Motorcycles in GT6?

  • Thread starter mjm23race
Nah the bikes would have to be in a seperate section for them to work,like the red and bikes together would just be a mess
Nah the bikes would have to be in a seperate section for them to work,like the red and bikes together would just be a mess
In a public lobby, yes, but I can imagine a run around the Nordschleife either chasing a bike, or being chased by a bike, or vise versa, with a clean buddy, would be a right laugh! Bike wheelying off down the straights with the car bearing down in the braking zones.

I do agree, public lobbies wouldn't work, but I really like the idea of running with a 'clean' and skilled buddy.
The bikes don't look too bad having played the game recently, perhaps helped by the lower resolution (but photomode doesn't reveal too much ugliness, except the usual texture work, which is slightly better as a result of the smaller area of a bike). They're certainly better looking than the Standards, but still not quite up to the "Premium look" people would prefer.

There is absolutely no need to remove anything from GT6 in "exchange".

TT did have the option of running at 1080i, so I would imagine they are quite detailed. IIRC (because my PS2 is deceased) they ran much fewer bikes on track because of the higher poly count.

I would forgive a great deal if PD popped this on us.
I say first fix and finish GT6 and then maybe it could work, I think it would be fun. Of course if they do ever decide to add bikes, then there would have to be an option to disable bikes in a lobby because it isn't to everybody's taste, but I like that idea.
I say first fix and finish GT6 and then maybe it could work, I think it would be fun. Of course if they do ever decide to add bikes, then there would have to be an option to disable bikes in a lobby because it isn't to everybody's taste, but I like that idea.

Well, cars are much faster on Nordschleife for example. Recently i raced for few laps there on Honda CBR600, and my laptime was around 8 minutes, so it's like ~450PP car lap time in GT6. I don't think that bikes overall can be much faster than 7:30, so online racing would be highly limited to lower PP racing, because bikes can't compete with cars with more power.
@andryush - I've never really looked at real bike lap times before. I am curious though, anyone know what the current best lap time on the Nordschleife is?
@andryush - I've never really looked at real bike lap times before. I am curious though, anyone know what the current best lap time on the Nordschleife is?

Hmm... probably its around 7:25...

I just have set my new lap record on CBR 600RR, it's 7:45.176, and it can be even faster, i think 7:40 is achievable for production CBR600RR. I think racing bikes on racing tyres would be able to do times around 7 minutes.
Hmm... probably its around 7:25...

I just have set my new lap record on CBR 600RR, it's 7:45.176, and it can be even faster, i think 7:40 is achievable for production CBR600RR. I think racing bikes on racing tyres would be able to do timets around 7 minutes.

Try with one of the 'special' bikes. I think they're endurance racing bikes.

Does TT have racing tyres? Or any option to change tyres? I honestly can't remember!

ETA the internet says they are Japanese tuner bikes.
There are a few real-life "tuner" bikes, such as the odd Moriwaki and Yoshimura, classified in the game as "Race" bikes, but there are many more PD-designed / fantasy "Race Mods", too. Many of those are basically just "super-sport" / track-prepped versions of existing bikes in the game, others are perhaps unlicensed "race replicas" of well-known bikes. But my knowledge isn't great in that area.

I believe bikes classified as "Race" do have race tyres, yes, but you can't put race tyres on "Normal" bikes. There you only get a choice between "street" and "production", probably reflecting the choice of "normal" and "simulation" tyres respectively in GTs of old (or perhaps "sport" and "comfort" these days).

What's interesting, having played the game again, is seeing where the user-selectable race numbers, selectable "gear" (clothing) and the visual changes to the vehicles with upgrades, limited to exhausts in TT (with a change in sound, still) originated from in GT5. There's also the beginnings of GT PSP's gameplay in the Challenge mode in TT, I think, too (which surely saved us from enduring such a thing in a proper GT game, although it might have its place as a side-show).

You can see the ambition in terms of race mods, which didn't quite come off with GT5, but there might still be something in that yet. Sound overall is generally more faithful in TT than in GT4 or GT5 / GT6, but still limited by their earliest design choices and current sample scheme - only the odd sports exhaust is a bit suspect. A brand new synthesis method is very useful for bikes, where simple / common exhaust changes can lead to marked differences in sound - I wouldn't be surprised if TT helped motivate the move to a new scheme, because that feature isn't available in the game (as a choice of configuration alongside performance considerations) despite being a staple of the bike ownership experience.

These little side-projects / experiments are really important for large creative companies.
I have just booted it up, and its as good as I remember!

Took the race mod cbr1000rr round the Nordschleife on racing softs, with +20% power and - 20% weight (:D), on 'simulation' mode in settings (seperate front/rear brake and manual crouch plus no TC), left it in auto.

Ran a 7:50 on my first lap with many offs, then a 7:35, with a few offs, should easily get under 7:30, maybe low 7:20 with lots of practice.

It's alot to think about, seperate rear brake, leaning forward and back, crouching, all whilst leaning around, tipping it in long before you think you should. Glad I left it in auto.

It's funny, back when i was first playing this, I didn't have the time for the Nordschleife. Now, after many thousands of miles in gt5 and 6 (3000 in 6 alone), I know it better then ever before. So to keep a half decent pace round it in TT is quite strange, as I never raced here in my first play through.

Thoroughly enjoyed it, huge speeds at the end of long straights requiring much earlier braking, but the acceleration is phenomenal. Cornering is slower in general, but I think with practice I will get faster.

I'm going to do some testing at tsukuba to compare with gt6 times. A high speed track like grand Valley I think aswell.
It's a car game if you want to race bikes why don't you buy moto gp or wsbk.?
Because compared to TT, they're awful.

PD has made an excellent bike game based on gt4, it would be great if they made a second version based on gt6, or included some in gt6 for some cross platform racing.
I think they need to work on a lot of basics before going off on a side project of this scale.
What scale?

I'm pretty sure they can handle both, assuming they plan for it. They've done it before, e.g. Omega Boost.

True "side projects" are a great way to quickly try out a few things and get relatively rapid feedback on them outside of the normal, slow moving development cycle. It's almost a necessity in creative professions.

TT2 wouldn't be a side project this time, though; if it's coming, it'll already have been woven into the development timeline far in advance, and will piggy-back on the developmental progress in the "main project". In that sense, "the basics" would be covered for both projects at the same time.
It's a car game if you want to race bikes why don't you buy moto gp or wsbk.?

Because Delta Wings, Red Bull X2k's, Go-Karts, and Lunar Rovers. That's why.

Plus, we want to mix them with cars while hot lapping & cruising, have select "car vs bike" challenges, and be able to race them on classic/iconic tracks from the GT series with friends who may or may not want to get a "motorcycles only" game (Tourist Trophy, a motorcycle sim, also by PD), without having to remove one disk from our home console systems to place in another game which has essentially the same physics, tracks, lighting, etc. when it could have easily been grouped together in one package.

And it's not just about "racing motorbikes", because if it was that simple, one could also
suggest playing Grand Theft Auto V for that matter, since you can race motorbikes in that game too.

Gran Turismo & TT are essentially the same games, so the idea of motorbikes in GT is actually feasible.

Edit: I truly & genuinely detest "well if you want this, then why not go [here]..." suggestions/responses. We want it in GT because we all feel (Or at least, I want it because I feel) GT is the best platform for all things driving related. Every driving/racing game in existence could benefit from PD's physics and tuning in my opinion. The insane, ultra realistic car models aren't always necessary for a good time, as proven by many games that I still enjoy to this day (although they do make for a nice picture/replay), but the core of GT is in "the drive", and the many variations of "the drive" that it offers...
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Aside from the issue of whether or not to mix the two "factions" (which is how it tends to come across) in-game, it's quite possible that the most "efficient" way to deliver a sequel to Tourist Trophy is to use Gran Turismo as the basis for that delivery. That wasn't possible on PS2, but on PS3 or PS4, things are a lot more flexible.

Whether that's as a DLC add-on or as a cross-compatible expandalone (where purchase of "TT2" gets you GT6 as well, say) is neither here nor there by that point.

Is a sequel really on its way? Kaz doesn't seem averse to the idea of putting bikes in GT6, and when TT was announced, Taku Imasaki said the motivation was to capture motorcycling enthusiasts who previously had no interest in games, much as GT does for car enthusiasts. There was also talk of them deliberately not making things too complex (in terms of tuning options) for "version one". And I suspect a new version would do well with some extra accessibility options and other compromises for casuals, as many people complained it was too hard - something about having to "brake" and "not fall off". :P
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Just raced on Midfield in TT...good old memories.:D Great track for bike racing, i love it, too bad it's not in GT5 and 6 :(

This game single player mode is far more fun and appealing than GT5 or GT6. I can't simply turn off the console, i want to race more and more. Riding motorcycles gives so much fun, even racing with AI opponent feels like good challenge (still im winning with 5-12 seconds of advantage over opponents in 3lap race in begginer class races)

Also i found out interesting thing. Racing line now and then.

In GT6 it's useless, if you drive with line on, your slooooow, and it's far from perfect driving line.

In Tourist Trophy following racing line is the key for achieving gold time in license tests! It is truly perfect racing line, not some line for dummies...

I think it's linked with AI in some way. Maybe it represents the level of AI in both games? Stupid in GT6 and pretty good in TT. :D

Also i'm really impressed with how detailed are bikes in TT, despite that it's PS2 game! I like to zoom in, turn bike around and simply look at my machine i main menu... :D

This game makes me want to do driving license for motorcycles and buy one for myself in real life! After all, it's not that expensive pleasure like sport cars!
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I personally think Cars and Bikes could co-exist in GT.

The truth is, they already have.
They were both available in GTHD and I am certain they could race eachother.

Edit: Slight error on my part, it was,the E3 demo of GTHD that had bikes and cars racing each other, the bikes were cut from the public release
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The truth is, they already have.
They were both available in GTHD and I am certain they could race eachother.

Edit: Slight error on my part, it was,the E3 demo of GTHD that had bikes and cars racing each other, the bikes were cut from the public release
I know it's ridiculous, but I'd pay good money for a copy of the E3 version.

Ideally they will have bikes in gt7 though.
If bikes were to be included, the name 'Gran Turismo' would become an artifact title, since the name itself is an exclusively automobile term. Just saying.
Based on what evidence?
There's nothing to prove mate. 'Gran Turismo' is a term that denotes a particular body style of car, so the title implies that the game is exclusively dedicated to four wheeled automobiles. Adding bikes would make that synecdoche nonexistent. Besides, would you also stick with the slogan 'The Real Driving Simulator'' if a vehicle that is ridden is included?
There's nothing to prove mate. 'Gran Turismo' is a term that denotes a particular body style of car, so the title implies that the game is exclusively dedicated to four wheeled automobiles. Adding bikes would make that synecdoche nonexistent. Besides, would you also stick with the slogan 'The Real Driving Simulator'' if a vehicle that is ridden is included?
Oh man. "Gran turismo" is the Italian name for the Grand Tour. Any use of the GT moniker is meant to evoke that once grandest of initiation rites, because we've had touring cars as long as we've had cars, but a grand tourer, well, that's grander, isn't it? Especially if there's any pretence involved.

There are GT bikes, by the way. It's a description of intended usage before it is a "body style", even ignoring the above. It's not as if GTs have a recognisable "body style" in the first place, although many are two door coupes.

TT was branded "The real riding simulator", it turns out they're just words after all.
There's a chance it might rain today.
There's a chance the entire universe might spontaneously cease to exist.

It proves that there's more to chance than the word itself.
I guess that's what I was getting at with my post
They call it the "real" driving simulator and no one bust them on that.

How about the real motorsports simulator, or the real racing simulator.
Because its not a real racing or motorsports simulator. It is literally a driving simulator, stuff like iRacing fits the racing bit, Motorsport is more F1/WRC games. As you don't have just racing cars.

The 'Its a driving simulator not a riding simulator' argument is flawed anyway. I mean, it's catchy. It sticks in people's brain. It's a slogan like "Intensify the everyday" on a Seat advert. It doesn't have to be 100% genuine, it just has to give a basic feeling of what something is, or make it stick in people's heads. "Real driving simulator" just works. Doesn't mean bikes can't be added, because (as said somewhere else in the thread) you drive in golf too...

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