Motorcycles In Gran Turismo 5 a possiblity?

  • Thread starter ninjaghost
I was watching the intro to Tourist Trophy ( and the first 55 seconds dont look to bad, I'm not saying there Gran Turismo 5 Graphics and i know its just a video, but does anyone think that it could have been foreshadowing for GT5? PD did say that the GT5 trailer at E3 was just a small portion of the whole game.

Does anyone think that after a release of the super popular, Most wanted ps3 game Gt5, Would anyone put it down to play a Tourist Trophy 2? I would since im a fan of the game and ride a motorcycle, but Im not sure how many others would? I think it would be a good move to incorporate Bikes into GT5.

I hope they do
This has been discussed a fair amount before, and even though I want a new TT, I don't have the slightest clue as to why PD would include bikes in a GT game.
I hope not and I don't see why PD would merge two titles together. Tourist Trophy and GT are different games so people will not buy one or the other, they will buy the one that interests them, both or neither. By merging the two PD would be killing whatever sales TT2 would have got as a seperate title.

And as I said, I sincerely hope bikes arn't in GT5 and fortunately there is absolutely nothing to suggest that they will be.
This has been discussed a fair amount before, and even though I want a new TT, I don't have the slightest clue as to why PD would include bikes in a GT game.

That in a way is what annoys me about GT. They have kind of limited themselves. I would love to drive crazy overpowered offroad buggies and even maybe monster trucks in GT, iI don't see why adding more would hurt, as long as they have the main core physics and focus on cars in place. It would only make the game more fun, but im quite happy with damage and rally cars for this itteration though, hell it's funny how quiet the talk of damage has been, we didn't even expect it.
I hope not and I don't see why PD would merge two titles together. Tourist Trophy and GT are different games so people will not buy one or the other, they will buy the one that interests them, both or neither. By merging the two PD would be killing whatever sales TT2 would have got as a seperate title.

And as I said, I sincerely hope bikes arn't in GT5 and fortunately there is absolutely nothing to suggest that they will be.

Yea thats true, I like tourist Trophy and hope for a part 2,But i dont think the sales would be too good, Does anyone know the Sales figures on Tourist Trophy for ps2?

A DLC or something would be ok and have it as its on category of races instead of racing with cars just motorcycles only, but who knows? I wish i could ask Kaz himself. Im about to pop in my Rosetta Stone and learn Japanese lol
As someone who has played both GT and TT would love to see PD do motorcycles again in a game, but I think they should keep the the two genres seperate. If they tried to combine the two I can see them having to make too many compromises in gameplay and events, plus they would have to include two completely different physics models. As for including motorcycles as DLC at a later date, I believe it would be too much of a problem to amalgamate them in properly. However, it might be feasible to include one or two bikes as a taster if they are planning to release TT2 in the future but for the reasons given above, I personally doubt it. I will just have to hope TT wasn't a one off and TT2 is everything we all hope GT5 is going to be and more
what do you mean, i thought it was a good idea

OH rite lol, missunderstanding on my part, sry. I thought you meant we would be overwhelmed litteraly by GT5 if it had TT/bikes in it from the off, and you were saying it would be too much so we should pay for it via DLC lol. Maybe i should just go to bed, it's gettin late, im surprised how stupid i was to think that.

Edit: damn, too late, above post could have got me out of this one lol, but hey i agree, we want free DLC.
But then again, it would give them a REALLY good excuse to put the TT course in the game. Now, wouldn't that thrill your little rocks off ?
But then again, it would give them a REALLY good excuse to put the TT course in the game. Now, wouldn't that thrill your little rocks off ?

yea you never know what to expect from gran turismo... who knew in gran turismo 4 we would be driving a Ford Model T lol.... I say anything is possible with them... they give small hints with everything they do so who knows!!!!!!
I also dont like the idea of Motorcycles in the game.
Unless, in the main menu, you can choose between Arcade - GT - Tourist Trophy modes.
Like a whole TT career inside GT5. But i wouldnt like the idea of racing cars against bikes, save that for PGR.
But i wouldnt like the idea of racing cars against bikes, save that for PGR.

It sucked there, too. I don't know what the hell Bizarre was thinking, or who the hell even acknowledged the idea that a motorcycle can race along cars...safely.
GT5 is a CAR game. Anything with more than 2 wheels is welcome in GT5. If you want bikes, ask PD for a Tourist Trophy 2.
I hate to break it to some of the guys that like the idea, but all the signs point to a GT5 being exclusively a car game. Every single behind the scenes interview hints that GT is only gonna be a car game. That video was something put together for that show as they haven't released(or announced) a game with both cars and Motorcycles. Personally, I'd like it if this subject was not brought up as it obviously isn't gonna happen. Porsche being in GT is more likely to happen then Motorcycles being included.
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GT5 is a CAR game. Anything with more than 2 wheels is welcome in GT5. If you want bikes, ask PD for a Tourist Trophy 2.

So you rather drive this

than this
actually, that top car may seem fun to drive.

No, bikes shouldn't be in GT5, rather in a TT2 for PS3, where you would be able to race 30 more racers in Sarthe :D
I guess only few people have seen the GT 4 HD 1.4 video back in 2005 :lol:, they where racing a motorcycle next to LMP cars and it looks funny cause a GP motorcycle can't do a thing on every corner it just get past by. I wonder if someone is going to post it here to see how bad idea to mix cars and motorcycle in a same simulation game..
So you rather drive this

than this

Yes, yes I would, because:
1. If I crash, i have an airbag to hit
2. If I crash, I don't fly 100ft
3. It has a steering wheel
4. It has 2 headlights so I can actually see at night
5. A windshield with wipers, so I can go in the rain, and no bugs in my teeth on the open road.
NO!!! Gran Turismo is for cars!!!!! Tourist Trophy is for bikes......... is this not simple enough for people.........