-_ LMP)
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isn't GT is a real driving simulator? not racing simulator.

If that was the case, why can we only drive on race and test tracks and not actual roads?

The slogan does give an opportunity to ask for free roam, but throughout GT's history it's always been about racing.
The Tokyo Route 246 track it based off a real road in Tokyo.

<a href="">YouTube Link</a>

And so is SSR7, London, Rome and Madrid.

You're still racing on them.

Not driving - start stopping at lights and being involved with everyday traffic (on those roads the conditions are like that). The tracks are made to be raced on. Otherwise they'd just make Tokyo or one of the other cities to drive on, not use roads to make an enclosed track.
I just want to drive a Holden around Bathurst. If I were to be picky, a HSV GTS (in premium with proper sounding V8 ). I like the game otherwise.
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I just want to drive a Holden around Bathurst. If I were to be picky, a HSV GTS (in premium with proper sounding V8 ). I like the game otherwise.

That would be a wicked drive, hopefully it will be a possibility for GT6.
The most important thing I feel PD need to massively improve upon from gt5 for gt6 is online racing, I really don't like the current lobbies system as I have to enter loads of rooms until I find one set up how I want to race, perhaps match making servers is the answer.
Also the game should make better use of internet connection in general, I want clubs leagues and leaderboards a proper trading system and perhaps things like co-op endurance races.
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To keep it simple I'll name just 5

1. Livery Editor for Car, pit crew, and Driver Avatar clothing
2. Online Drag Racing support
3. Online Randomly Generated Point to Point Rally Racing support (time based)
4. Dyno & Wind Tunnel along with the ability to adjust timing and fuel mixture
5. Event/Championship Creator

If those 5 things are added I can live with bad sound, bad damage, etc
I'd actually like to see all four features in the game. But I'll put them in order of which one I want the most to the one I don't particularly care about.

1. Improved Car Customization
2. Improved Car Collision and Car Crash
3. Improved Track Editor
4. Free Roam Mode

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